Chapter 23: Party and Duel - Part 7


Both of their swords clashed together as they continued taking each other's sword attack. They are not doing any particular techniques but they are just using the basics of swordsmanship.





They continued clashing each other as if they are reading each other's minds on what should they do at the early stage of the duel.

John retreated and it is followed by Viole who caught up to his mind on what he will do next.

Viole stance on a certain technique that is similar to my [Xeros Moon Style]'s fifth technique, [Night's Invasion] where I will slash the enemy in any random part but it can also trick his eye for only seeing one attack. In fact, that attack has 5 consecutive attacks, not one.

It looks like it somehow looks similar to my style, Viole's posture is.

John's stance is kind of embarrassing to see. I feel awkward looking at his stance. 'He is an amateur at martial arts?!'

That is usually the trait of the amateur martial artists, swordsman, or any other weapon master, a bad stance and posture.

His stance has a lot of weaknesses. His basic knowledge and skills in basic swordsmanship are incredible but to thinks that he is bad at his own techniques... 'That's why he is only attacking basic attacks of swordsmanship!'

He withdraws his left leg and his right leg is still in the same place, he bent down a little and he held the sword one-handed pointing to the opponent. 'That really looks bad!'

Everyone in the audience is dissatisfied with the posture John.

John is focused on the battle, grinning without knowing that everyone is cursing him already for participating in this event despite having mediocre skills.

John looked like an idiot in the field. It is like he is dressing as a wolf despite being a rabbit.

Viole sighed inwardly and said, "To think that I think of highly of you but your stance is so bad. If that is the case, I can't use all of my techniques for Theo!"

John can't say anything and silent. He just suddenly dashed towards Viole and he muttered, "[Thompson Light Technique: Ascending Dragon]"

'[Ascending Dragon] is a great skill but unfortunately, the user is not good...' I said to my heart as I watched the battle with my maximum focus. I stared at the battlefield as Viole said something, "[Wellston Cold Sword: Fiery Frost]"

Viole's aura plummeted and there is a lot of silver and golden aura surrounding him. The aura that is gathering around Viole is concentrating on his sword. The open field is becoming colder and colder as time gradually passes. He continued, "[Wellston Cold Sword: White Polar]"

He readied his body and mind at the same time while on a piercing stance and then meditated on that posture for 10 seconds.

John can't do anything in those 10 seconds because his body can't move out of his place. As if his body doesn't want to move by John's will.

10 seconds have passed and said, "Well, I still haven't yet mastered it so I need 10 seconds but if you use it, you may need 3 to 5 seconds!"

"Who are you talking to?!" John said angrily as he stared at Viole who is preparing a fatal attack. Viole ran towards him and it is obviously a piercing technique.

"[Thompson Light Technique: Holy Shield!]" John said as he panicking continued, "[Thompson Light Technique: Counter Attack]"

The light lit up on John's sword, trying to block the piercing technique and by the name of the other technique, it seems like the [Counter Attack] will damage Viole.

As the tip of Viole's sword reached the blocking technique of John, it penetrated the layer of the aura and the sword.

John immediately felt the sense of danger and immediately retreated before the sword tip that pierces through the barrier aura inside the sword reached him.

'He has a fast reaction...' I thought as I grinned and continued, 'Since he has a fast reaction, Viole might show me all of the techniques he has!'

I stared at Viole, smiling that looks like he has the same idea as me.

Viole immediately dashed and said, "[Guide of the Wind]"

His steps changed as if he didn't use any muscle to move but used the power of the wind to become faster.

As expected of John who has a fast reaction, he noticed it immediately and retreated. "[Thompson Hidden Technique: Momentum]"

'It seems like this attack will use the opponent's momentum so that he can pierce through his flesh but unfortunately...'

"[Wellston Blazing Sword: Embryonic Shell]"

'...he has no way that he has no blocking technique...'

Viole's aura concentrated on his sword and counterattacked it rather than blocking it. 'Well, it is a good course of action because John has probably low stamina and strength...' I deduced as I continued watching...

John can't handle the force of his momentum alongside the counterattack. He got thrown away 10 meters from Viole.

"D**n it! [Thompson Dark Technique: Dead Cold]" John curses as he stared at Viole who sensed the false killing intent on his eyes.

'It is an intimidation technique, huh? Is it a technique that can only be used at lower stages?' I said as I stared at John who is frighten by Viole.

"[Wellston Cold Technique: Snowy Lotus]" Viole said as he dashed towards John who is not on his current mind and then when his lotus-like slash is about to reach the neck of John, the referee interferes and said, "THAT'S IT!"

But Viole continued.

Then suddenly, an explosion occurs on the open field. Everyone is immersed in what happened and saw John Thompson who is on his knees while Viole who is behind him looks like he missed but the battlefield shows that he intentionally missed John. The sword technique that Viole used just now is frightening, if you will get hit by it, you would be instantly dead.

'That was a cool technique. Haha,' I laughed inwardly and watched Viole who is coming back to our group, saying, "Did you see all of that? Those are the only techniques that my family teaches me. They said if I can master the blocking technique of the [Cold Sword], then they will teach me offensive techniques of the [Blazing Sword]"

'It really seems that he has 2 techniques. Not just simple techniques but a powerful one...'

"I get it, I watched it clearly and I am positive that I can use it. Come to think of it, should I fight with our techniques first or with your techniques? Haha" I said jokingly but Yuno took it seriously, "You should use your techniques first, that may be your trump card if you have no choice!" Yuno said as I stared at him.

"That may be true but why are you guys helping me with these kinds of things?" I said with a little bit of doubting lingering in my face as I asked the question.

"Take it like this: We want a good impression and a good connection to you!" Ain said honestly. Lucy replied, "Well, that is true..." She nods in agreeance.

I only replied with a hmph and then the voice of the announcer suddenly announced, "Now, for the final battle of the first round! Let's have the last participants! Theo Xeros versus Anselmo Anderson!!!"

Obviously, I stood up and I walked towards the open field where my opponent is on the other side.

'Anselmo Anderson... Atalina's brother?' I suddenly remembered that Atalina is in the Anderson family too.

"A friend of Atalina? Sounds promising, huh? She never complimented a guy before I wonder what you can show me, Theo Xeros" Anselmo said with a humble tone and I just smiled while replying, "Well, Take care of me"

I prepared myself as I saw the referee raised his hand. Anselmo did too and we stared at each other. '[Xeros Moonstyle] or [Phantom Assassination] techniques that I learned' I thought as I continued watching the lowering hands of the referee and looking back to the opponent.

"FIGHT!" By the time that the referee announced, no one is in their place anymore. Since the rule of the start of the duel is when the hand is at the hips, it is the start already, not when the referee announced "FIGHT". It is only a reminder.

Without a hitch, I swung my sword diagonally and Anselmo blocked it with the same attack. "Nice reaction and knowledge!" Anselmo compliments as we continued blocking each other's attack. "Thanks," I said as I grinned and we continued clashing swords.

Just like the fight before us, we fought with basic attacks but in this fight, it isn't only the basic level of the swordsmanship but an intermediate one where both of the party uses both strength and agility and on top of that, you can also use your own improved basic attacks. Therefore, our attacks are different from earlier.

I noticed that everyone is speechless and immersed in this fight,




I retreated first and used a sword technique.

[Xeros Moon Style: Tidal Wave]

Using the speed, I created a vibration through the air and making the enemy a little bit dizzy through it. I am still not sure why it is called [Tidal Wave], though.