Chapter 97: New Function and New Event - Final Part

I opened the notification for more details and it seems like this limited-time event is a game.

The game is basically a duel.

Every single duel can now be live-streamed automatically and there are rewards for the winner based on the system's grading system of bad, good, nice, fair, excellent, and perfect.

'It sounded good but this event is only when I fought someone on a duel. But it seems like that we have a whole month for this event. It is going to be a limited-time event for [August]... Come to think of it, I haven't experience the limited-time events in January because I got in a coma state suddenly and woken up in May which the limited-time event appeared at the last week of May...' i sighed as I remembered those times I missed a lot of events.

They can give wealth, skills, status points, and EXP after all. There are also limited-time equipment and items but those are already useless to me.

I looked into the articles and announcements of the players and saw a nonsensical announcement of a big guild...

[This Event is for us! Silent Guild, be Prepared!]

[I am the guild master of the [Faragos Knight] and I am watching every single battle of your guild and noticed your weaknesses. Let's have a fight! This battle will become your downfall! Let's see if you can face us now that we are holding your weaknesses!]

'[Faragos Knight]? Isn't that the fifth-ranking guild now?' I said as I chuckled.

Then suddenly, a comment appeared, and the name of the commenter is [Flame Emperor].

[Fine, let's have a fight. Choose a place and choose fifteen of your members and the [15 Kings] will fight with them]

'It seems like he got provoked. He is probably pissed right now. Well, Flame Emperor's weakness is no more because I gave him a skill that covers that weakness. Same for the other members, except for the new kings... Maybe I should ask them what is their weakness right now...'

I changed my nickname in my account into [Ice Prince] and comments, [Leader's decision is our decision. We will fight]

I closed the article and the interface, then opened the guild video call.

"Hey, who are the other members of the first 13 kings?" I asked as I walked took a [Teleportation Scroll] and marked the ground with the sigil in the scroll. I can teleport back here once I rip this paper. This item was given to us the last time we met in the guild branch and had a nice hot spring.

"Ah! That is Kingsley and Prince!" Levy said as he fights the monster. Since this is a video call, I can see what they are doing in real-time too.

"Leader, are you sure that we'll fight them?" I asked as I continued walking down the mountain.

"Yeah, since I want to participate in the limited-time event and my weakness is already covered by the skills you gave me three months ago. The only thing is that the new king's weaknesses are not covered yet..." He stated as if he wanted me to cover it. Well, that is what I wanted to do.

"Kingsley and Prince, are you there?" I said as I stared at the faces of the guild members in the video call.

"Hey, I know you're hearing me!" I am kind of pissed since I looked like a person talking to the wind because no one is answering!

"Ah, sorry [Ice Prince], we haven't seen your real face yet so we are kind of surprised that you are this handsome..." The person with the same age as me said as his eyes seem like they are rainbow-colored. His red-blue colored hair is kind of similar to mine but not at the same time. His blue hair dominates the color while he has red strands of hair.

"Just call me Theo, I am asking the two of you, where is the other one?" I sighed as I scratched my head as I looked from my left because it seems like I felt monsters near my place.

"Ah, I am sorry about that, Prince is kind of shy..." I didn't reply. The monsters near me are powerful.

"Well, just tell me both of your weaknesses so that I can give you a skill..." I said as my senses are at full alert.

'Titans? It seems like I can have fun for a while...' I opened my wings as I forgot to close the call. I flapped my wings and fly over the mountains and saw a bunch of titans. They are as tall as the Eiffel tower.

They noticed me immediately as I reduced my altitude.

They caster skills which is really a good thing for me.

I let the skills attack me and got their skills.

[You got in contact with the [Titan]'s skill!]

[You got the passive skill [Inferno] skill!]

[Inferno] is a rare passive skill that allows you to use blue-white flames. A flame that heat is far more powerful than the real-life sun.

'Lucky!' I let it hit me with one hundred thousand stats. Even the tanks with more than 10,000 defenses can take that direct attack.

