Permanent unconsciousness

Year 20 of the Human Calendar - Southwest district of the Holy Land of Xue - Linjian house

(Tang POV)

"I am here again" Tang

"..." Linjian

He was sleeping in the same bed as yesterday.

"Uhh!" Linjian

Sometimes he screams of pain, and that is why only his disciples and Qianxun can enter this house..

This is not a face to show at people.

"..." Tang

I wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Today, we had new people coming in"

First, there were a couple per year.

But as the years passed, the quantity increased to almost two Hundred per year.

"It is already a fact that the System Serum that Qianxun creates is weaker than yours, but it works"

The System Serum made by Linjian take one night to make effect, but using other people's blood made it slower.

The new version took one week to awaken a system in people. We could take his blood while he sleeps, but even if he wouldn't care, We just cant use him as cattle.

"Agh!" Linjian

"Don't worry, the Holy Land of Xue is doing fine"

"..." Linjian

It may just be my imagination, but every time I say that it stops his screams.

"See you tomorrow, master Linjian" Tang

Informing him of the situation in the city is a morning habit for me.


Year 21 of the Human Calendar - Southwest district of the Holy Land of Xue - Linjian house

"Most of the immigrants are commoners, bronze rank cultivators with their families, and women escaping the harem" Tang

Today too, I am doing my daily habit.

"In the case they are cultivators, as always, Yue will take their Dantians out with the Water Manipulation and some medic would close the incision" Tang

"The Northwest district is almost full, so we started using the Northeast one" Tang

Little by little, this kingdom is becoming the biggest settlement in the world.

"See you tomorrow, master Linjian" Tang


Year 22 of the Human Calendar - Southwest district of the Holy Land of Xue - Linjian house

"As the literacy rate grows, the demand for book increases. So it was decided to increase the number of libraries" Tang

The books created by your hand aren't enough anymore.

"On each district now there stands a library, with copies of the original books and new ones that the residents created"

Their creativity is growing.

"Some of the books are really funny"



"Shaolan has created a new and unique product, a Mana potion that she called Ether" Tang

"A blue liquid in a Glass Flask that recovers 20 MP when drank"

A weaker, but more accessible, version of your Mana Stone.

"But it has some restrictions"

"First, It can only be used once each twelve hours"

Using more will have no effect.

"Second, It can only be used if there are 20 MP or more to recover"

If there is no MP to recover, the user will puke and have diarrhea for some time.

"And third, it has to be drunk instantly after opening it"

If not, it will lose its color and be useless.

"As for its taste, I would say that if I were to drink an insecticide it would probably taste like it"


Year 23 of the Human Calendar - Holy Land of Xue - In front of the statue of the goddesses of life and peace

"I promise under the statue of the goddesses of life and peace" Tang

I am on top of a platform with a crowd in front of me.

"That as the third chosen king, I will protect this land and every person on it"

"With my life if necessary!"

The crowd showed their approval by clapping.

"Congratulations, new king!" Yue



I only became a king because of the three term limit, but even so...

"I hope I can be a king that you are proud of" Tang

"..." Linjian


Year 24 of the Human Calendar - Southwest district of the Holy Land of Xue - Linjian house

After thirteen years, Linjian's screams completely disappeared.

According to the Analyze ability of Qianxun, it seems that the reason is because he now has the Pain Assimilated Status.

"At least it's an improvement" Tang

"..." Linjian



"Yesterday was the last night of the old year, Happy new year Linjian" Tang

"..." Linjian

"This year too, my daughter's voice boomed to every corner of the land. Recovering everyone mana"

"... I hope next year you can hear it too"


Year 28 of the Human Calendar - Southwest district of the Holy Land of Xue - Linjian house

As the time changes, the fashion sense changes too.

"Don't get too surprised when you get out and see the hair of the people" Tang

Even as a king I didn't stop coming here.

"Pink, Blue, red, green and others"

It really is colorful.

"I really don't get it, but I guess they like to dye their hair"


Year 29 of the Human Calendar - West wall of the Holy Land of Xue - On the wall

The immigration seems to be affecting the cities.

"How many did they come this time" Tang

"Three gold rank cultivators and ten silver ones" Usain

The cultivators are starting to come here, and they are not looking for a home.

"Keep me informed" Tang


Year 30 of the Human Calendar - Southwest district of the Holy Land of Xue - Linjian house

The attacks never stopped.

"Shaolan got tired of the constant attacks and went towards them, together with Usain" Tang

We were able to find the location of the two lesser cities with gold city lords with the help of one deserter.

"I can only feel pity for those who made her angry"

Right now, Shaolan is the strongest human in this land. And probably in the world too.



At the end of the year, Shaolan came with a crowd of people following her.

"As I expected, the gold rank city lords aren't a threat to those two" Tang

"..." Linjian

"To accommodate the commoners from the two cities in our kingdom, we inaugurated the Southeast district"

This land is getting too small, We need to create new walls soon.

"After leading the commoners to the Holy land, Shaolan and Usain decided to go on a journey to find the last city in this continent"

"I really hope we find them before they do"

All the cultivators of this continent are now focused on that place.


Year 31 of the Human Calendar - West wall of the Holy Land of Xue - On the wall

(Hom POV)

Half the year has passed and While I was at my post...

"Are those... Gold rank spirit creatures?" Hom

A large number of spirit creatures, such as I have never seen together before, are approaching this place.

"Sound the alarm!" Hom

This may involve something bigger.