Chapter 25: Party and Battle Royale - Part 1

"[Xeros Moon Style: Moon Descends!]" I shout as I slashed downwards similar to [Cascade] but at the same time, it is also similar to [Meteor Strike]

Anselmo didn't react very fast and when my sword is about to reach his head, the referee interferes and declared, "THAT'S IT!"

I managed to stop my sword 5 cm away from his head. Anselmo is speechless.

"Woah!!!" The crowd of the audience cheers as they are impressed by the battle. Some of them stood up, cheers loudly, claps non-stop, and a lot of others more.

"WINNER: THEO XEROS!" The referee announces as he stared at us who is sheathing our sword.

"That is a nice battle, no wonder she is very impressed of you... Good Luck on the next round..." Anselmo waved his hands as he walked back to his seat.

I just smiled in response and went back to our group.

"I thought you would hide that talent of yours..." Lucy said as she watched me walking towards them.

"Well-" I hesitatingly said and continued in low voice next to Lucy's ears, "My teacher taught me assassination technique, my family will get suspicious if I have a technique I've never train in our household..."

"Ah, so that's why you used our skills so that they will be convinced that you just copied those skills from someone, am I right?" She whispers and I replied with a nod. Yuno, Viole, and Ain are curious about what are we talking about because we are probably too secretive. By their expressions on their faces, I know that they also want to know but I don't want the other families to know about my master.

My master showed himself in front of Lucy, so I think it's okay to tell Lucy about our relationship.

"Then, let's don't waste time, and let's go to the next round where the champion will be decided. Battle Royale!" The announcer announced as he continued staring at the audience and at the same time, at the participants.

"This battle royale will be held here at this arena. The starting location of the participants will be decided thru lots. There are 10 starting points here and since there are only 7 participants, there will only 7 starting points that will be occupied. The starting points are marked as A to J. Since everybody of you knows what the battle royale is, then I won't explain any further and there will be only one winner..." The announcer explained and continued, "Then, let the first winner, Ain draw his starting point!"

As the announcer declared Ain's turn, Ain stood up and walked towards the referee who is holding a box that probably contains the letters.

Ain took a piece of paper from the box and then suddenly, he disappeared. Everyone is surprised by his disappearance but I'm not.

It seems like the pieces of paper are embedded with a space-type aura, where once taken out of the box, the person who will take the paper will be teleported on the corresponding coordinates from the paper with another set of space-type aura.

"Next: Bryan Vasquez" The announcer announced and without hesitation, he stood up. Just like Ain, he disappeared after taking a piece of paper.

"Next: Zero Da..."



"...Lastly: Theo Xeros!" I waited for less than 3 minutes and then the announcer finally announced my turn.

I took one of the papers and saw the letter "F" on that piece of paper. Then, everything went white and the next thing I noticed is that I am not in the open field anymore but inside the artificial forest. Since the arena is enormous, the battle royale is suitable to take place here.

'Come to think of it, it seems like this place is also covered in space element because despite being this enormous, it is still as wide as our house but in the map or outside the building, it is one hell of a normal building.'

The place of this party looks like a normal building for big families, it is still not enough to become as wide as this arena. Plus, the second half where we're at earlier isn't also being seen outside of the building.

So, the hall where the party took place is the only place that is normal, while this arena and the hall after the first are separated from the real dimension...

'Only people from the evolution stage[1] can do this kind of extraordinary thing! People on the middle stage can only do minor things such as teleporting on a marked object but not separating the dimension from the real dimension!'

I just realized something terrifying...

I suddenly heard the voice of the announcer as I started to step out of the circle with the letter "F" imprinted on it.

"Now, participants, defeat one after another!"

'He sounds like he is enjoying hunting each other... Is that announcer okay?' I thought to myself as I started to gather information.

My sword is not here but the daggers are with me. The energy is still the same and there is nothing happening anywhere in my four directions...

'I should rest and practice the aura first so that I can use another trick in the battle later... I wonder what aura should I practice first?' I asked and sighed inwardly as I had a hard time thinking.

Fortifying, space, and nature-type aura are the only type of aura that I used. That leaves metamorphose, manipulation, creation, and emission.

Metamorphose-type is kind of rare to see someone use it as their main aura but it is easy to understand what is metamorphose for. Metamorphose-type aura is the aura that changes its properties into something else. It can be trained or awakened so it is hard to know what is the form of my metamorphose...

Manipulation is also rare to see because of their difficulty. It is somehow similar to the magic in Olympus. Manipulation can manipulate physical objects and some people have some special type of manipulation so that they can only control other people's aura but I also don't know which is my type. If physical, I can reinforce it to the dagger to make a connection, similar to Yuno's unlimited dagger technique.

"Should I try?" I closed my eyes as I took my daggers from my socks. Of course, I am also aware of my surroundings to avoid ambush.

I reinforced my manipulation-type aura on my dagger and tried to move it. 'Ugh, it is harder than I thought!' I groaned inwardly as I move the aura.

The dagger budged and it continued budging. I didn't give up and I successfully manage to lift a dagger for the first time.

On the first time of every practice for aura manipulation, it is very hard to accomplish something for the very first time.

'Can I also manipulate another people's aura?' I asked myself and continued, 'I can't tell. I need to fight with another person to accomplish that but for now, I will give up on that...'

Now, since it is still very hard for me to lift a dagger, I can probably only lift one to five daggers at most.

Creation type is not that rare but it is tricky, just like Yuno's technique. He successfully tricked Zero who isn't knowledgeable on aura manipulation's creation type aura that he has an unlimited dagger but he has the idea of space-type element because it is kind of obvious. Yuno is taking a dagger out of the air after all.

I opened my hands in front of me and started to create something in my mind. I grasped some comprehension of the weapon and thought, 'Is it because of my creation-type aura?'

Then I closed my eyes and created an object with a similar process of ceramic creation.


When I opened my eyes, I successfully created a fourth dagger!

Though I may be slow I can create another one while in battle since I can focus anytime I want. That is one of my talents, after all.

I started creating one again and this time, it is faster. My first try reached 3 minutes while this one is 2 minutes... I am kind of disappointed with the development but not bad. I am used to easy things to do...

Lastly, the emission type is as rare as when you see a pig flying[2]. No one who uses it and the people who can use it can't even throw an aura very easily. There are always delay or in-game in terms of casting time. It means, useless on a duel and you can't even use it on a group battle...

That is why the techniques for emission type are very cheap. No one uses them because of their uselessness. But the aura manipulators don't know but in ancient times, the emission is one of the strongest manipulation of aura at that time. It's just declined very hard that it plummeted down from heaven to hell.

"Should I give it a try?" I asked myself as I stared at my hands...