Chapter 03: Mining Trouble and Platinum Quest - Part 2

I looked at the map once again, and I am at the entrance of the eastern forest. It is kind of impossible to mine in the middle of the forest without small cliffs or something, right?

I know how to take the quest, but I don't know where is the mine.

"Haah, I should finish this quest. I think other beta testers know about this quest" I said while looking at the map. There are small rock formations that can be used in mining nearby.

I didn't hesitate and proceed on walking. But it seems like it is not going to be smooth.

There are [Wild Rabbits] ahead, and it seems like there are no players here because this place is a level 5 zone. So even the weakest rabbits are at least level 5.

I don't have [Appraisal] yet but due to my stats, even someone attacks me, there will be no problem.

I started running and I noticed that I am already in the nest of the [Wild Rabbit] just by my first step.

"I forgot that I am fast!" I groaned and immediately regained my posture and used the first skill.

[Elemental Strike: Dark!]

The dull sword surrounded the sword, and it formed a demon-like sword.

I attacked the rabbits and in one hit, one rabbit died.


[You defeated a level 5 [Wild Rabbit! 20 EXP gained~]

[You defeated a level 5 [Wild Rabbit! 20 EXP gained~]

[You defeated a level 5 [Wild Rabbit! 20 EXP gained~]

[You leveled up!]

[You defeated a level 6 [Wild Rabbit! 25 EXP gained~]

[You defeated a level 8 [Wild Rabbit! 35 EXP gained~]

[You defeated a level 5 [Wild Rabbit! 20 EXP gained~]

[You defeated a level 5 [Wild Rabbit! 20 EXP gained~]

[You leveled up!]




I defeated all [Wild Rabbits] in their den.

[Level: 7 (250/350)]

In two minutes, I defeated more than seventy rabbits and leveled up to seven. I checked the stats and I got 70 undistributed points. They are all Level 5 to Level 8.

At every level, you will get 5 undistributed points but due to my class, Sage Swordsman, I will get additional 5 undistributed points to consume.

Undistributed points are for upgrading stats, there are also points called Skill points to upgrade a skill mastery. For normal players, without a special class like me, they will only get 10 points but in my case, they are doubled.

Undistributed Points: 70

Skill Points: 100

And I distributed my 70 points to intelligence because of sword-magic skills such as [Elemental Strike] and [Water Severing Slash]. My intelligence immediately skyrocketed from 712 to 782.

'I feel like I am cheating' I said to myself as I distributed the 50 points on [Elemental Strike] and [Blessing of the Sea God], leveling them up to level 3 and 2 respectively.

There are two ways of upgrading the skills: By using them all the time and upgrading them using skill points.

On the battle earlier, I used the combination of [Elemental Strike] and [Water Severing Slash] and leveled them up immediately to level 2.

I am amazed that in two minutes, I immediately became level 7. When I am at the closed beta test, I reached Level 10 for an hour.

When I was about to leave, the system interrupted and warned me.


[Boss [Fire Rabbit] Lv.15 Appeared!]

Ah~ The boss appeared.

It is common for every extermination raid or farming. After the annihilation of the whole species, their boss will appear.

'If I am right, it has two skills. [Fire Stomp] and [Leap]' I thought as I evaded the [Fire Stomp] of the [Fire Rabbit]

Every species with [Elements] on their names always have a weakness. The [Elements] are fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, sun, moon, light, and dark. The physical attacks can't damage them.

The weakness of fire is water, lightning, and dark. Since, out of all offensive elements, the lightning is the strongest, I might destroy the den in one hit.

Then, I will use water or dark. But my skill, [Elemental Strike] is on cooldown. Even if I'm level 1000, I can't damage the [Elemental Species] with physical attacks.

'Hmm~ Ah'

I finally know how to deal with it! It is in the system itself. [[Active] Creation Skills: Off]

It took me a while to look at the settings of the system. It is a free skill provided by the system. Furthermore, it is to create original skills, and it is unlimited. It is one of the privileges that the system gave to the beta testers.

Since I know the feeling of mana in the game, I started to gather the mana stored in my body and concentrated it in my hand. I imagined it as I used my fire magic when I am playing the beta test of this game.

[Bursting Beam!]

The fire concentrated my hand released, and it is destroyed everything on a straight path. It is a level 500 skill, [Bursting Beam]

[Active Skill: Bursting Beam Lv.1

-Destroys everything in a certain path controlled by the user.

