Chapter 08: Dungeon and Three Mysterious Players - Part 1

After the insane stats that the system showed me. I said to myself, 'I am basically invincible'

On the second day, the average levels you can see everywhere are level 10 and there is no way there is someone more than level 20.

I equipped the equipment that I got and here are the results:


Primary Weapon: Heroic Sword

Secondary Weapon: Inexhaustible Poison Sword

Armor (4/5):

1. Inexhaustible Bleeding Gloves (Gloves)

2. Fire Armor (Chestplate)

3. Elemental Cloak (Cloak)

4. Elemental Boots (Boots)

5. None (Helmet)

My [Inexhaustible Set]'s gloves and sword gave me 100% bleeding and poison.

My [Elemental Set]'s cloak and boots gave me an advantage for being an assassin.

My [Fire Armor] that I still equipped gave me -50% damage reduction in every first hit I take on every opponent and finally the sword of [Heroic Set]'s Heroic Sword as the main weapon will greatly increase the damage of my skills by 1000%

Using that equipment, I am definitely invincible.

I also noticed the skill that I got from earlier, [Skill Fusion]

After I said the name of the skill, a window interface appeared in front of me. It shows two columns of the list of skills that I can combine. [1]

I checked the skills and both of the skills that I think I want to fuse are available.

[Are you sure that you want these two skills to fuse? (God of the Body Lv. EX and Absolute Resistance Lv. EX (Myth) Success Rate: 0.01%, Y/N?]

I tapped yes.


[Fusing Failed.]

The first try failed.


[Fusing Failed.]

The second try failed.

The third try failed.

Fifth, sixth, seventh... Eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth... Twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth...

32nd Try...



[Congratulations! You achieved the impossible achievement! Creating a new type of equipment grade...]

[Do you want to announce it? Y/N, If yes, choose one of the names following: 1. Theo, 2. Lunar Scythe]

'Finally! I spent more than 30 million mana!'

I looked at the interface and rejected it. Another notification appeared.

[You rejected the offer, rewards will be given shortly]

'Why do I feel that the system said different this time?'

[You opened a new grade [Celestial]. You can create a weapon with a celestial grade for the first weapon that you can create with the [All-Round Genius]. This new function will be announced at the later date on the official news website of Olympus. +5 levels acquired. Title: Creator]

[Name: Theo

Level: 47

Race: High Human

Class: Sea God [Locked], Sage Spearman [Locked], Sage Archer [Locked], Sage [Locked], Sage Swordsman, Sage Assassin, Hidden Class: Sage Dual Wielder

Job: God [Locked], Entity [Locked], All-Round Genius

Titles: Beta Tester, Successor of Poseidon, Hero I, Sage Genius, Baron of the Orion Kingdom, High Figure, 100 Level Gap Killer, Impossible Achiever, Creator

Health: 51000/51000

Mana: Infinity

Strength: 1783 (+100)

Intelligence: 1838 (+100)

Agility: 1763 (+100)

Dexterity: 1623 (+100)

Defense: 1623 (+100)

Awareness: Infinity

Luck: 2043 (+100)

Charm: 3123 (+100)

Comprehension: 3023 (+100)

Fame: 4100

Wealth: 3 Diamonds

EXP gain: x5 Permanent]

[Title: Creator

Description: Creating weapons, [Locked], [Locked], [Locked], [Locked] with +45% rate. It also depends on your luck.]

"Hmm, it will gonna be useful in the future" I muttered as I walked in the forest without any noise of my footsteps. '[Elemental Boots] is really great'

I am on the way back to the Pyramy Village and I wore the hood attached to the [Elemental Cloak] so that I can't create a ruckus since many people already knew my face as Theo. If the NPC sees my face, they will definitely come to me...

I am walking back roughly because of several monsters that I encounter. But I dealt with it very fast and killed it with a single slash. While on the way, I realized that I still haven't seen the new skill that I got after combining [Body of a God] and [Absolute Resistance]...

I opened the status and stared at the passive skill part.

[Sea God's Might Lv. EX (Celestial)

-No abnormal and natural effects can affect you. Magic resistance and Physical resistance also have a 10% increase]

I am very happy with the result! I tried to find the original skills but nothing showed. It seems like fusing really makes the skill combined fully.

When I am finally out of the forest, I can see the village from here and I started to run. With my base movement speed (agility). I can definitely run there for a minute despite being more than 50 kilometers. If I have the movement skills, I can probably reach there in half a minute.

I went inside the village with the hoods on and stroll in the village.

'Ah, I am back here...' I said as I walk towards NPC Bruce.

"Oh, hero! You are back! We are grateful for your assistance! Here are the rewards!"