[You got hit! -1 Health]

The titans got surprised.

The [Titans] are the monsters that can use the most powerful skills in the whole continent, they specialize in magic attacks and the smaller titans are efficient in close-quarter combat.

They continued hitting me with skills but it seems like all of their skills can't damage me at all.

[Thunderstorm], [Thunder Judgement], [Scorching Ball], [Spinning Blades], [Lethargic Curse], and a lot more skills are being absorbed by my passive [Universal Ability]

They are really powerful skills but no single scratch is laid on me.

I took the [Elemental Lord's Bow and Arrows]

I stretch the elemental string of the bow while holding the arrow, just like what normal archers do, and reinforced the lightning element in the arrows and bow so that they are unavoidable. Thunder elements are known for destructive and fast ability.

I let go of the string and arrow and the sky turned black while you can hear the roaring sound of the arrow that I just released.

[Thunder Judgement]

[Thunder Judgement] is the skill that I reinforced in the string as I reinforced the lightning element in the bow. Magical skills can be used in archery. Once you reinforced a skill and it hits a certain target, the skill will be activated or released. The players who use this kind of technique are the [Druid Archer].

That is a rare class.

[Thunder Judgement] is also a skill that destroys everything in one single thunder strike and the damage will be based on the mana that you used.

In this case, I used 100 thousand mana so the damage is insane. It destroyed a mountain, the ground creates a crater, and the metals melted.

"Just what happened? Brother--you're more likely the monsters, not those titans..."

[You killed the level 2,200 [Elemental Titans]! You receive ten billion EXP!] x12

[You killed the level 2,200 [Close Combat Titans]! You received ten billion EXP!] x15

[You killed the level 7,452 [Titan God]! You received one trillion EXP!]

'I killed the [Titan God]?'

[You killed a god, reveal it to the public? Y/N]


[Congratulations, you killed a god! Rewards will be given shortly!]

[Congratulations, you got the title: [God-Killer]!]


Description: A title granted to the players who killed a god.

Effects: +1000% damage to all of the abilities of your party, guild, or allies while fighting a god. All of your skills can affect the gods (You and the targets)

Affecting Targets:

1. Silent Guild

2. Dryad Empire]

'It is a good title for the main quest... Maybe we should form an ally to the [Guild Alliance]? There are already two hundred guilds signed up there' I said as I noticed that the guild chat is still working.

'I should collect the drops...' I landed in the crater and saw countless items on the ground.

"Umm, now that the titans are gone, I don't have to worry in this area anymore... Now, tell me what are your weaknesses?" I said as I took a goblet in the ground.

[Holy Goblet of Fire (Legendary)

Description: It is said that it was created by the god of blacksmith, Jana to use the most powerful flames just to melt a god's stone.

Effect: +100% burst fire damage, +1000% continuous fire damage, and the skill [Godly Melt]]

'To think that there is this kind of item in the hands of the titans...'

"Umm, my weakness is the lack of defensive skills, the only defensive skill I know is the [Windwall]" Kingsley said as I became a little bit disappointed.

'He just learns offensive wind skills because it is cheap but powerful? The defensive skills are kind of rare for wind elemental players so it's hella expensive...'

"What is your class?" I asked as he replied in a joyous tone, "Tempest Swordsman!"

I opened the [Akashic Record] and given him the skills [Barrier], [Cyclone], [Wind Block], [Sword Aura] and [Blow]

His face is surprised and impressed, my body is basically giving him my knowledge using the [Record Transfer]

"How about you Prince?" I am quite curious about him.

"Umm, I lack in precision and control... The rest are... um... fine." He is a guy but he is extremely modest.

"Control? What is your class?" I asked.

"[Metal Manipulator]" I am quite surprised. He is a metal manipulator that can control the metal of earth elements. I am not surprised on [Tempest Swordsman] because I already know that there is that kind of class but this class is unknown to me!

"Is [Metal Manipulator] similar to the [Fire Manipulator?]" I asked Xavier and then he nods with a satisfied face.