
Year 0 of the Human Calendar - Holy Land of Xue - In front of the statue of the goddesses of life and peace

The next morning, Usain was in front of the bronze statue with his eyes closed.

[It seems that he is thanking them]



-Usain Mandela Lv. 14-

HP 100%

MP 13/13

Stamina 115/115

Brawn 14

Awareness 14

Endurance 8

Resistance 8


Page of Enlightenment

Fire Manipulation Lv. 1

Search Sense Lv. 1


Poison Tolerance

Pain Assimilated

11 years old


(Maria explains them to me)

[Pain Assimilated means that pain will not stop his movements]

[Poison Tolerance will stop some kinds of poisons from affecting his body]

[Search Sense is similar to your Life detection, but it only works with objects that he knows]

[And finally Fire Manipulation, this manipulation produces a combustion in its targets. This is a dangerous skill for others and for him]

(Even if he is a child, he may need to start his training now)

[Yeah or he could start a tragedy]

(I will tell Yue and Tang about it)


I was in front of the south gate with the couple.

"Don't worry about Usain, we will look after him" Yue

[They look happy to help]

"Take care Master Linjian" Tang

"I will go now" Linjian

There are people that need a helping hand.


-First month of convocation-

(Another day is over)

[Another quest is over]

I gained four levels this month.

(The mind experience gained by this is incredible)

[Quests usually gives more experience than hunting, that is true even in this world]

-Second month of convocation-

"MOMMY!" Xiaoyan

"Xiaoyan!" Jiahan

I save a pregnant woman from some horse-mounted cultivators while using my Earth knight.

"Trash, you dare to def..." Female cultivator

I grab her with my left hand and slam her to deep underground. There wasn't any sound because I used my earth manipulation to bury her instantly after she touched the ground.


I need to do a C-section.

"Nobody enter this room" Linjian

My Life Detection tells me that her baby is alive, but I need to be fast.

"I can save the baby but it will hurt you" Linjian

I don't have any anesthesia neither the time to wait for it to work.

"Do it" Jiahan

She answered from the bed.

"I don't care what happens to me, save my baby!" Jiahan

[At least, with your transmutation, you can close the incision better than any surgeon]


The three of them happily joined to the Holy Land of Xue after that.


[Tailoring is a skill that lets her manipulate clothes, in later levels she may be able to do a pseudo transmutation exclusively to clothes]

[Handiwork is a skill that increases her dexterity in work]

[Both of these skills don't need much MP so she will be able to increase their levels without the need of fighting spiritual creatures]



I gained three levels this month.

-Third month of convocation-

"I have seen you carrying that girl a lot, do you need help?" Linjian

The guard that was sent to follow Yue is in front of me.



The day after bringing him and his sister, Maria explained to me the new skill.

[Caring Touch is a skill that boosts the natural recovery of a person to some extend]



I gained three levels and...

(Should I tell Yue about the Life Detection reaction?)

[No, don't ruin the surprise]

-Fourth month of convocation-

Yue usually goes outside the walls on her free days.

"Master, I found someone outside!" Yue

And today She came accompanied.

"Hello there, I am the witch of the east. Nice to meet you" Shaolan

[She is a cheerful woman]



(Level 35! she is strong!)

[And it isn't only her level]

[Poison Immunity maker her unsusceptible to any poison]

[Poison Blood makes anyone in contact with her blood suffer from a terrible poison]

[And her Substance Maker Maker, this skill is a better version of your transmutation. It can create any non-solid Substance out of nothing with less mana consumption]

(What kind of life did she have to have these skills?)

[Judging by her smile, a fun one]


I gained three levels this month.

-Fifth month of convocation-

There is a house full of different clothes from the world of Maria in this kingdom, there is were I take every newcomer to see what kind of clothes they want.

Jackets, Jeans, Boots, High Heel Shoes, tennis shoes, capes, overcoats, sweaters, scarves, hats and more.

[I don't know how can cultivators live without those]

I only give three sets of clothes per people, I am not a tailor.

My level increased two times this month.

-Six months of convocation-

(Most of the people that agreed to come with me are people that are either running away of cultivators or hungry)

[Well, a decent adult will not follow an unknown man to an unknown place]


I gained two levels.

-Seven months of convocation-

I see a man lifting his right arm preparing to chop a baby in half.

"NOOOOO!!!" Joo Qianxun

And I cut that arm off.

"Whahh, whaaaah" Joo Fei


I cant believe what he was just about to do.

"HOW YOU DARE YOU T..." Joo Zhao

I bury him completely and every guard that forsaken a baby in danger.


I gained one level this month.

-Eight months of convocation-

I usually bring two or three people per day, I could bring more but it is more secure with less people.

Again, I gained one level.

-Nine months of convocation-

I gained one level for third month in a row.

(The mind experience is starting to be insufficient)

[It seems that way, but it isn't like you are doing it for that]

(You are right, this isn't for mind experience)

-Ten months of convocation-

I kept bringing people in, but I didn't win any level this month.

-Eleven months of convocation-

I gained one level in the first week and the next morning after my daily muscle training...



-Linjian Campbell Lv. 58(Max)-

HP 100%

MP 5900/5900

Stamina 185/180(+10)

Brawn 63(+6)

Awareness 61(+1)

Endurance 33(+16)

Resistance 32(+10)


Book of Appraisal

Earth Manipulation Lv. Max

Animal Whisperer Lv. Max

Life Detection Lv. Max

Mana Handling Lv. Max


Healthy mind in a healthy body (Endurance and Resistance + 10)

Trained body (Stamina + 10, Brawn and Endurance + 5)

Under clothes Earth Reinforce (Awareness, Brawn and Endurance + 1)

Reincarnation of Maria Campbell (MP 10000%)

29 years old