[Quest Completed! You received:

5 Gold

+100 Reputation in [Pyramy Village]

Skill: Appraisal

Skill: Identify

+5 Levels]

I nod my head and immediately left after taking the rewards. I immediately opened the inventory and learn the skills.

After learning it, the skill books scattered like a mirror and disappeared like a bubble.

[Active Skill: Appraisal

-Ability to see the stats of a certain living target (Lowest)

Mana: None

Cooldown: 5 Seconds]

[Active Skill: Identify

-Ability to see the stats and what it is for non-living beings (Lowest)

Mana: None

Cooldown: 5 Seconds]

'Now I can see the stats of the monsters I will face!' I said to myself as I leave the village.

Then, put the skill points on both [Appraisal] and [Identify].

I still have 500 points I saved for them. I put 250 on both of them and they immediately leveled up to level 3

[Active Skill: Appraisal

-Ability to see the stats of a certain living target (Low)

Mana: None

Cooldown: 5 Seconds]

[Active Skill: Identify

-Ability to see the stats and what it is for non-living beings (Low)

Mana: None

Cooldown: 5 Seconds]

This is enough for a level 47 like me. 'Ah~ Speaking of skills, I have continuous skills that have the duration based on my mana.'

Ah, those are [Elemental Step] and [Elemental Inflict]. I can use the [Elemental Step] instantaneously but the [Elemental Step] needs to be in combat.

[Elemental Step]

'As far as I know, Players can control their speed so it is okay to walk slowly and go around the village or go to another kingdom. If I am guessing right, this skill might be a passive skill once it reaches lv. EX or lv. 11'

I stepped and step on one after another. Since I have infinite mana, I have no reason to be nervous about the amount of my mana.

It will recover after midnight on this game (afternoon) in the real world.

Then, if I do this for a whole day in-game time, I can definitely level this skill up from level 1 to lv. EX in the span of 2 to 3 days in-game time.

"I am pretty much a cheater on this game, huh?" I muttered as I walk without knowing where to go next.

Ah! An idea came up on my mind!

It is common on RPG games to have this~ But first, I need to hide my stats. They might cause me some trouble if they know that I am Lunar Scythe.

Also, I am currently level 47 and when I reach level 50, I may need a pet or mount that can help me in battle. It is a must for a level 50 player after taking 'that' test.

I should buy a [Capturing Capsule (Superior)] first. It is worth 2 golds. I can buy two capsules. I feel that I don't want to use the diamond coin since I know its value.

I walked around the town and looked for someone, I am finding an NPC called [NPC Klaus]. It is the only tamer in this town.

I saw him on a narrow alley, drinking a beer. He is basically disguising himself as a beggar or drunkard.

"Old man, I want to buy two superior [Capturing Capsule]"

I know his personality, he liked person. That is why I addressed him as an old man than Klaus. He suddenly laughed which jumped me out of shock.

"Fine! Take this five [Capturing Capsule] and I will give you a discount! I will only take 5 gold since you are the very first young lad who talked to me informally! HAHA," He said as he laughed while I took the 5 gold that I got from the quest of NPC Bruce.

"Deal! Let fate decide where we can meet again, old man" He stared at me while laughing. I threw the five gold coins on his lap and he muttered, "Interesting..."

I heard him saying that. And I looked at the stats of the item using [Identify:]

[Capturing Capsule (Superior)

Description: An item used for capturing normal monsters (100%), unique monsters (90%), mini-bosses (70%) and bosses (10%)

-To make the captured monster your pet or mount, learn [Taming Magic] or [Taming Job] from different tamer NPC]

I checked the stats once again and changed it using [Stat Concealer] into level 12 with more than average stats.

I also unequipped both of my swords and stored my [Capturing Capsule]

"I am ready!"

I ran with the speed of a normal level 12 swordsman. And entered the [Treant's Southern Forest], a forest where dungeons gather.


Yes, dungeons.

It is already a famous term used in RPG games but it is a place where monsters, mini-bosses, and boss with different species reside. It is similar to a den but on a den, there is only one type of monster there.

There are five difficulties in the dungeons: Hydro, Terra, Aeria, Pyro, and Lyra from lowest to highest difficulty. You can also call them easy, normal, hard, difficult, and extreme.

Normal players can only run in a normal dungeon but several players can hunt inside the hard dungeon.

And here, I am in front of a dungeon for lv.12.

"Looking for level 10 to level 15 high DPS players!"

"Looking for level 12 magic-type classes!"

"Looking for a fast player with level 10 to 15!"

The yell of the players who are finding party members felt nice. It is like when I am with her...

I wonder if she still plays this game?

I don't know but I suddenly remembered 'that' girl that Iー NO! 'Stop spacing out!' I said to myself as I felt something is missing inside my heart.

