Chapter 82: Silent Guild Branch and the Treasure Hunt - Part 6

"If I want to join, what can your guild help me besides protecting me?" He said slowly as his eyes are full of resolve.

"We can make you stronger so that you won't get behind our ranks, we will also help you in your revenge. Why do you want revenge exactly?" I removed all of his abnormal statuses, letting him see my face which made him surprised that I am at the same age as him.

"[Sanctuary Guild] is more vicious than the name suggests, They are all greedy and evil people, they kill players for fun and then take their items that dropped. They--even killed my pet dragon!" His eyes become full of killing intent.

I checked his stats once again and saw that his race isn't human but a humanized dragon like me.

"Then, since both of us are dragons, let's become sworn brothers!" I smiled widely as I healed him completely. I invited him into the guild.

"Y-yeah..." Floriau said embarrassed as he tapped something in the air.

Our [Guild Mark/Sigil] appeared on the left side of his neck which made him an official member of our guild.

"I will be in your care, my name is Blake, Floriau is my in-game name." He raised his right hand and then I clasped it with my right hand and shaking it,

"I am Theo, people call me, the [Ice Prince]" He is speechless and didn't expect something terrifying.

"To think a guy the same age as me likes to play those games," he touched his temples as he walked forward.

"Games?" I asked out of confusion.

"You know, people also called you [God of Games] or [Starlight] because of your skills and personality? You liked to say "Let's play games" on the guild war after all..." I realized what he meant,

"aH-hAHA, so that is what it is, it is kind of embarrassing, though." I embarrassingly laughed as I took his arm and asked him, "Forget about that, where is the location of your previous guild?"

"Huh? At the [Orion Kingdom]..." I immediately threw Ashton's capsule and showed him his majestic appearance towards Floriau.

"This is--" He is in shock that he can't continue what he wants to say.

"My mount, I also have three dragons summon!" I laughed as it made him more amazed and shocked.

"Don't worry, you are the first guy that is the same age as me! The other [Twelve Kings] are either younger or older than me. The members in my age aren't getting along with me such us the [Night Detective] bastard," My wings appeared in my back and it opened.

I flapped my [Dragon Wings] and bringing Floriau along.

We sat in the back of Ashton and Ashton asked, "Master, who is that?"

"My brother..." I smiled widely which made Ashton surprised.

"Then, may I wonder where are we going, master, second master..." Ashton politely asked which made Floraiu a little bit embarrassed to be called the second master by a dragon,

"U-um, at the [Orion Kingdom]..." He said slowly with an embarrassed face which made me laugh a little bit.

Come to think of it, he is dirty... I should clean him since his body and senses can't keep up with his magic.

Since he can't keep up with his power, it is probably backfiring at him. It is also happened a lot of times based on the official website.

The health of the player in real life will affect the player in the game.

His body is kind of skinny but I think he is healthy.

I used water magic to cleanse his body and showing his girl-like face and white hair similar to mine.

"So your hair is white just like mine, great, they will misunderstand the word brother!" I said jokingly as I laughed.

People know the seven representative's eyes and hair color while in their cloak because it is kind of glowing when we are fighting seriously and our hair are poking out our hood.

That means, they know that I have white hair with blue stripes while my eyes are red.

"Ah--I'll give you this for now..." I handed him a bracelet which made him surprised a little bit. It is one of the legendary accessories that I got from earlier.


"Kill them! Haha," the man on the throne ordered as they tried to kill many woman players and young players.


But suddenly, the guildhall of the [Sanctuary Guild]'s entrance is struck by a powerful fire attack which made everyone in the guildhall alert.

"That attack, isn't that the attack of Floriau? That backfire trash?" A man said as he remembers the familiar attack.

The smoke has risen and inside that smoke, two figures appeared. They are familiar with the first figure but they don't know the second figure.

"Floriau! You are part of the guild! How dare you attack us?!" A man said who looks like one of the leaders here said as one of the two figures said, "I am not anymore, how about check your members?"

"Wha--?!" They exclaimed as they opened the list of members.

"You are kicked out? By who? Wait--isn't it great that he isn't in our guild anymore? Why are you here?" A slut bitch said as she sats down in the lap of the man who is talking earlier.

