Chapter 72: Dryad Territory and Main Quest - Part 2

I lied down inside the capsule and entered the game.

"Welcome Back, master!" He licked me as he happily flapped his wings.

"Are you his master?" A [Dryad] woman alongside the [Dryad] warriors are next to Ashton, it seems like they think that Ashton is an enemy.

'Well, he is the [Corruption Dragon], after all' I sighed inwardly and replied with a smile. "Yes, don't worry we are not here to destroy the nature of some sort..."

"This feeling--" The woman noticed a presence coming towards us which we also felt and realized that the creature coming towards us is more powerful than my sister Lily.

"Bow to the guardian of the forest!" The woman immediately kneels towards the west as the figure of a woman appears in front of us. She looks like a very beautiful woman who is at the age of 20 to 22.

"Rise, my descendants," The woman said in a very comfortable tone.

"Thou hast the presence of the [Dragon God], I am happy that thou art in our presence." The woman they called guardian continued as she bowed towards me.

"Please, raise your head. I am just visiting the forest on the way towards the [Dwarven Empire]" I nervously said as I panic that she bowed her head towards mine.

"May I ask what thy highness think of this place?" She raised her head as she asks politely.

"I like this place, it is comfortable here and the air feels great too. Just this peak is already beautiful, I still haven't checked the forest yet, though." I said as I closed my eyes to feel the wind.

"Then, we shalt guide thy highness in the forest." She smiled as she stared at the woman and warrior who greeted us with weapons earlier.

"We understand, guardian... But how about this evil dragon?" She rudely stared at Ashton which makes me a little bit upset that she just described him as evil.

"She hast hostility towards thy highness' evil dragons, please understand about her rudeness, thy highness" She bowed her head once again and raised it immediately.

"Don't worry about that, he is my mount and helping me to travel. He is indeed once an evil dragon but when he became my mount, he is not anymore" I smiled innocently as I forced myself not to be angry with the woman.

"We understand. Please follow us this way," the male warrior said as he asked me to follow him.

"Ashton, go back to your small form," I said and the guardian asked me as Ashton is transforming back to his small form, "May I ask something, thy highness?"

"Go on..." I replied as Ashton hopped on my shoulder.

"I can also feel guardian power inside thy highness. Why doest thou hast that power. If that is okay for thy highness, I wantest the reason." She asked as she continued her archaic form of speaking.

"I don't know. I may be the current dragon god but I am once a human and learned a lot of skills including the skills of the guardians including forest, desert, volcanic, sea, and snow..." I answered honestly as I stared at the trees we encounter.

There is a variety of trees as we continued walking down the mountain.

"I see. May I ask if thy highness knowest the power of the guardians?" She asked as he raised her palm and created a plant that has its own will. It looks like a very cute small dryad.

"I actually don't know. I am more focused on dragon power." She smiled gently at what I said and replied, "It is true for thy highness. Dragon skills are completely different from thy race. The dragons control the element while the guardians ask the elements and not forcing them. But on thy highness' matter, thou skill canst combine both of these skills. The proof is the sigil of thou hands, thy highness"

"You know about this sigil?" I asked in curiosity as I stared at the sigil of my arcana.

"That sigil in thou highness shalt giveth thou the limit of thy highness'. Even though thy highness is still weak on this world, thou power wilt continue to grow and eventually reach true godhood," She smiled as she looked in the sky.

"You know how to become a god? If you know, why didn't you try to become one?" I asked as I smiled politely towards him and patted Ashton's head who is yawning out of boredom.

"There are many foolish descendants thy have. Thy dost not wantest to back down on the mission that thy god giveth me. Thy wilt forever keeps this will." She smiles as she probably reminisces the past.

"I see, then you are really a loyal person!" I said as I smiled widely and when she looked at me, her eyes started to get wet and tears started to flow to his face.

"Wh-what happened, guardian?" I said as I saw her face crying.

"No-nothing..." She replied as she realized that it must be weird to me that she started crying...


'Thy thought that he just looked like thy god but to thinkest that thy highness' smile and that phrase towards thyself... It is the reincarnation of thy god... But why is thy highness' the current dragon god? Did something happened to thy god?' The guardian said to herself as she stared at the face of Theo who is staring at the trees who acts like a child, excited to see something new.

'Thy highness' naive and charming face stayed the same...' She smiled as she stared at him very closely. Theo noticed her gaze but he didn't mind because he thought that she might just properly observing him...


"Forest Guardian! The problem in the [Gnosis Mountain] is back!" A male warrior said as he ran quickly towards the guardian.

"What? It wilt bring disaster to thy race!" She said to me as she rushed towards the warrior.

