Chapter 65: Four-Guild War Battle and Silent Guild - Part 9

As the three players died, everyone on the battlefield is speechless and scared. They are too frightened.

[[Sky High Guild] [Solar Sword] is eliminated by the [Silent Guild] [Flame Emperor]!]

[The Seven Representatives of the [Sky High Guild] are eliminated!]

[The crystal got destroyed! Adding additional punishment towards the losing team]

[Remaining guilds: [Hugo Guild] 24/11,646 (4 representatives are eliminated) versus [Silent Guild] 100/100 (0 representatives are eliminated)]

The remaining 21 players here on this battlefield lost their hope and their eyes are now teary.

Now, there are only 3 representatives left here at this guild. I already knew that those three are my siblings.

'Hmm. I wonder what should I do?'

We started walking towards the crystal ahead as I continued thinking about how to deal with them.

"That was a cool form, [Ice Prince]. What is with that form in the first place?" Levy chuckled as he touched my armor left and right.

"This form amplifies my magic, that is all. Don't pry into the other details. Haha," I chuckled as I fasten my pace towards the crystal and even if I am far away, I can already see them.

'As expected... My big sister, Lily. Brother Gaius and Rafaela are here too...'

"Hey, can I fight these players alone?" I asked as I smiled innocently.

"Huh? Why? Let us fight too!" Levy said angrily as Chase immediately said, "Sure!"

"Eh?! WHY?!" Levy sulked and started to argue with Chase.

I started walking towards them and didn't hear any of their arguments due to the fact that I am too focused on them.

"..." All three of them are speechless as I walk towards them and deactivates my [Sagittarius Form].

"You are fighting us alone? You are overestimating yourself," Big sister Lily sneered as I lifted my head to let them see my face.

I already know that the live stream's camera is in the air and cannot go down after all. I don't know the reason for that but I can feel the presence of the camera everywhere.

Since it can only see the top, even if it changes its position, it can't see my face because of my cloak.

My equipment is changed once again, making it my default equips.

All three of them are surprised by my presence.

"You--" Big sister said as I suddenly interrupted and said, "it's been a long time..."

"What do you--" Then I opened my mouth as if I am saying something but no voices are coming out my mouth. I voicelessly said, "Don't expose me, I only want to be free here. Once they knew my identity, my freedom here might eventually vanish."

"Ah--I remember, you are that guy!" Gaius understood what I just meant and then, Lily and Rafaela also understood after hearing Gaius.

"Yeah, it seems like you still remember me, then, let's continued the three versus one battle that day?" I am simply asking to fight them fairly which makes them confused.

"S-sure! We won't back down once again!" Rafaela convincingly said as she readied her sword and rushed towards me.

"W-wait!" Big sister Lily shouts at Rafaela who is dashing towards me.

She swung her sword up and I blocked it with my [Ice Shield] which I immediately switched into [Ice Tentacles] that I can control freely using my intelligence stats and [Essence Manipulation]

I immediately used my sword to slash back my body suddenly can't move.

At that time, I saw big sister Lily raising her hand and then noticed that there are several strings are surrounding the whole area.

'[String Manipulation]?!'

[You got in contact with player [Lily]'s skill]

[1] [You got [String Manipulation]]

"As expected, your strings are really powerful but it is no use," I smirked as I gathered the elements in my hands.

They already know what is this attack, I used it to defeat four persons after all.

[Absolute Zero]

Three of them immediately jumped as high as they could as the whole area became frozen including the strings which immediately showed after being frozen in ice. The strings that are wrapped around my body are also destroyed and after seeing that, everyone gulped.

I rushed towards Rafaela who is the weakest among us and reinforced my ice element into my cloak.

I immediately touched her making her whole body freeze, but not the same effect from earlier. I noticed that I can also control the effect of the cloak and I can freely change them into the weakest or the most powerful effect that it can use.

The normal effect of [Ice Cloak] is probably an abnormal status which is called [Burn] and [Freeze]

These effects can damage the enemies slowly but they can't kill them.

"Rafaela!" Brother Gaius immediately used his sword and then used a sword style towards me.

