Chapter 49: Hidden Quest and Comrades - Part 2

After that, Julius read the diary and his tears flowed from what he read.

The [Dark Lich]'s real name is Luke but he became a lich because of his hatred of humanity. His lover cheated and the one who cheated with her is his best friend. Then, the party he belonged to kicked him out of the team because of his useless plant element. At that time, plant magic is pretty useless in battles and they can only support and heal allies, that is why when a man in black suddenly showed up and gave him this sword, he immediately ranked up suddenly that made the people think that he used a demonic way to become powerful.

His family got killed by the villagers, his friends started to go away from him, and eventually, he met the [God of Peace], Arron from his dream to help humanity and it gave him hope but eventually, he can't do it.

He didn't blame the god but he blamed his useless self and humanity's cruel vision and nature. That is why when he died, his hatred reached the required limit to meet the demon lord's requirement to become a lich.

And it is confirmed that the [Lich] is the sixth wielder of the sword. And the book gave us a clue for the 5th user where it is a wizard from the library of Paxus.

"Humanity is cruel... It is definitely true." I smiled as we continued walking to the ruins of the kingdom.

I got the sub-weapon that I used in the closed beta test, the [Sword of Hatred].

It is a weapon that boosts the elements that you have by 50% amplifier in exclusion of the plant or earth element.

There is no core dropped at all.

'I am level 1,200+ now, I have to promote myself into tier IV!' I said with my eyes burning and then, I continued, 'I need 2 for tier I, 4 for tier II, 6 for tier III, and 8 for tier IV. I need 20 elemental cores in total...' I sighed as we entered the ancient library...

'As far as I know, there is a lot of ancient skill books here...' I said to myself as the notification suddenly notified:

[The universe granted you a skill!]

[You received the passive skill [Sage Eyes Lv. EX]]

-- --

Sage Eyes Lv. EX (Unranked)

Description: A skill that is important to sages but due to the greediness of a lot of sages for millions of years, the universe took the eyes and it is continuously watching every single planet and species to find a suitable use of the skill.


Able to see the following:

Anything you desire within the vicinity.

Truth or Lie




-- --

"Oh! Thank you universe!" I said happily inside of me. I am like a child who is being given sweets.

'Why are the gods and the universe so nice to me? No, are they even real?' I asked myself as I immediately used [Sage Eyes] to find all of the ancient skill books.

The golden light suddenly appeared in my peripheral vision and followed them.

[Ancient Magic: Rune Magic], [Slayer Skill Tree], [Weather Manipulation] and a lot more skills appeared but all of them are all elemental magic where it will only get devoured or merged with my [Essence Manipulation], that is why I kept them in my bag. [Ancient Elemental Magic] are all worth more than 10 silvers after all.

[Rune Magic] is a magic that uses Japanese kanji as runes to create barriers, a space that you can set rules on it and use as a script. It is not elemental so it is not being merged with the [Essence Manipulation]

[Slayer Skill Tree] are a set of skills where you can use skills that can kill dragons, demons, angels, and gods easily if you used these skills.

[Weather Manipulation] is a skill where you can control the weather and it is obviously devoured by my [Essence Manipulation].

"So to use [Rune Magic], I need a passive skill or talent such as [Runic Knowledge] to use it?" I said to myself as Julius is finding something in the records.

He is still finding the record up until now even though I search all of the library's skills. I already know where it is...

"Ah Julius, it is probably inside that drawer!" I shout as he looked at the drawer at the far right corner of the drawer where I am pointing at.

He immediately went there as I started to use [Rune Magic]

The runes are Japanese kanji so it is quite easy for me to use them. The skill said that I can create a space where I can set rules, I can probably try it soon when I continued grinding level.

I used the [Rune Magic] and a small orb of light suddenly appeared in my index finger and then it seems like, I can write the runes in the air.

"Should I try shield? But it can't materialize...Should I try it?" I raised my hand and started writing the kanji of the shield.

[盾 (Tate)]

A layer of mana shield appeared in front of me which amazed me.

"So it doesn't materialize but it uses an alternative way to perform the rune, huh?"

I immediately write another one [氷の盾 (Kouri no Tate)] that means [Ice Shield]

And the notification only ringed.

[Insufficient Level. Required Level for 3-rune is level 2]

"I see..." I muttered as I tried another set of normal kanji of the basic elements such as [炎 (Houno)], [水 (Mizu)], [風 (Kaze)], and so on and so forth...

[Your skill level rose!]

"I found it!" Julius said as the notification suddenly continued ringing and appeared in front of me.

[You completed the third phase of the quest!]

[You completed the fourth phase of the quest!]

[You completed the fifth phase of the quest!]

[You completed the sixth phase of the quest!]

We immediately went to the ancient alchemy, rampant, and in the snowy woods.

I also found a lot of elemental skills that don't help much, so I just kept them in my inventory just like earlier at the library. Every book or diaries that we ended up finding always gave us clues, puzzles, or riddles, and fortunately, all of them are easy.

Then, lastly, we found a treasure chest in the woods where the sixth user, Jacob's grave is located, and then inside that chest is his diary where someone gave it to him. He only said that she is as beautiful and she has the horn of the dragon.

He didn't say exactly but I definitely know who is the first owner and she is definitely at the peak of the plateau in the northeast part of the kingdom.

That place is hidden and only fortunate people can enter there. But now, I already know where is the plateau and we are now heading to that place.

"I am really amazed by you, Adventurer Jacob... If the time is set from million years ago, you would definitely be an S-rank adventurer on the adventurer guild or one of the famous adventurers from the family guilds..." Julius said as he continued walking to the snowy road.

"Huh? What do you mean ranks?" I asked out of confusion because there is no such system in this game.

"Ah! Million years ago, there is a mercenary guild or you can say an adventurer guild where you can take missions and rank up. F is the lowest rank while S is the highest rank. People are calling them heroes. You know, the twelve gods that descended together millions of years ago are all S-rank adventurers, you know?" Julius explained as I continued, "Then what is the family guild?"

"Family Guild is the guilds of trust, camaraderie, and hope. It is a home for adventurers who wants to feel the trust of other people and let other people trust you. The twelve gods that we know of are all part of them too. They are in the family guild called [Spirit Tears] guild. All of them are in the family guild while they grow stronger and they became S rank adventurers, it also works like the adventurer guild..." Julius continued explaining as I confirmed, "Then, the twelve gods are both S rank adventurer for adventurer and family guild?"

"No, if you're rank is A in the family guild, your rank in the adventurer guild will also be rank A. That is the systemical ranks that year..." Julius said as he started to see the plateau.

We didn't notice for a moment but we realized that we can already see the plateau from afar.

'If this plateau exists on Earth, it is probably larger than Taiwan...' I chuckled inwardly as I saw the very large--no, that is not the right word but a vast and humungous plateau.

As far as I know, on the top of the snowy plateau is the [Ice Castle] of the [Ice Dragoness, Sophia] alongside the [Ice Elves], [Ice Giants], and the [Ice Dragons]

They live in harmony there. They are friendly and kind to strangers, not even thinking of becoming hostile to visitors.

The reason why my charisma on the [Ice Dragoness] increased so much is because of the mission and also because I helped her cleanse her curse using holy element, a subsidiary element of light element.