Chapter 93: Xerion Brothers and the Friendly Battles - Part 2

As the system announced the beginning of the duel, he immediately rushed towards me.

"[Tyrant Control]!"

He raised his hands towards me as I felt a little bit of brain abnormality but it got nullified since I am immune to it.

"What?!" He is surprised and confused.

[You got in contact will player [Hudgeson]'s skill!]

[You got the active skill [Tyrant Control]!]

'It benefits me rather than damage... Maybe I should let him damage me and take his skills...'

"[Tyrant Guardian's Tower of Sin]!"

The surrounding changed.

It seems like it is a domain-type skill. A guardian skill similar to the forest, snow, and, volcano guardian.

"Burn him!" A lot of creatures appeared in front of me and when they are about to attack me, I released a divine aura that I learned after learning how to feel the divine power.

[You created the skill: [Divine Aura]]

Every creature calmed down and then slowly walked towards me with their heads are lowered,

"What is going on?!" He said as he is getting more frustrated.

I touched the head of the [Werewolf], a dark magic beast. A notification popped out.

[You got in contact with player [Hudgeson]'s skill!]

[You got the active skill [Tyrant Guardian's Tower of Sin]!]

[You learned a supreme skill of the [Tyrant Guardian], granting the skill [Tyrant Guardian's Tree]]

[NOTE: The player [Hudgeson] is exiled by the [Tyrant Guardian], he won't be able to use that skill anymore]

[NOTE: The [Tyrant Control] and [Tower of Sin] merged with the skill]

"What are you doing! Attack him!" Instead of attacking me, the creatures turned around and their eyes are filled with anger.

"What is this?" A notification appeared in front of him and it seems like it is about the exile notice of the [Tyrant Guardian]

"Creatures of the [Tyrant Guardian], attack him!"

I ordered them as if I am their leader and they just obeyed like a tamed wolf.

A werewolf rushed towards him and swung its claws towards the opponent. When it is about to hit, he successfully cast an instant barrier.

"Just what did you do to make the [Tyrant Guardian] exile me?!" He growled as his face becoming more sinister.

This function is called the [Exile Function] where once their mother source of skill tree decided to exile the user from using it, it is absolute. There are three ways to make a person exiled. One is to attack the mother source. Two is to disobey every quest or rule given by the skill tree, and lastly, make the mother source exile you for some reasons such as the hierarchy of the creatures.

In my case, the skill trees are always on my side, once the enemy has intense hostility towards me, the mother source of the enemy will definitely exile the user since the user is provoking the [Dragon God],

But unlike the skill trees of the normal players, I have no rules for such a thing. The rules sometimes appearing in the description and the quest appears at the very bottom of the window.

"I don't know. It seems like the [Tyrant Guardian] doesn't like you anymore." I smiled innocently but I am concentrating the killing intent on Hudgeson, making him shudder in fear. This made the spectators outside probably confused. They don't see the pressure but Hudgeson is frightened.

It is a skill that I just created, the [Concentrated Intent].

[Constellation Dragon's Star Blessing]

A colorful black-purple space-like energy appeared and gave every ally a boost on their overall fighting ability.

The werewolf who is persisting in destroying Hudgeson's barrier, broke the barrier as the blessing is giving them power.

"What?! Ah!!" He screams as he got bitten by a werewolf. The undead is also slashing him and the ghouls are eating his internal organs.


I smiled as I saw the notification and before I noticed it, I am back at the homepage.

I tapped the log-out button and then woke up in the real world.

When I stood up from the capsule, I noticed that all spectators are silent.

They are dumbfounded by what they just witnessed.

'Well, it is more likely a bullying rather than a duel of friendly battle...' I sneered inwardly as I walked towards him.

As Blake noticed me coming, he offered his fist to have a fistbump with me. I responded to the offer and sat down with a smile.

"What did you do from that battle?" asked Blake.

"I only did three things. Use my wings, intimidate him and boost the summons from the [Tower of Sin]. With those skills and hostility towards us, the mother source will choose between order and exile.

But in this case, the mother source can't order the user, therefore, exiling the user is the only way. Since they know who are they fighting." I explained as I noticed that some spectators are eavesdropping but it is not a big deal.

The only people who can do the thing I did earlier are the [Dragon God], [Dragon Emperor], and the [Dragon King] alongside the other god, emperor, and king racial classes.