Mana: 5000

Cooldown: 3 Minutes]

The system didn't say anything because it is already at the system itself. There is always an announcement for every "First" on everything.

At this time, there is obviously no one who can create original magic on the first day of the game, isn't it? If there is, they are the beta testers.

I should proceed I did something terrible here, I must go to the mine!

I continued walking and encountered another set of monsters and this time, they are [Viper Snake], a poisonous snake that decreases 200 damage per second.

Since my mana is currently, inexhaustible and my health is kind of high, there is no problem dealing with it. Even if it can poison me, I am immune to all abnormalities using [Body of a God]

(Current Health and Mana:)

[Health: 11000/11000

Mana: 2737000/2737000]

I immediately used [Slash] for it to level up. It is the easiest skill that can level up because of its cooldown. I used [Slash] every five seconds.

[You defeated a level 10 [Viper Snake]! 45 EXP gained~]

[You defeated a level 9 [Viper Snake]! 40 EXP gained~]


I immediately leveled up to level 10 for killing more than 25 of them, my [Slash] also leveled up to level 3 just like [Water Severing Slash].

I distributed the undistributed points and skill points. These are the results:

[Name: Theo

Level: 10 (485/500)

Health: 14000/14000

Mana: 3875000/3875000

Strength: 735

Intelligence: 785

Agility: 715

Dexterity: 715

Defense: 715

Luck: 1115

Charm: 1115

Comprehension: 1115]

Some equipment dropped. Since, once you killed a monster, it will automatically transfer it in your inventory, I didn't bother looking back.

These are the drops that I got:

[Wild Rabbit Horns] x97

[White Boots] x1

[Wild Rabbit Leather] x115

[Fire Rabbit Armor] x1

[Elemental Core] x1

[Skill Book: Fire Stomp] x1

[Skill Book: Leap] x1

[Skill Book: Instant Movement] x10

[Fire Rabbit Boots] x1

[Fire Rabbit Leather] x10

[Viper Venom] x32

[Viper Skin] x35

[Skill Book: Poison Aura] x1

[Inexhaustible Poison Sword] x1

"Having great luck gives you a fortune! God! It dropped every skill of the monsters I hunted! Every skill book has a 0.01% chance of dropping!" I laughed maniacally.

'I should learn all of them and equip the armor and boots of the [Fire Rabbit] and the sword that dropped from the [Viper Snake]'

[Gear Item: Fire Armor (Rare)

Description: It is made out of the element-leather skin of the Fire Rabbit

Restriction: Level 10

Set: Fire-Rabbit Snake: 2/5

Effect: When equipped, you can use [Fire Barrier]

+20 Defense

-50�mage Reduction on every first hit of an enemy]

[Gear Item: Fire Boots (Rare)

Description: It is made out of nails and leather of the Fire Rabbit

Restriction: Level 10

Set: Fire-Rabbit Set: 2/5

Effect: When equipped, you can use [Pyra Leap]

+20 Agility

-20% Movement Speed when you use fire element attacks]

[Weapon Item: Inexhaustible Poison Sword (Myth)

Description: The legendary sword that almost no one can create. A sword created in the tummy of the [Viper Snake] that comes out every thousand years.

Restriction: Water Elemental Classes.

Set: Inexhaustible Set: 1/3

Effects: 100% chance of fatal poison strike

+50 Strength]

'Very Good Items!' I said as I equipped them with better equipment. I also took out the skill books and learned them. Fire Stomp, Instant Movement, and Poison Aura skills are for physical weapon-type skills, while the [Leap] is available in every class.

[Active Skill: Fire Stomp Lv.1 (Unique)

-Stomp at the ground, 10% chance of making the ground change its property into magma

Mana: 100

Cooldown: 1 Minute]

[Active Skill: Leap Lv.1 (Rare)

-Leap from the ground higher, the chance of evasion rate is 20%. Luck can affect this skill.

Mana: 10

Cooldown: 5 Seconds]

[Active Skills: Instant Movement Lv.1 (Legendary)

-A spatial technique that will immediately be teleported to a certain area within a 30-meter radius.

Mana: 50

Cooldown: 5 Minutes]

[Passive Skills: Poison Aura Lv. EX (Legendary)

-Every strike will deal 20% physical damage and there is a 30% chance of poisoning the opponent.]

Every skill also has its own grades. On the skills that I already have, they don't have grades because they are class-related skills. The grades are common, uncommon, rare, unique. Hidden, legendary, and myth.

"I got two passive on the first day! Not bad!"