Greedy Taotie

Year 37 of the Human Calendar - City Lord Domain of Greedy Taotie city - City Lord mansion

Coming off the ground, I found a mansion of three floors with its owner on the top floor.

"..." Linjian

I jump to one of the various open windows while holding the black pillar on my right shoulder.

The interior of the top floor was an open space filled with green flowers.

"What an uncivilized guest" ???

A woman was in the center of the flower garden.

Her skin is so pale that it was almost green...

[That is not healthy at all]

The palms of her hands were like a baby's, like a helpless baby who never did any hard work in her life.

Her hair came down to her thighs...

[What a stupidly long hair. Going to the bathroom with that thing on her head must be a real chore]

"I am the empress of the south, the beauty of jade among the beauties of jade, Murong Xiu"

She introduced herself while raising both arms to make her hair wave in the air.

[So that's the best the cultivation world can do... I'm not impressed]

(It's kinda disgusting)

"My name is Linjian Campbell and I am the The Anointed King of the Kingdom-state of Ziyun" Linjian



-Murong Xiu Jade Rank grade 8 -

HP 100%

SP 85/88

Stamina 187/187

Brawn 86(+3)

Awareness 88(+5)

Endurance 43(+3)

Resistance 44(+5)


Primordial Spirit Bloodline (Brawn and Endurance + 3, Awareness and Resistance + 5)

872 years old


[She doesn't seem to excel at anything]

(She must have some secret ability)

[Be on guard]

"My beauty is not for people like you to see" Murong Xiu

[Here she comes!]

"Law of charm!" Murong Xiu

The pupils and whites of his eyes turn green.

"...!" Linjian

From the moment my eye makes contact with her, I can feel something invading my being.


And I start to lose the control of my body.

[Oh no! It is a mental attack!]

I struggle to stay on my feet.

"Let my embrace reach the inner part of your soul" Murong Xiu

I mustn't...

"Sleep forever, commoner" Murong Xiu



[Not on my shift!]

"!!!" Murong Xiu

[Get the hell out of here, B*tch]


"Ghaa!" Murong Xiu

I regained my fading consciousness to see the city lord coughing up blood.

"Two souls?! Impossible!!" Murong Xiu

It seems to be a technique that should be used on only one person at a time.

(Thanks, Maria)

[No problem]

"Trash! you are done for!" Murong Xiu

His hair begins to grow even more.

"Greedy Taotie Form!" Murong Xiu



-Murong Xiu Jade Rank grade 8 -

HP 76%

SP 65/88

Stamina 150/187

Brawn 86(+28)

Awareness 88(+40)

Endurance 43(+28)

Resistance 44(+40)


Primordial Spirit Bloodline (Brawn and Endurance + 3, Awareness and Resistance + 5)

Spirit Greedy Taotie Form (Brawn and Endurance + 25, Awareness and Resistance + 35)

872 years old


"Charming black wave of death!" Murong Xiu

All of her hair, which now covers all the floor behind her, is coming my way.

(It is your time to shine Black pillar)

[Lets see if those months of work where useful]

"Graphene Pillar - Asteroid" Linjian

I jump in her direction with all my strength and the Graphene Pillar became a spherical black ball of two meters radius with me inside.

*Clink* * Clank*

"What!!" Murong Xiu

Her hair is useless against the defense and increasing speed of the Asteroid.

"Presumptuous!" Murong Xiu

She tries to punch the incoming ball by covering her left arm with hair.

"Graphene Pillar..." Linjian

But the Asteroid wraps her body instantly before she can act.

"Compress" Linjian

Both my arms and the Graphene under Earth Manipulation, Compress the cultivator.


Blood comes out of a hole of 1 cm in the back of the sphere.


The remaining hair loses all strength and fall to the ground.

"My wife was much more beautiful than you" Linjian




After dealing with the sick and the family heads, the crew was ready for the part two of the plan.


The speech is going to be the same for all the cities.

"Have you ever..."



"Mai, Are you ready?" Linjian

"I am ready!" Mai

She stands in the center of the ship.

"Song of Mana - Music of heavens" Mai

The song could have been the same one for all the cities, but Mai didn't accept that.

In order to put her feelings into the song, she needed them to be different.


"The blue times tells me goodbye♪"

"My sheltering umbrella casts me aside♪"

"Without me noticing, summer came to visit♪"

"I howl, where am I? Who I am?♪"

"I kill the destination so that there is no end♪"

"I stitch the scenery together until there is nothing familiar left♪"

"I cant step out of this forest I have built for myself♪"

"Why haven't I started walking?♪"

"Why haven't I made anything?♪"

"And so nothing has started♪"

"I surpass the corpses and those who rot to move forward♪"

"The blade of impulse that I ring out now smashes up the world!♪"

"Before the glow of sunset overtakes me♪"

"I don't care about that soggy, broken up, and ugly past♪"

"Music of heavens♪"