"Well, I am here for something..." said Floriau as the smoke dispersed and making the two figures became clearer.

The first man is Floriau which is already familiar with them but the other one is mysterious but also looked familiar.

"W-wait those red dragon eyes! And that hair!" A man yells out of shock as his body shuddered.

"Who is that?!" Another man said as he stared at my smirking mouth.

"He is called the [Ice Prince], isn't it--wait! The mark on his neck! It is the [Silent Guild]'s mark!" The man who recognized Theo said as he is completely fell down to his knees.

"What?! Wait-- what is that?" They noticed a flying orb near Floriau and made them wonder if that is what they are thinking.

It is a camera used for live streaming,


I walked towards the woman tied up near me and removed the magic sealing her mouth using the [Dispel Magic]

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I hid my face from exposing it.

"T-they are killing us to rob the treasures that we got from the event!" I understood what she meant. In this event, the only thing that will drop during this 24-hour event is the treasures that you got from the treasure chests.

"I see... Since the leader asked me to do what I want to this guild and I only planned to kick this guild from this kingdom since I am a noble individual here but now, I am thinking of destroying it," I smirked with killing intent towards the guild members of the guild who readied their weapons.

"Why are you helping this guy? He is a useless man! His skills are damaging himself because of his bad physique!" The leader frustratingly said as he pointed his fingers towards Floriau.

"How about change your allies [Ice Prince]? Let us be part of--" "Part of our guild? I suggest that you give up. Do you even know that Floriau, is my brother?" I interrupted with a cold voice said as I declared in public that Floriau is my brother.

"B-brother?" Their faces became complicated.

"Hey, bro. How about telling what they are doing while I was not with you?" I stared at Floriau as I let him be the main protagonist of this live stream.

"When I joined the guild, everything is alright until I know that they are killing players mercilessly. They killed more than one hundred players in one day!" He said as his face became cold.

"You traitor!" The leader said in frustration.

"Traitor? I would rather betray your guild rather than my own brother..." He said in a cold voice as the leader snapped and cast an ice spear towards him.

I didn't move.

As the ice spear is about to strike him, a firewall with a terrifying control appeared in front of me.

"You idiot! You used magic! It will backfire on you! [Ice Gale!]" A gust of wind that freezes everything hits everyone in the room except for the members.

I didn't do anything... But Floriau is protecting everyone it affects with the counter skill of the [Ice Gale], the [Warm Air]

It warms a specific area which he cast in the area where we are currently standing up.

"What?!" He didn't know what to believe. If he is still either the useless mage or the mage that the guild supposed to be proud of...

The reason why he can cast freely now because of the legendary accessory that I gave him earlier.

The [Backfire Immunity Earrings]. Once it is equipped it will be bound to you.

It can prevent the owner to take the backfire effects of any skills or attributes of their equipment.

He has... a talent for being a top-ranking magician.

For now, he is level 1,500 and he can reach our level sooner.

"I will destroy this guild with my own hands! You evil mongrels!" He yells as he raised his hand and formed a huge fireball on his hands which is kind of familiar to me.

"Hey, I will help you with that. You have the [Catastrophe Dragon Skill Tree], right?" I asked as I walked forward.

I raised my hand and showed a similar ability and merged it with his fireball which doubles the size of it, creating an enormous fire ball.

[Catastrophe Dragon's Fire Ball]

I lowered my hands as I went to the side and cast holy magic, protecting the players who are about to get killed earlier.

He threw the ball and everyone can't stop nor avoid it.


A huge explosion which is probably more powerful than the nuclear bomb occurred in the middle area of the [Orion Kingdom].

Fortunately, I already cast barriers everywhere in the Orion Kingdom, including the residents.

With this, the only thing that will only get damaged and killed will be this guild.

"Bro, that was amazing!" I laughed as I walked towards him.

He is speechless, he probably can't believe that he did that.

"Thank you, brother!" He hugs me as I laugh more.

"Uh-umm, thank you for helping us, [Ice Prince], [Fire Prince]" A woman bows towards us as she made Floriau felt a little bit embarrassed since he was just called the [Fire Prince]

"Don't worry, we only fight unreasonable people, don't trust players or NPC too much, okay?" I pat her head and we turned around. We walked away from the guild and immediately turned off the live stream.