Chapter 29: Past and Future

'Where--am I?' I thought to myself who is started to panic.

I can't see, think, hear or touch anything. I can't feel anything.

'Am I dead?' I sighed inwardly and continued, 'To think that I will die at such a young age, haha.' I just laughed it off but deep inside, I feel regret.

If I didn't interfere in the battle of Lucy and Ain, should I still be alive? It seems so, if this is a story, I may not be the main protagonist who can become more powerful as time keeps going on and become a hero.

I played hero but died immediately in the middle of the story, what trash. I may be a prodigy but I am still too naive.

"That is why I told you! Don't just sacrifice yourself for something... Your parents, siblings, friends, me, and everybody in this world wants you alive!" The endless darkness changed into someone's memory that resonates with the voice of a woman. It is a night where a man is lying down the ground alongside his eleven companions, crying. The place is like a battlefield and it seems like the twelve of them are the only ones alive.

This is not the earth, this is somewhere else. If I can ask for evidence, it should be the moon. There are two moons. There is also a mountain that seems like it blocks the beyond of the horizon.

The man lying on the ground is seriously injured, he has white hair, it is almost silver when you look at it, though. He has red eyes and there is an x-like scar on his left cheek. He is smiling despite having serious injuries.

'Such a strong man...' I smiled and continued looking at them. 'Come to think of it, I see myself there and those red eyes... Is the--' I immediately recognized the eyes of the man.

'It is the eye of the person that keeps lingering in my head! Also, he exactly looks like me even though he is more mature than me!!'

"Promise me that you'll never do that again! We know that you can control all elements and on top of that, they are supreme! But please, just use that and don't use 'that' magic anymore! Please" The woman with blue hair and eyes said as she shed tears. She is holding the hand of the guy who looks like me. She looks like someone I know...

'She is the [Flower Goddess!], Fiona! The woman I like at the beta test!' I said to myself as I continued looking at them with curiosity that started to hit me.

"Yes, yes, I promise," The man said with a chuckle and continued, "Elizabeth, guys, don't cry, this is just the start of the endless war... Now, carry me towards the kingdom"

Then I am not in the memory anymore but it is like the void from earlier but this time, I can feel and my senses are working well. I can also walk. There is also a light coming from ahead that looks suspicious.

I walked towards the light slowly until I reach there, there is a silhouette of a man there, sipping a cup of coffee.

'Why the hell someone is drinking a coffee here on this place? Where is this in the first place?' I said angrily to myself as I looked at the man.

"To think that the reincarnation of mine is quite vulgar and impatient, can you not be like that? I am quite embarrassed to the new me" The man chuckled as he stared at me.

He is the man who is lying down from earlier.

"Who are you?" I asked and he simply replied, "I am you who will guide you"

"What do you mean?" I asked straightforwardly and he replies, "I am a god but because of a grave mistake, I died. Since I have the power to reincarnate, I placed a wisp of the soul of mine to the cycle of reincarnation for gods and which automatically finds my 'new' soul. Once the 'old' soul merged with the 'new' soul, I will become half-alive. Though I can't control your body nor see through your senses or memories, you can come in contact with me"

"A god who died on a mistake in my past life? So I am an idiot back them" I scoffed and he replied angrily, "You-- It is hard to become god, you know? I am not just the only god who died, there is also my eleven friends, millions of subordinate gods, hundred thousands of lower gods, and the upper gods lost more than a thousand, including me."

"I see, then what am I doing here?" I asked and continued, "What is that memory from earlier?"

"You should know by now... Hey--you got a memory that is yours but at the same time, not, right?" He said as he smiled. He stared at me as he sips his coffee and I only stare back at him in confusion.

'What does that--'

Suddenly a memory that is indeed not mine but at the same time, it feels mine surfaced in my head.

"Just--what is this power?" I asked immediately which made me more curious.

"It is my power from million years ago on another realm. Since my soul manifests its own body, that means my aptitude for all elemental affinities and all of those powers are applicable to you, it is just your body can't hold it. When you are in a dire situation, I noticed it immediately and pulled you here" He explained and I replied, "Then am I died since you pulled me here on this void?"

"No, I stopped the time. The time manipulation that the gods can't even notice, the [God Time] element that I possess and you can manifest it too.

Earlier while looking at you in the void, I looked into your soul's memory because that is the only way to see your memories. I can't see your memories if your soul is not here, after all. When I looked into it, it seems like this is Earth, the fifth realm of the world tree, the place where I am also born to" He stated that made me more confused.

"Huh? You said you are a god from million years ago? But humans didn't develop anything from million years ago!" I said angrily and he started to explain.

"I am the Black God of Yggdrasil, also known as the Assassin King but eventually, when I became a god, they changed it into Assassin God. A transmigrator from Earth to the planet called 'Ashura'. I can't tell you any more details but I definitely born here and transmigrated back before the Earth is formed. I said million years ago because the time continuum here is a different set of the space-time continuum, I only lived thousand years old, you know?"

"The time here is different from another planet or realm?"

"Realm, of course. I traveled from the nine realms of Yggdrasil and became a god. But forget about it. Now, to the main topic, I will help you anytime you want and give you my power and knowledge. But not all the time, because even god has limited power, you know? For now, I gave you the power of the elements using the special energy called mana, it is different from the aura or qi you know of but it is the same of some sorts. Plus remember that since you have the same body as me, you will definitely not awaken a simple fire or water element but their superior form"

"Just like from the memory earlier? Okay but I want to ask you..."


"Is Fiona the reincarnation of Elizabeth?" I asked slowly and his face started to become complicated.

"Yes, I also want to see them even though they won't remember my face. If it is 'that' guy, his reincarnation definitely has his past memories..." He said with a sense of longing in his eyes.

"How about this, Since you are me of the past, I will find your comrades here in the future and you'll continue guiding me until the end of my life! It is an exchange between the past and future version of me!" I said as I smiled widely.

He laughed and said, "You are definitely like me... It is a deal"

"Then, let's meet again. I will try to come and contact you by myself soon and get inside your consciousness. I still have some of my divine power and I can definitely do that. I am still the Black God, after all" He said as he smiled widely.

My body started to brighten and looked at the other me, waving at me. I waved back until the light gradually devours me.

'The past me is definitely a great person, I hope that I will become like that too' I said to myself as

When I opened my eyes, the ball of blue fire is in front of me and said to myself, [Underworld Frost]