"May I ask about this disaster you are talking about?" I followed the guardian as I asked the male warrior next to me.

"In the [Gnosis Mountain] on the northern part of the empire, there is a sealed god there that seems like he has no will or consciousness. It is being controlled by something we don't know" The man said with anxiousness.

"Yeah, it seems like there is some kind of power that lets thou control the gods. We hope that our god wilt lends us a hand." The guardian said as she clasped her hands and started to pray silently.

"Then, can I help? I already sealed one god." I smiled as I talk sweetly. I looked at the [Dryads] near us and they are all speechless.

'Of course, they won't believe that I sealed a god...' I took the orb and showed it to them.

"It is--too intimidating, thy highness!" She replied as she felt the aura inside the orb.

"I haven't seen a sealed orb with that insane presence and dense aura! It is more intimidating than dragons!" A man who looked like the village chief said as his face is showing that he is frightened by an orb.

As I noticed that some of them cannot handle the presence of a god, I stored it back in my inventory.

"But thy highness, thou art the dragon god, why dost thou hast a normal presence?" The guardian asked as she watched her breathe.

"Well, I sealed 99% of my power. I am basically as powerful as the dragons right now but I can unseal it to fight with that god. Which god is it in the first place?" I asked as I opened the [Akashic Record]

[Akashic Record] knows the knowledge of the universe. It has consisted of countless knowledge from different creatures, including gods.

That is why I also have the information about gods but I don't know their faces.

"It is a [Shinto God] based on our records, his name is probably...[Susanoo]?" My face froze as I heard the name of that god. I may not be Japanese but I definitely knew the gods that came from the God of heaven or the creator of the Japanese archipelago, Izanagi.

When Izanagi came back from [1] Yomi, he cleansed his body with the purification ceremony and it created three gods. The goddess of the sun, god of the moon, and the god of the storm named Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo.

Susanoo, the god of the storm was the one who slew the Yamata no Orochi after having a deal with Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi for him to marry their eighth daughter, Kushinadahime who is the only one who survived the attack of Yamata no Orochi.

He is a famous god in Japanese Mythology.

'He is one of the legendary siblings created by Izanagi, it can't be easy... Raijin is one thing but Susanoo is different' I said nervously to myself as I gulped my saliva.

"Then, how did the disaster stopped?" I asked curiously as I remembered that it seems like the disaster stopped.

"Thy highness, several million years ago, after the twelve gods of this world ascended to godhood, the gods from different realms are starting to fall from this world. [Shinto], [Chinese], and [Olympian] are the gods we know that descended from here and then, they can't control their powers and run amok for many millenniums." The guardian said as she stared at the huge mountain at the north that seems like it is the [Gnosis Mountain].

"Then, up until now, no one knows why are the gods being controlled?" I asked as I sighed in disappointment.

"Yes. The [Supreme Gods] started to give us countless heroes throughout many generations who can lend us a hand for stealing or killing the gods but after all these years, only one hundred gods were slain or sealed. There are still probably more than two hundred gods left..." The village chief continues as I suddenly received a notification.

[Main Scenario Unlocked!]

[World Announcement: World-Wide Quest Unlocked! The first main scenario is now ongoing!]

[Main Quest: The Shinto Gods (Hero)

Description: The goddess of the Sun, the god of the moon and the god of the storm of Shinto Mythology are a huge threat to this world.

Quest Goal: Seal or Kill the God

Quest Rewards: Based on the contribution.

Quest Failure: Unknown

Hint: The Storm in the forest, the Heat in the snowy mountain range, and the coldness in the tree of the planet.]

[You are the only ones who have this information.]

[The Quest will start 152:023:59:59]

"But based on the god in the [Gnosis Mountain] will be released in five months and the disaster will repeat again. Please, [Dragon God], help us!" The chief bows their heads which made me feel a little bit pressured.

But I sighed inwardly out of relief because it will happen in five months and not today, we have time to prepare.

"Okay, I will leave this place and improve my strength further... I will swear in the name of the dragon god..." I gave them reassurance as I stared at the [Gnosis Mountain] which started a small storm at the peak of it.

"Thank you, thy highness!" The guardian said happily as I said that.

"Don't worry, I will continue improving myself to become powerful to be on par with the god of the storm..." I said as I smiled widely but inside of me, I am not confident.

Even if I have 100% power, I can only be on par with the god of the storm but in front of Amaterasu, I might die during the battle.

"What should I do to improve my strength?" I muttered with a low voice yet it was heard by the guardian and said, "There are divine stones that let you improve your divinity!"

As far as I know, I also have divinity but I still don't know how to use it, I can feel it but I don't know how to see or use it.