Chapter 12: Party and Preparation - Lily Part

After the dungeon running, I started to walk towards the [Orion Kingdom]. It is very far away from the [Pyramy Village].

I also received the awards and it didn't do anything much to me, I only got +1050 fame in total, got the titles called [Contributor] and [Dungeon Conqueror], 4 golds in total and weirdly, I also got the [Assassin King] title.

[Title: Contributor

Description: Every event will give you x2 contribution points.]

[Title: Dungeon Conqueror

Description: The title that is only given by the gods who entered the [Dungeon Leaderboards- 1st Stone]

Effect: +20 Stats (Its effect will only be effective inside a dungeon)]

[Title: Assassin King

Description: A title bestowed upon you by proving your worthiness to your allies and gods. You've been recognized.

Effect: [Assassin King's Successor] will be added to your class.]

'I am not only the sea god's successor but I am also the assassin king's successor, too?' I heaved a sigh while walking in the forest. This forest is the inner zone of the forest called [Ilpsam's Western Forest].

The title also gave me a quest.

[Quest: Find the ancient city of Elshear (Class-Related)

Description: You have the recognition of the god to become the [Assassin King]. To become the next [Assassin King], find the [Ancient City of Elshear]

Rewards: Unknown

Failure: Unknown]

'Elshear Kingdom, huh?' I said to myself as I sigh once again.

I am too lazy to do this quest, honestly. But I felt that I have to do this, no matter what.

I looked at my clock and I saw it is already 8:15 PM in this game while 8:15 AM in the real world. 'I have a long day, huh? Dungeon running took almost 2 and a half hours and it seems like I am walking for more than 10 hours, huh?'

I logged out and the transition appeared.

I opened my eyes with the hatch from the game capsule is opening. I double-checked the time and confirmed that it is currently 8:15 in the morning.

I stretched my body after leaving the capsule and left the house to start jogging.

Many people recognized me and many don't while jogging. I am pretty famous in our area because of the bragging of my parents about my achievements such as being ranked 1 in school or being a genius at martial arts but I don't care if I became famous or not. I just want a slow life.

Many people looked at me as if they saw something amazing. 'Is it possible because of my appearance again?'

I didn't mind about their gazes at me but I can't help to hear comments such as "Who's that guy? He is charming" or something.

'I wonder what really happened to me and gained a more charming appearance that I even influenced my parents from being strict to very loving parents' I thought as I saw someone from our gate.

She is familiar. She has the same silver hair like me but her eyes are beautiful. Her eyes have a combination of the colors blue and black while blue is dominant.

She is our oldest sibling, Lily. She looks like 18 but she is really 20 years old.

Our age always has a gap of two, therefore, Rafaela is 14, I am 16, my big brother is 18 while my big sister is 20. Though, not all the time since I am born on January 15, 2013. I will eventually become 17 years old soon.

She is always not at home because she focused on her current studies and it is already been a long time since she visited us.

"I knew it, you jogged again, Theo" Big sister said as she walked towards me and pats my head.

I don't know why but I hate patting my head but on my big sister's pat, It really feels comfortable.

"How'd you know, big sister?" I asked and she replied, "My great intuition... Forget about that but it feels like you've become taller and more charming, huh? Do you have a girlfriend already?" She asked as my face blushed out of embarrassment.

She was silently looking at my blushing face and started to chuckle. "Don't worry, anytime sooner, you'll get one because of your charming appearance!" She said as she continued patting my head.

"Let's go inside!" She said as she held my hands and immediately entered the household.


"Big sister, I will take a bath for a moment," I said as I walk into the bathroom to take a bath.

"Yeah! I will wait here on your bed!" She said as she looked around my room.

Big sister Lily doesn't go usually go to her room and always stays in our room. She even slept with me once.

While I am wetting myself, she said, "I am impressed that father allows you to play this famous game"

I am surprised again but I am already too used to it. Ever since she was a child, her intuitions have never been wrong. That is why every time she warns us that a certain place is dangerous, we will not go near there at all. Every time she said a warning, that place will be destroyed or there will be a kidnapping scene.

We called her ability [Foresight].

Our family always produces a child with special abilities. I also have an innate ability but I don't like using it. The ability to see the incoming attacks or projectiles. It is more focused on reaction speed. Our family called it [Eyes of Light]. It has a cliched name, isn't it? They named it light that because I can see everything in slow motion in general. I can even see the light from the flashlight hits the ground or wall. I also have another ability that my family didn't know but I rarely used it.

Rafaela has the ability to talk to the dead and we called it [Voice of the Dead] while big brother has the ability to intimidate everything and we started to call it [Dragon's Gaze].

"Well, at first, dad wanted me to become a representative of our company in the game, probably father thought of making a guild" I replied and she abruptly said, "And you refused, huh?"

"Yeah, then, as far as I know, big brother Gaius will be the one who will create the guild and representing the Hugo Company," I said as I scrubbed my body with soap.

"What level are you?" She asked as I went in silent. 'Should I tell her?'

I am silently scrubbing my body with soap but my sister broke the silence by saying, "Don't worry, I know that you are worried but trust me, I won't tell anyone"

I took the shampoo and I washed my hair with it... Silently...

