Chapter 89: Blake Xeros and the Maxwell Family

We arrived at the slums and saw a lot of people dressed in dirty rags.

We entered the slums and it is as we expected, a lot of people here are starting to have a conversation with us in high hopes that we will help them.

'I'm sorry but I only came here for Blake' I closed my eyes as I started to feel the weak aura of every single person here in the slums to look for Blake.

"I found him, let's fasten the pace?" I said as I looked at my brother.

"Sure," he smirked as we started rushing as fast as we can.

The people in the slums are startled at how fast we are, They are planning to catch up but they gave up before they even started running.

'There are also five people beside him--don't tell me--' I used a reinforcement-type aura in my legs to make me more agile than usual.


"Ugh!" Blake is in pain, he can't fight with the people who are taking money from him.

Ever since he is abandoned, there is only one person who is giving him money, his nephew. The adults heard about this matter and took this chance to extort money from him by brute force.

'I am very disappointed in myself... I am only strong at the game but I am still trash in real society. I want to kill them but I can't--I don't have the power to do so... If I am brother, what will he do? He will kill them but I can't do that... I want to be like him... I want to' "Uwa!" He cried once again after getting kicked by a man who looks more than 30 years old.

"How about just give us the money? Boy, you can't fight us nor you have the right to do so! Hahaha" His face is full of evilness, his eyes are full of greed and his mouth is telling me that he wants to have sex with someone with that kind of expression.

He is the leader of the gang here in the slums and he already killed a lot of people, he also raped his friend.

'I can't do anything, I am a trash but-- I want that scum like him to die!' Suddenly a warm feeling suddenly surged inside him. It is somehow similar to the mana in the game but it feels like it is kind of stinging him.

Meanwhile, Theo noticed some changes in the aura of Blake.

It plummeted significantly.

'Self-Awakened?' He thought as he continued running as fast as possible.

Self-Awakened is the people who awakened aura by themselves. That is what they called to the people like Blake.

They are usually independent and very powerful.

Xeros family are the family of self-awakeners and they only rely on themselves to awaken their aura. Vasquez, Thompson, and many other more families are relying on forced awakening where they are forcing to awaken the potential within a body.

The reason why some families are weak because of that method. If you forced an awakening, then your potential will stop at the time you reached your limit.

While the self-awakeners have unlimited potential to do what they want.

That is also why Scott, Fronda, Anderson and etc. are powerful is because they relied on themselves to awaken their aura.

But Blake has no idea what is aura for.

He sensed his aura once again and felt something spiky and cold. 'Don't tell me-- A metal-type metamorphosis and manipulation?! Plus, he also has space, nature, reinforcement, and emission. He has no talent or affinity for creation but it seems like he is very talented! More talented than Anselmo...'

When he is about to reach the alleyway where he is located, he saw Blake standing and the five lifeless human bodies in front of him.

"I killed someone in real life, haha..." His face is emotionless, he doesn't know what to do anymore,

"Hmmm, it seems like you did. You self-awakened, huh?" Lily started walking towards Blake.

Blake sensed her and immediately used metal to manipulate and then used the metals around him to attack her but all of those attacks are useless.

"You should recognize your allies first before attacking,, Floraiu..." I stepped forward as I smile.

"B-b-brother--I killed someone... It is very different from PK in the game..." He rushed towards me and his bloody face are all over my clothes as he hugged me.

"Don't worry, we will handle this... We will adopt you in our family, Haha" Gaius said as he pats Blake's shoulders.

"Adopt?" He swept his tears as he snapped out of being a lifeless and emotionless man.

"Hehe, I'm sorry Blake, I investigated your background myself. You also had a hard time in these 4 years. You have self-awakened now, you already entered the world of aura cultivators or aura manipulators..." Theo pats Blake's head as Blake felt a little bit relaxing feeling while hugging Theo.

And just like that--he fell asleep while hugging Theo.


Everything has already taken care of. We also disposed of the body below the house of the leader of the gang and removed the evidence of someone being there.

While Blake is sleeping, we changed his clothes into my clothes and then laid him down in the backseat next to big sister and Rafaela.

"Haah, maybe we should buy a house for the day... He exhausted too much aura. Oh--maybe I can also ask the deputy director to train him alongside with me," I sighed as I leaned in the chair next to brother,

"He looks familiar..." Gaius muttered as he is driving at a steady pace.

"Who?" I asked.

"A-ah--nothing. I just felt that he is from a great family like us... Hmm? What is a surname in the first place?" I haven't told them his full name but they only knew Blake as Blake.

"Hmm? Maxwell," His face became complicated as he heard the surname.

"I see, so he is related to that family..." I am kind of confused about what he is saying.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a low voice.

"Maxwell's family is the family of a businessman, you probably know that already since you checked his background..." I shook my head as I heard that phrase.

"It seems like they separated his name in their own, huh? A long time ago, I am on a mission to defeat the underworld organization called Flourage. And the key to that mission is-- to kill Blake..." I am shocked.

It seems like he is really connected in the underworld.

"That happened when I was probably 12 years old. It is a declaration of war. We planned to take Blake as a hostage but failed due to the fact that he immigrated overseas. We lost miserably at that time... There is a lot of people died there, it seems like his parents are one of those people..." He explained as his face darkened.

"What is the cause of the war?" He shook his head at my question.

"I don't know--a lot of people from Xeros Family are acting weird during that time..." He stopped driving as he noticed the traffic light is red.

'Weird?' I started scratching my chin as I look out of the window.

"They are all angry and felt urgent. They are all thinking of a way to take Blake but the lower people, even we are the direct descendants, aren't telling us anything..." His face became darker and it really looks weird because of that desperation.

'What is the connection of the Xeros and Maxwell or Flourage?'


"What!" I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling.

"Wh-where--" I looked from left and right and saw the familiar person next to me.

"T-Theo?" I am shocked for a little while which made Theo woke up. I fell down the bed and saw him standing up.

"Hmm? You finally opened your eyes for 3 days..." He yawned as he stretches his arms.

"It seems like your body is also getting healthy, the nutrients that we kept giving you are effective, huh?" He looked at my body who is kind of showy because of my clothes.

"3 days?!" I shout as I continued looking from left and right. The room from left to right is white, there are also some items, clothes, and equipment in the drawers.


I stared at him who looks like a little bit uncomfortable on this place.

"Hey, are you keep stay there? Go down already..." I said as I smacked him on his head, making him snap out of being a weirdo who keeps looking from left and right.

"Down?" He replied as he stood up.

"Ah, our room is on the second floor. Oh--we also sleep in the same bed, is that alright with you?" I asked as I opened the door, revealing the large hallway and the stairs all the way down to the first floor.

"That is alright--What?!" He is speechless as he noticed how large is the hallway and the stairs to the third floor and first floor.

"We also made you another identity and you can go to the school I am studying for fourth-year high school. You'll live a luxury life like this..." I said as I laughed loudly.

"Eh?!" He stared at me with the face telling me that it's unbelievable.