Chapter 31: Party and Auction


"He is Falcon's successor, huh? He is a very good candidate to become our [Twilight]. Let's pursue Falcon to let him join us since he owes me one after helping him to escape from his organization... To think that he lied to his successor that he is exiled..."

The man in black said to his men as he sighed and they immediately replied, "Yes, sir!"

'I know that you will let him join us because he might become the target of your organization as a 'potential threat', Kyosuke Natsuo, no, codename: Falcon, I hope you will make the correct choice...'


The battle comes to an end in an instant.

Everyone started to talk about me. The words I said gave the audience an impact where they will feel that I am talking to everyone and not on Fred alone.

The reward is a sword created by the legendary blacksmith in the whole world. It looks like a dragon with a fierce aura surrounding the sword so I called my new sword, the [Dragon Wrath]

All of the participants from earlier got recovered and Ain who is still in a coma-like state is still unconscious.

'I don't know how to deal with that but he still has the [1] bloodline so he is certainly alright.'

Now, we are back to our respective families and we are currently waiting for the next event to start, the Auction. After this is the ballroom dance that everyone will perform together.

We are at one of the VIP rooms in the auction room.

"Welcome for this year's auction. I am Winona Jones, the auctioneer for this day. The items that will be auctioned for this year are all created by famous legendary people. Now, for the first item..." Winona said as she pressed a button on her hand. The image of a box appeared from the stage alongside its description.

"For the first item: We have the pill created by the legendary medicinal master, the Dragon Vein Pill where it can boost one's aura stage progress five times than the usual speed of progress. The starting bid will be $100,000" Winona announced as she stared at the screen behind him, reading the major details and the bidding price.






"$700,000" My father finally raised his number and join the bidding.

"$800,000" The woman in another VIP room bids as she smirked in our direction.

"$900,000" My father decided to fight and then the woman immediately said, "$1,000,000"

'She is targeting us!' I stared at his room with killing intent but it seems like the glass on the VIP room will block any energy or such thing as killing intent.

"Father, can I switch with you later, just tell me what you want. I will be the one who will bid" I said as I smirked at him and my father replied, "Fine by me, but... Why?"

"I want to experience bidding in an auction" I smiled widely and it is undoubtedly a lie. It is kind of obvious but my father replied, "Okay but remember that we only have $75,000,000 that we can use on this auction, you can use your $30,000,000 if you want, though..." He said as he stared at the medicine that his father wanted. It seems like he planned to give it to us. But I don't need it, though. I have mana and with my speed at absorbing aura, I can surely breakthrough as fast as I can.

"$1M once...twice...sold!" Winona declares as she enthusiastically clapped her hands.

"Number VIP 05 gets the first item for today." Winona continued as she pressed a button on her hands and showing another medicine that is certainly familiar to me.

It is the [Phoenix Pills] where it can heal any injuries for both users and non-users of aura. It may be great but we neither want it nor need it.

Then Winona explained the purpose of the item, it is exactly as I said.

It is also a peak-grade pill and the starting price is $200,000



" $400,000"



"$1,000,000" l started to bid as I observe the other party, on this item, I will use my own money for this to check if she is truly targeting us.

"$1,200,000" The woman in VIP room number 5 bids as she stared at our group again.

'I should play with her,' I smirked as I looked in her direction and let out my mouth say numbers.

"$1,500,000" I continued bidding as I stared back to her room that also bids more than that.

"$2,000,000" I smirked and everyone in the auction room is dumbfounded because they only thought that it would only reach $1M to $1.5M but to reach two million dollars, only crazy people will do that.

My siblings and parents are speechless too. "Theo, what are you doing?" Big sister Lily said with a nervous expression written on her face.

"Big sister, I know what I am doing, don't worry" I smiled coldly at her, and then the voice of the woman in VIP box number 5 echoed the auction room saying, "$2,200,000"

'I will pretend that we need this thing...'

"$2,500,000" I continues as she resumed to fight with me.



"$4,000,000" She bids that made everyone crazy, who would buy such a thing with $4M on the early stage of the auction? Only a desperate or crazy person would do that.

I smiled widely as I declared, "Ah, you won..."

Everyone is dumbfounded, they can't comment anything about my ruthlessness. Everyone looked at me with eyes of amazement while the people below the VIP box are all eyes on our room.

"Forcing someone to buy that thing for $4M is a very harsh action, Theo... You freaking did it..." Gaius said as he massaged his temples.

"Well, I am pretty sure that they are targeting us... If they can't win against bidding, they can just let us win and later on, talk to us for a deal in exchange for that item but in this case, they are rivaling our family and wants us to get embarrassed. So they will certainly go to get every item that we are interested in..." I explained and then my father replied, "It is true but what should we do? They will completely go to get in our way"

"We can only bid for the items that the other families are interested in too, especially the last ten items but for now, let's make our enemy's money go bankrupt first before the main auction items will be displayed... Let's play, VIP box number 5..." I smirked as I stared in the direction of the VIP box.

Then the battle of our VIP box number 10 against VIP box number 5 continues until the main auction.

I bid more than $3M on every item and if the items are really interesting but we neither want them nor need them, the bidding price will continue to rise.

There are a total of 32 items and I bid for 25 of them including the first item that my father bids into. I also asked my big sister to disguise herself and go to the chairs below where the normal bidders sit and join them for bidding.

Our box is just a distraction for us to take what we want, of course, sometimes I bid on the item that my sister bids to avoid suspicion.

Because of that scheme, we get what we truly want and we managed to let the enemy, VIP box number 5 to spend more than $80,000,000 and I am confident that they are already in an uproar because of how much they did just spend to fight with our family. Even the government not the 12 big or great families only brought $50M to $100M for this auction and I am sure that they can't fight with the items anymore.


After le, the main action occurred.

The ten items are definitely in the eyes of everyone but only some families got one of the ten items.

We got 4 of them because we still have $50M even though we gave $25M to Big sister Lily to bid the items that we truly need.

And just like that, the auction ended.


"I am angry! They played with us, making us spend our only budget just to fight them! I will never forget them" The woman in red yells in frustration as she threw the glass of wine, making the noise of the breaking glasses that shattered on the ground.

The men with her are silent, not saying anything nor making her calm down.

"We need to find a way to destroy that family, no, even if we can embarrass them can already satisfy me!" The woman continued shouting as she stared at the man with killing intent on her eyes.

"Find a way, immediately!" She ordered and the man only bowed to her, not even showing some respect, he left.

'I will certainly make your family destroy, Reed!' She said inwardly.