'I can tell her... She is trustworthy after all' I thought as I replied to big sister, "My name in-game is Theo and I am also known for the Unknown person in the [Dungeon Leaderboard] and Lunar Scythe who monopolized many achievements"

My sister didn't say anything but I know that she is speechless. I washed my body once again and took my towel to dry my body.

I wore the bathrobe and left the bathroom. I stared at my sister who is still speechless.

"Are you serious? Lunar Scythe? You are not kidding, right?" She said as I walked towards my closet to take my clothes and wear them.

I told my sister to turn around first and replied, "I am one of the 100 Rulers, after all"

"100 Rulers? That makes sense! They are powerful and at the same time, knowledgeable when it comes to that world!" She made an "I got it" gesture and continued, "Since it is almost lunch already, I will go to the dinner hall in advance, I am announcing something about the party that we'll attend tomorrow."

"I got it!" I said as I wear my clothes.

She left my room and closed the door. I don't know why she likes me. Even before I was more charming than I am right now.

My big brother told me that she likes playing the infant me until I grew up. She also treats me very well and she became my mother-figure than my mother, Loraine.

I sat down at the top of my bed and looked at the official forum of Olympus.

[>>Lunar Scythe]

[>>100 Rulers]


[>>Cold-Blooded Team]

[>>Solar Sword]

[>>Equinox Flower]

[>>Unknown Player]

[>>NPC Rowan]

[>>Wing of Freedom Guild]

[>>Elemental Bosses]

The top 10 topics appeared in the main section of the forum. The forum about me is ranked one and of course, I tapped it:

Player#3645: Is he a cheater or something? How can he defeat a monster of low level?

Frantic_Manic: Well, it is impossible to cheat in the game, you know? The government tried to hack this game too but they can't find out what is this game for.

Player#6351: If that is the case, he will become one of the rankers in the future!

Player#3645: What level do you think he has?

Blooming_Waste: Probably 25 to 30? I don't know the amount of EXP he got when fighting a level 100 monster.

'I knew it, some people think that I am a cheater' I scrolled more and several rumors are pure theory. They said that I might be the child of one of the seven virtues, I stole the kill on the level 100 monster, and so on.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Time for lunch!" I stood up immediately and went to the dining hall beside Brutus.

My father is there already alongside my sister. I sat down on the chair that I usually sit on and waited for the others to appear.


Three minutes later, everyone is here already. We did the routine of praying to heaven then eat.

While we started eating, father said, "Lily, it's been a while but I heard from Brutus that you want to announce to us that is somehow connected to the party for tomorrow?"

"Yes, father. At the party, tomorrow, not just some big companies, martial arts families, big families, and government officials will attend. Famous celebrities and church representatives will also appear tomorrow. Then they suddenly announced that every people from the great families, companies, and government officials must have a representative for entertainment. The representative will perform at the stage. And~ I suggest Theo as our representative" Big sister said as I almost choked because of what she just suggests.

"Well, I agree to that" Father said as I nervously replied, "Why me?! I don't know any entertainment!"

"Come on, brother. You compose your own songs and play them on the piano, right?" Big brother Gaius said as I said, "How'd you know that?"

"Well, I've always known, you know?" He said as he smiled brightly.

"Oh? I know that you know how to play piano but to compose your own song and play it?" Mother said as she continued, "Then, you are really fit to become our representative." She chuckled as everyone influenced by her and started chuckling too.

"I don't want to. I don't even know if the people will like my song" I said while slicing the meat on my plate.

"Then, can you show us some of your songs, later?" They asked in unison.

I blushed and replied, "Fine!"


After we finished eating, we went to the hall where instruments are being kept.

And my piano is also there. Though, it is probably also called, music studio?

"Then what songs do you want?" I asked as I stared at big sister.

"Then how about a song for missing someone?" Big sister said as my family nods in agreement.

"Then, I have my own song for that, [Longing]. It is a ballad, though" I said as I started preparing an instrumental.

I sang the song in from of them as I continued pressing the keys that sounded like it really portrays how much I longing for someone.

My voice is only the representation of my feelings. I tried to feel the longing for someone by reminiscing the past memories of my friend and my first love interest.

[I am longing for you~]

I ended as I continued the song with the final instrumental in the end.

I looked at my family in surprise that they started crying lightly.

"Did you missed someone, Theo?" my father said as he wiped his tears on the corner of his eyes. "Ah~NO! I just used my feelings to sing the song alongside the piano" I nervously said as they continued wiping their tears.

"Theo, you should perform it! It is still entertaining and when the audiences started to feel the story of the song, they will definitely applaud you!" Big brother Gaius said as he patted my head.

I immediately removed his hands and said, "I am not the only one who can use instruments. Big sister, you can use the flute, brother can use guitar and Rafaela can use the zither! Why are you pushing this matter to me?"

"Well~" My big sister hesitates and continued, "You are the most charming person here, hehe"

I am speechless and dumbstruck. I stared at my siblings and parents nodding. I sighed in my heart and said, 'Just because of my charm, eh?'