Chapter 17: Party and Duel - Part 1

"Hmm" I stared at him intensely in his eyes and it seems like he isn't lying.

"Brother, their purpose is good, you should help them!" Rafaela said as she eats her onigiri that came from my plate.

I hesitated. Every condition always has what comes next.

"Then, what is in it for you? You might lose something for this matter?" I immediately asked and then Rufus replied, "We want cooperation from your family's guild"

"Sorry, but it is out of my reach, you should ask brother Gaius for that" After that sentence, their expression on their faces gloomed... And speaking of the devil, my brother Gaius and big sister Lily appeared in the door that is coming from the other hall where we are at earlier.

I stand up and started to wave towards my siblings and they immediately noticed me. Not just them, the crowds also saw me. They are about to get close to me but when they saw that the other big family's children are at our table, they gave up.

"Theo! Your charm can even help us find you! Haha," My brother said while walking towards us and stared at the other people at our table.

"I know that Wellston's Viole is one of your acquaintance. Do you guys know each other?" Brother Gaius asked as he stared at me.

"Yes, they are in one team! This team is in the [Dungeon Leaderboards] after all" I said as I sit back in my chair.

"As far as I know, Unknown, Rufus... Wait, what?!" Brother Gaius exclaimed as he stared intensely with Rufus' group.

Big brother Gaius and Big sister Lily sat next to Rafaela, leaving one chair left, unoccupied. "Then, may I ask who is the unknown guy?" Brother Gaius curiously asked and they replied with a bright smile.

"He's here on this group!" Ain said brightly and I felt that they are really not going to break their promise.

'Well, since it is my siblings, it's ok. Our information can't just be leaked outside of the world, after all.' I comforted myself as I took the last onigiri on my plate.

'As far as I know, I have 5 onigiris here! Don't tell me?!' I slowly stared at my little sister who is eating another onigiri.

She ate four of my onigiri...

"Now, when you arrived just now brother, we are talking about guilds, and in exchange for something for me, they want to cooperate with our family's guild..." I said directly and I stared at my brother who is thinking about that matter.

I lied for doing something for me, it's more likely doing something for the public. I will give them some of the dungeons I knew that nobody can find or haven't found yet but I will only give them 10 dungeons with level 20 difficulty since the average players must be level 22 to 26 on this day. 'Come to think of it, should I go and grind levels later?' I thought as my brother finally decided.

"Hmmm. I want to know what is the reason for but since I am familiar with the other four families, I will cooperate with you" He said while both of his hands is clasped at each other.

"Ummm, excuse me?" A female voice suddenly heard by us and she continued, "May I ask if I can have a seat for the last chair?" She asked.

She is behind me so I don't know her face, I am also not familiar with her voice. But on the expression of the team and my brother, it seems like they are surprised by this girl.

"Sure, no problem," I answered as I slowly turned to my back to see who is this girl secretly.

'What the...' I said to my heart. My heart is beating very fast and when she replied, "Thank you..." My nose almost started to bleed. Luckily, I noticed it at first and used aura to reinforce my nose.

Her hair and eyes are golden and her face looks like a beautiful goddess. Her charm is not a joke, too. Even though she is not even smiling.

Rafaela noticed my reaction and grinned. He asked my brother and big sister to move so that the newcomer to our group will sit next to me.

"Ah~ You don't have to~" Rafaela's index finger stopped the woman's mouth from talking and then she just sits down next to me.

I can't do anything because I was surprised and stunned. When everyone realized what is my siblings doing, Rufus' team started to grin too.

I can't look at her face and I have no guts to talk to her! The woman also noticed my reaction and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Ah!" I jumped out of surprise and accidentally looked at her face.

"Huh?" The woman said as her face started to redden too.

Everyone is dumbfounded at what happened... I am also stunned that her face blushed, too. I regained my composure and asked, "Sorry about that, I got nervous for a moment!"

"Ah, no. Don't worry" She answered with a sweet tone.


"Hey, that is the cold-goddess, right? Theo just changed her personality immediately?" Theo's sister, Lily said as she looked at the face of the blushing woman.

"Yes, even though she is already mature enough to kill a person at the age of 12, she is still a teen who experiences something like that. They are good for each other!" Gaius said as he stared at his brother.

"Well, Theo's charm is powerful even for the cold-goddess of the Scott family. It is almost like we are reading some kind of novel of romance, right now..." Lily said as he looked at Gaius.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Lily replied with a grin and replied, "You want to know what will happen next, right?"

"Right" Gaius grinned and stared at Theo who is making the cold-goddess intimate to him without doing anything.


Everyone at the table started to talk on their own and both me and the woman next to me aren't doing anything.

""Umm"" Both of us said in unison and I immediately said, "You go first"

"What is your name?" She asked and I just tilted my head. I felt disappointed deep down at me because it seems like she didn't watch me play.

"My name is Theo Xeros of the Xeros family. May I ask what is the lady's name?" I smiled while asking and she replied while her face looked down and said, "Lucy Scott"

'Lucy Scott? From the Scott family? Come to think of it, there is a fight between Thompson and Scott once. The cold goddess versus the warm goddess. They are like the moon against the sun. Is she perhaps the girl who accidentally killed her opponent?'

"Are you perhaps the cold goddess?" I asked as she nods while looking away. I looked at my big sister who is giving me a sign of, "Cheer her up"

"I heard rumors about the cold goddess but the rumors of being a beautiful woman are false." I said with a smile and she looked at me with a shocked face and continued, "Well, you are not beautiful because you already surpassed the word beautiful. You have a heaven-defying beauty, lady Lucy"

I smiled very brightly and her face from being gloomy immediately changes into an embarrassed girl. "Thank you..." She embarrassedly said as I looked at everyone's face and noticed that they are speechless.

Their faces are telling me, "Theo can say such sweet words?"

"What is wrong with your reactions guys?" I nervously asked and my big sister replied, "You said such a thing for Lucy but you never said anything about me. Unfair..." Big sister Lily said as she looked away and Rafaela said, "Yes, unfair!"

'Hahaha, Should I apologize to them later?'

"I am speechless" I muttered and Lucy asked, "Am I really?" She pulled the sleeve of my left arm with an embarrassed face and I replied, "Of course"

I took her hands gently and kissed the back of her hands. 'Am I doing right? This is what Falcon said to me in the paper he gave me earlier secretly. I didn't even notice him'

After I kissed the back of her hands, I felt killing intent coming from the other table next to ours behind me.

'Is it one of her brothers? I hope he isn't pissed off' I said to myself.

Then after that, the waiters started to hand out several dishes on our table based on our desire. "It seems like they are observing everyone's reaction on the food to deduct what food should they serve... Clever!" I said happily and Lucy said, "Yes, that is the tradition of the chefs here"

"I see... So they are used to this, huh?" I replied with a smile and the light went out just like earlier.

"It seems like there is something next?" I said and Lucy replied with a nod, "A duel for martial arts genius. Well, I am probably one of the participants again..."

I looked at her and noticed that her face is kind of worrying. Something is bugging her.