[Xeros Moonlit Style: Ascending Claw]

An attack that is comparable to a dragon's claw is created in the sword. It is another sword technique that we use after mastering [Xeros Moon Style]

Our family's sword arts are divided into three styles and five forms. The three styles are [Night Style], [Moon Style] and [Moonlit Style].

The five forms are sword, dual sword, dagger, spear, and arrow.

Currently, I already know how to use the [Moon Style] in the form of a sword, dual sword, and dagger.

[Xeros Moonlit Style: Ascending Claw]

I imitated his skill which surprised brother Gaius who is trying to continue with another technique, creating a combo.

I slashed upwards with the same effect but in my case, I reinforced it with the moon element which definitely suited the name of the skill.

I am too focused on brother Gaius that I forgot big sister. Because of that mistake, he hits me in the back using an advanced movement technique which I also use, the [Mystic Step]

The reason I can't defeat big sister because of her stage in aura manipulation, she is in the stage of bloodline awakening but she can't break through because of some reason I am unaware of.

But here, I have mana.

-570,284,590 Health

"What?!" Big sister Lily exclaimed as she noticed that the sword technique didn't affect me at all.

'She is a monster... This is the first time I took half a billion attack damage!' I nervously said inwardly as I saw the insane number that she just used.

'Is that a skill? Probably...'

As I am intimidated by the damage, both of them attacked at the same time which I reflexively used a defensive skill.

[Ice Dragon's Wall Zero]

A very cold wall immediately surrounded and blocked the attacks which almost hits me. I also used 0.01% which is worth 120,000 stats in intelligence.

"It's hard!" Big sister Lily exclaimed as I closed my eyes and deactivating my skill. I can't see them inside the cube and because of that, I have to remove the skill.

"Treat me as an enemy. For now, treat me as an enemy..." I smiled innocently as I talked to them inaudibly.

Both of them knew what I just said.

They are surprised by what they just saw and then said, "It seems like we underestimated you and you are not overestimating yourself..." Big sister Lily said as she gazed at me with hostile intent followed by the killing intent of my brother.

'Geez, even when in the game... Their presence is still the same as the [Sword Saint]'

Big sister dashed immediately as she swung her blade diagonally and followed by a piercing attack.

'This movement--'

It is a very familiar skill that the father taught big sister. It is the only skill that they teach the oldest son/daughter of the family. Only one people can use this skill, the [Xeros Ancestral Style]

This movement where all basic skills are included in this one technique is called [Blooming Rose]

A skill that resembles the flower rose after the technique.

It looks like a complicated skill but I managed to block them all using my 0.01% [Ice Shield]

"You can only block, huh?" She mocked me as she continued with another skill.

[Flash Spin]

A technique of [Xeros Ancestral Style] where the attack can slash anywhere near it. It is not literally spinning but the sword slashes are surrounding the user.

It is a bothersome skill.

[Ice Dragon's Ice Hurricane]

A huge hurricane made out of a storm immediately formed in the ground where the big sister is standing.

"Now!" Big sister yells as she resisted the hurricane. I immediately looked at brother Gaius who gathered enough mana and said, "It seems like you'll lose now. This is the technique that allowed me to become the number two!"

"[Moonlight Dragon's Star Fall]" he smirked as he stared at me with hostile intent.

'Good this is more convincing than I am not related to the guild nor Xeros family...'

[Sun Dragon's Star Blockage]

A dome of fire appeared on top of our heads appeared as the star-like rains started to descend.

The Moon element's weakness is also the sun element, and the sun elements can resist the moon element.

Sun and Moon rarely meet and we call that phenomenon eclIpse. But every day, they never meet and they can only appear during their respective time.

Due to the fact that they rarely meet, it created a legend where they are once lovers and the man betrayed her which enraged the gods. The woman is the daughter of the gods, after all.

The gods cursed him which he will never be beside her and he can only pursue her once to be with her again if there is a chance that they'll meet once again. The woman is called Solstar and the man is called Mordred.

That is why the conflict between the sun and moon is created.

The moon will find a way to be with her again, making it his weakness while the sun will wait until once they meet and decide if she can be together with him once again or to become a lonely man forever. Because of her continuous rejection all these years, this became a resistance towards the moon.