"I want her to join me again" I muttered and suddenly, a player reached out to me and said, "Looking for a party?" a man with the age of 18 years old or older with black eyes and hair reached his left hand to me.

I looked at his hands and remembered a memory that can't be removed inside my heart. I also acted like an assassin, a cold-blooded person.

"Based on your clothing, and the restrictions of those equipments, you are a wizard but at the same time, an assassin? We can't appraise the stats of your equipments, what level did you get these?" The woman with a mage equipment said as she identifies my equipments.

I stepped back and the man with red hair and red eyes laughs, 'Based on his equipments, he is a swordsman'

"We don't intend to do that! I know that's what you think, right?" he continued as he finished laughing.

It is a party of 5 people, the first three are the three people in front of me, behind them are their other members, 'Holy Knight, Paladin, and an archer?'

I thought while appraising them. "But that is really weird, it is the first time I see something like those equipments! Their restrictions are for elemental classes but you really look like an unarmed assassin! I already saw other equipment like those but they are swordsman, spearman, and archer!" the mage said as she showed a curious look on her face.

"My class is [Sage Assassin], a unique class. As for my equipments, I bought them through the official online market of Olympus" I replied as I withdrew my stance of assassination arts.

I never lied to them, I have [Sage Assassin] beside [Sage Swordsman] and [Sage Dual Wielder]. I already thought about this earlier... I will get two identities, Theo as a [Sage Assassin] and Lunar Scythe, a [Sage Dual-Wielder] or [Sage Swordsman]

Besides my class, I also never lied about the market on the official website of Olympus. It is a website for the player who wants to buy equipments at the early stages of the game. The equipments are coming from the developers themselves.

"A unique class! Ah~ by the way, I am Rufus, the leader of the Cold-blooded team and a Lance-type class called [Fire Spearman]" Rufus said as he continued, "You are fit to be in this party because of your coldness!"

I am annoyed but it is really weird if someone saw me entering a hard dungeon without a party.

"What is the difficulty of the dungeon you will enter to?" I asked coldly.

"Aeria!" He replied as I sighed, 'Hard difficulty, I can join them. Even if the PK me, I can kill them in one-hit after all'

"Okay, I'll join the party," I said as they jumped out of happiness. 'Why are they happy?'

"You looked like sixteen years old but you have a temperament of twenty years old! You are more mature than me!" Rufus said as he tapped in the air.

The status interface is invisible in front of other players but based on the movement of his hands, he will definitely not equip something but to either invite me to the party, blacklist me or add friend me.


[Player Rufus invited you to their party! Join or Refuse?]

I tapped join and several names popped out of the interface and the swordsman said, "Even though you can see our names in the party list, I will introduce the members by myself. I am Ain, a swordsman-type class called [Master Swordsman], the mage here is Atalina, a [Pure-blooded Mage]. The bulky guy here is Cuitos, [Holy Knight], this skinny guy, Yuno is an archer-type class called [Flame Archer] and lastly, the [Pure-blooded Paladin], Viole" Ain said as he introduces the members.

'Magic-type classes can cast fire magic which is definitely useful here and the physical dealers are balanced, this is a good team!' I thought and verbally said, "Nice to meet you, when can we enter?"

"We are the 5th set of the team for the hard difficulty, the current one running in the dungeon is the 4th set," Rufus said as I sat down the boulder next to the archer called Yuno.

It is a rule created by the players for dungeon running... There must have only one team inside different difficulty dungeons or the drops will become a mess.

Some drops might get stolen and the argument between teams will definitely erupt. They might cause a death battle inside the dungeon for a drop.

"Rufus, Ain, and Viole are level 14, huh? The rest are level 13 and I am level 12... What is the highest level that was known?" I asked Yuno who is beside me. He replied, "Level 15 is the highest known level. His name is Xela, a [Magic Swordsman]. Though the Equinox Flower, Solar Sword, and Lunar Scythe's level are all a mystery, after all. Everyone theorizes that they are level 17 to level 20"

'I am level 47, though. I am also interested in Equinox Flower and Solar Sword...'

"Do you know anything about those three players?" I asked and the paladin, Viole who is next to Yuno overheard our conversation and started to join, "Equinox Flower and Lunar Scythe is a complete mystery. Nobody saw them. They even asked NPC in the village but nobody knows that name. Solar Sword is different. It is publicized that he is part of the Skyhigh Corporation, one of the top companies in America. Many major companies immediately asked or forced the information out of the company. The employee said that they definitely didn't know because there is no one playing that game there. His name may be unknown"

"How'd you know about that information?" I asked curiously. His face reddened and replied, "Well... I am a fan of them. They are amazing people who achieved impossible achievements for the first day!"

'Haha, we already have admirers?' I secretly laughed as I said, "They are indeed amazing and mysterious"