Chapter 106: New Anomalies and 15 Kings - Flower Goddess

Regulus silent and praying that the information will reach the [Marquiss of Darkness] but the thing is--he doesn't know that they wanted them to become part of the [United Guild Alliance]

Even if they get the information out of this duel thanks to the [Faragos Guild], they won't even give them some credits since they are not part of the guild in the first place.


"Professor! Isn't this kind of bad?!" A man in a lab coat said as he rushed towards his superior/

"What is it?" The old man said as he's irritated by his sudden call of urgency.

"The energy waves and several unknown waves are skyrocketing all throughout the atmosphere! The amount is astronomical and it is spread everywhere! What should we do?!" He said as he showed the charts that he printed quickly as soon as he noticed the anomalies.

"J-just what happened? This amount is not good! The atmosphere is messed up!" He said as he took the chart and frightened by the numbers indicated on it.

'Is this the start of a new catastrophe? Extinction? Or is it a blessing?' The professor thought as his face is complicated.

"Find out the source or the origin of this phenomenal change in the earth's atmosphere! Now!" He ordered as everyone immediately answered with a quick, "Yes!"

He sat down on the chair in front of his table with his name is in a metal plate in the table, revealing his name--John Russ Zelmariz.

Russ studied the chart for a little longer and calculated the elements in the Earth's atmosphere changed significantly.

The Earth's atmosphere has now consisted of 0.5% of nitrogen and 0.09% of oxygen and 99.41% are the unknown elements that we know as of today.

This will turn the science world upside down due to this phenomenon that just occurred on August 10, 2030, at 04:47 am.

The future of this planet is unknown.


"President, here is the report of the researchers and scientists as of today..." The secretary with the name of Sylvia Baron said as she handed tons of papers on the president who isn't sleeping yet.

"President, how about you rest for now? You can do it later... If you are pushing yourself too much, your body might not be able to take too much burden you are taking..." Sylvia said as she is staring at the president who is still focused on his work.

"I can't--the battle against the [New World Order] and war against North Korea is more important. Plus, a new problem just arrived. We have to plan an early World Summit of all countries... This matter is not just for America but it is a problem globally..." President Schnoff said as he is staring at the documents.

"I don't understand the science matters but I know that the changes in Earth's atmosphere may or may not be good for us. For now, we can only treat it as a good thing due to the fact that it thickens the atmosphere, making the sunlight and its radiation hits the Earth's surface less than we had.

Global warming is no more and some sickness will be significantly lessened." He continued as the door suddenly opened and Russ entered.

"President, these are the new reports. Earth is not the only one who got this phenomenon. All of the planets in the Solar System also have their phenomena.

Mars is now completely habitable and the gas planets such as Venus and Jupiter are changing at an astonishing pace. While the other planets are not habitable yet, they'll become one as time goes by. We predicted that the solar system will change within 2 years and 3 planets will become habitable.

The other planets that are not in the [Habitable Zone] will also become habitable after 10 to 100 years. It depends on the amount of the unknown element's concentration.

Right now, global warming is completely disappeared and the dried soils, dried rivers, and lakes are back to their normal states. The plant's growth time fasten and the photosynthesis that produces oxygen is also providing us more oxygen than usual.

Lastly, this is the weirdest thing that happened currently... The garbage in the garbage sites is burning naturally. Plus, the smoke from the garbage, factories, and any other reason to cause smoke is getting absorbed by the new element." Russ reports as he is putting the pictures and reports in the table one by one.

"This world is changing 180 degrees. First, we found mithril, and now, the changes in the atmosphere--just what is going on?" President Schnoff said as he is suspicious of the sudden blessing.

"We also received gravitational waves and the waves are very intense. We are suspecting that it is something that naturally happened in the vast space but right now, we are going to find the source or origin starting by investigating the waves and energies that they detected from the 119th element, Mithril, and the gases that appeared in the Earth's atmosphere..." Russ said as he took a letter.

It is a letter of approval from the president.

"To think that you will still ask me to have approval despite starting the investigation already..." President Schnoff said as he chuckled.

President Scnoff and Professor Zelmariz are acquaintances from several years ago.

"Well. that investigation is only a minor one that doesn't need the president's approval to research the minor waves and energies on the mithril. This phenomenon might be important to humanity, that is why we need the approval to proceed for furthermore information..." Russ said as he stared at President Schnoff.

"Are you still--haven't forgiven me?" Russ is silent.

"I--haven't yet..." He coldly said.

President Schnoff only heaved a sigh and took a pen in his pocket and signed the letter.

"Thank you, president..." He said as he walked away from the room.

"Wait--I'll call some people that can help you with your research..." He shouts that Russ can hear but he didn't mind going back and ask who is that person.

"Sylvia, call Cameron and ask for [Zero] and [Uno] for help, also, ask the governor of Massachusetts, Peter Baker to escort [Zero] and [Uno] at the laboratory so that the process will shorten... Ask Peter to escort those two people later at noon, you got it?" His secretary nods. She took her phone and called the people that the president called.

Sylvia is aware of what is [Zero] and [Uno] means... They are secret agents of the FBI for an important matter.

She stared into the president who went back to his deep thinking and said to herself, 'President is really serious about this matter... Plus, did something happened between him and the professor?'


Back into the duels, Fiona was chosen by Xavier to fight. Her enemy is a guy with a fire element--or to be more precise, a demonic flame element.

An element formed by combining demon and fire element.

Theo can do it using the [Essence Manipulation] but he can't completely merge them just like he did--that is before the man showed up.

The man raised his hands and concentrated a huge ball of fire, inferior to Theo and Blake's [Catastrophe Dragon's Fire Ball]

Fiona knew that her element is really weak against fire because of her class and affinity. Her class is called [Nature Wanderer], she has an affinity for life and earth element.

[Demon Ball]

The man threw his ball.

Fiona already predicted it so she created a [Wall of Nullification] that is made out of plants. It is one of the skills that she got from Theo.

[Vine Control]

A large number of vines appeared coming out of the ground and then, she whipped them to her enemies.

[Flame Shock]

An invisible force field made out of heat appeared, blocking every vine with Fiona's 10% of control and power.

She just whacked, whipped, and strikes the barrier simultaneously but suddenly, it exploded, making some of her vines burn.

She retreated a few meters back and then immediately used a skill that she loves.

[Forest Creation]

The grasses grew and some formed a tree. It is a permanent-infliction skill that Theo used during his battle against the Licht while doing the quest of the [Ice Dragoness].

Everyone is surprised that she can use this type of skill. Permanent-infliction-type skills are the skills that can permanently overwrite the data of a certain spot. Usually, once you've used skill and it destroyed nature, it'll just go back to normal a day later.

Those skills are considered legendary even though the spell rank is a hidden one.

She raised her hands and said, "Vine Domination..."

A large wave of green light surged but it just passed by him. It didn't do any damage to him but in fact, she marked him.

With [Vine Domination], she can mark a person as a target and exclude everyone from being one.

[Vine Golem]

A large golem appeared from her back and then rushed towards the mark.

Theo is more than enlightened just by seeing them use their skills consecutively.