"How many active skills did you just used?" He continued asking as his face is showing curiosity.

"2 skills just like what you did... " I said with a calm face. But suddenly, the Hedgeson guy from earlier immediately roared, "What two skills?! You definitely did something to my skills! You are also the reason why the [Tyrant Guardian] exiled me!"

"I didn't do anything to your skill, the [Tyrant Guardian] is scared of something, please calm down. I really did only used 2 skills... The first one is the intimidation skill that I used and the second one is the buff that I provide on the [Tower of Sin]'s monsters when it surrendered to me..." I calmly said as I smiled.

"You lie--!" He swung his fist towards me but when his fist is about to hit, I dodged it.

He continued swinging his fist consecutively but all of those hits are missed.

"Haah, take back my skill!" He yells as I noticed that the fist became faster and stronger.

'I see-- You are also an aura cultivator...' I chuckled inwardly.

"I'm sorry but--" I disappeared in my seat and everyone is surprised except Blake. The only thing that they saw next is that the Hudgeson guy hits an afterimage and I appeared behind him.

"..But ask the [Tyrant Guardian] to exile me or do some methods to exile me. I can't do anything on the surrendered guardian after all..." I smiled as I threatened him with my palm in a chopping position.

He gulps as his face became complicated.

He lowered his fist and gave up. He probably noticed the murderous aura that I emit while going behind him.

"Then, don't cause any more problems. You can have the other guardian's skill tree if the [Tyrant Guardian] is still not forgiving you...

You did something... unforgivable earlier..." I smiled gently as I said that phrase that will probably embed in his mind.

I sat down as Paul suddenly announced the next battle since the whole room became silent.

"Then--let's proceed to the next battle!" He said excitedly.


We watched every battle of our enemies.

There are a lot of students who looked promising and powerful in the real-world and in-game world but it seems like they are still weak for us.

9 is a powerful [Dark and Fire Magic Swordsman] and 13 is an [Elemental Ranger]. But we just defeated them in two moves even in their favored places.

Every student here began to feel inferior to us and keeps telling us as a ranker.

Well, rankers are supposed to be the players who reached 1,990+ levels and I am still 150 away from being one.

Out of 23 participants, there are 19 rankers and the rest are level 1,901+.

If we based the result on level, we will become the lowest one,

I am at level 1,849 and Blake is level 1,822. You can say that we are an average player at this current stage of the game.

The result is based on how many wins and the grades of their battle. The champion is a tie between me and Blake. Number 17 is the second and number 9 is the third place.

Number 9 is a top-ranked based on a spectator. Number 9's name is called Vince Quiles. A ranker from the [Hugo Guild] and part of the core team.

'That guy is from my brother's guild... It seems like my brother's guild is becoming more powerful...' I scratched my chin as we are walking down the road towards the mall.

We will buy a new phone that is released by the [Shun Company], a bracelet that uses a holographic-type phone, and with the sensors on the bracelet, it can detect my fingerprints and tap onto the hologram.

It is like a fantasy-like holographic computer but it became reality due to the fact that technology suddenly skyrocketed 5 years ago.

Singapore, America, and Japan are already creating transportation that floats using a special metal that the Russian and America discovered 5 years ago.

A metal that can defy gravity alongside special unknown energy inside those metals. The energy's purpose is still unknown.

The scientists are trying to make a prototype or a copy of those metals to be massed produce and after 5 years of research, they successfully managed to create one.

They called it Mithril, it is named like the mithril on light novels and comics but they named it like that because the discoverer is Professor John Paul Mithril.

The scientist also tried to compare the energy that is emitting from the game capsule and it seems like it is not connected at all! But that is still a theory.

Now, they started creating cars that can float. A car that can float about 10 to 20 feet above the ground.

But that is still in a process of trial and error.

The [Mithril] or Mh as the 119th official element, can also somehow create a holographic effect. It is a strange metal that overturns the science world. Though, they are still sorting out where to put the new element...

They appeared all over the world but the resource is limited.

As far as we know, the [Shun Company] has a mine that has mithril metals in it. That is why they can have the mithril resources as many as they want.

They are the ones who also discovered the holographic effects of the metal. They named the very first holographic phone the [MHP-001 Brazers].

The [Brazen] is limited so only a few individuals can have one. That also includes our Xeros family.