Chapter 108: Nature Developing and 15 Kings - Undying Poirot

Everyone is still shocked even after getting shocked a lot.

They already know that the first 13 kings are powerful and they are very impressed with the 14th king but they did expect that the 15th prince is a little bit weaker since he is acting shy or something like that.

But they didn't expect that he is a monster too.

It seems like characteristics, traits, and appearance must not be judged while fighting.

That is the several people thought.

The others think that it is more than impressive because he just basically splits his consciousness into many branches and manipulated all of those metals.

He left the forest and took all the metals he manipulated earlier excluding the weapons of Pollock and went back to his group.


--New Zealand--

"Father! Look! That is a huge fish!" A boy said as he is pointing his fish towards the large salmon.

'Huh?' He looked closely and surprisingly saw the big salmon in the clear sea.

"Wait--is this sea clear before?!" The father of the boy realized an insane discovery of the water becoming clearer.

He stood up and scratched his eyes.

He looked into the water again but the sea is absolutely clear.

The Tasman Sea is not clear and you can't unmistakably look at the very depth of it. But now--you can unquestionably see the corals, fishes, and stones that are in the sea bed.

'Just--what is happening?' The man wore a confused face as he rowed back to the seashore.


'Hmm?' A man with his coat noticed a weird thing as he walked down the road.

Every single people walking or even people who are driving will notice this strange thing that descended upon the Philippines.

"Snow? Wait we don't have a winter season, even if we have, it is August!" A man shouts from behind, making everyone surprised at what he just said.

Filipinos are very religious and they are usually believing in the supernatural world. This erupted a huge uproar within the whole country.

Not just that country--but all countries within the tropical zone or near the equator such as Indonesia and Vietnam experienced getting this phenomenon.

'Hmm--this snow is really strange... Even though it can't be considered a winter season because the plants didn't show any difference from they usually look, the snow that fell from the sky is not enough to form a thick layer of snow like in Hokkaido...' The man continued walking and didn't think about this anymore...

He believes that scientists will explain all of this phenomenon as soon as possible.


Clap! Boom! Crack!

The sound of lightning can be heard all over Massachusetts. The thunder is kind of scaring a lot of kids and making the elders uncomfortable.

A man in his apartment looked into the daily weather forecast on the search engine but it shocked him as he sees the results.

The weather must be a sunny day, not a stormy one.

This made a lot of people curious about what is happening.


"President! There are thunderstorms in the area around Washington and it reached Massachusetts!" The secretary said as she rushed towards President Schnoff.

'What? If there is a large storm like that, then the meteorologists must've detected it! That is a huge one! This covers at least 10 states!' I am surprised as I wheeze in ridicule.

"Is this truly a blessing or not?" The president muttered as he is looking at the window with a doubt written on his face.


While Theo and the other players in the game are having fun--watching the duel, they didn't know that several unnatural phenomena are rising around the world.

"I choose you! [Undying Poirot]!" Xavier laughs as he copied the famous phrase from the anime he liked.

"...Okay" He stepped forward as he is unwilling to fight. He is completely opposed to this duel but the funny side of Xavier is that he is too stubborn.

Once that something makes him curious or excited, he'll surely do whatever he wants.

Chase stood in the forest and then announced that they already picked someone, they immediately picked another player.

People in the live stream are all excited about this part of the duel. It is because the players left are the [Undead King], [Disaster King], [Dragon King], [Assassin King], and the [Flame King]

They are all players that left a huge impact on the public.

Everyone is aware of their powers and they are just excited to watch them fight once again after three months of inactivity, especially for the [Disaster King] and the [Dragon King]

The [King] next to a certain subject are the titles given for the rankers who are getting a lot of support and players who respect them. It is a public title.

Even the new kings of the [15 Kings] of the [Silent Guild] got their own title from the public.

[Undead King] is Chase, [Disaster King] is Blake, [Dragon King] is Theo, [Assassin King] is Shawn, and the [Flame King] is Xavier.

The player that'll fight Xavier stood at the other side of the forest and immediately yells, "Initiate Duel..."

[Duel Start!]

[Kill!: The only way to win is to kill the opponent...]

As the series of notifications, the system announced the start of the battle which made both parties made a move at the same time.

[Death Magic: Spear of Malice]

[Life Magic: Spear of Faith]

A black spear flew towards the other party's direction and it got blocked by a life elemental skill.

'I see--then they knew that the only way that can defeat my element is the life element? Are they idiots or what? Necromancy needs both of the elements, so I certainly have a life element. Is there something else from that woman?' Chase thought as he created another spear.

Theo didn't bother looking at her stats or skills because he knew how powerful is Chase, even if he doesn't know the ability of the other party, he'll surely find a way through that.

[Summon: Undead Soldiers]

When the woman sensed a lot of death energy coming from Chase's direction--she immediately knew what is that skill.

And to counter that, [Summon: World Tree Soldiers]

The class of the woman is the [Holy Saint], she uses life elements to eliminate dark forces and uses staff and spears.

The duel became a war of soldiers.

Both of them walked in the direction of each other.

Chase saw the beautiful woman who is looking at him with a little bit of hostile expression. He didn't mind that gaze and stared at his soldier fighting against the plant soldiers.

'It seems like 3% of my magic power is not enough for them...' Chase said to himself as he provided he summon more magic power, increasing all of their stats significantly. He gave them 4% of his magic power now.

"What?" The woman exclaimed as she noticed that her summons is getting oppressed by the enemy.

She summoned a lot more summons but it is no use, the power of the other party is too powerful.

She immediately retreated a few meters back and counted the summons he used.

'He only used 10 of them?! I used 45 of my summon but it didn't do any damage to the summons nor the summoner...' She is shocked as she finally knew why everyone started to tell her that she must be ready or be careful.

'So that's what they meant!' This woman is named Kila, she is a beautiful rich woman from both worlds and always looking down on anyone.

She is not a very fitting model for a [Holy Saint].

She never looked into the forums because she believed in money supremacy.

[Life Absorption]

A weaker absorption skill was used by Kila which is also the skill that Theo once used to the [Water Dragon, Jeniffer].

Chase already knew the skills that the life elements use thanks to Theo and he is unmistakably aware of this skill.

[Counter Absorption]

He raised his hands to block the green light that is coming towards him.

'That is-- a skill from life element!' Kila finally understood that she is in danger. She didn't even know that he can also use life elements like her.

Being able to use the life and death element is rumored to be powerful and invincible. And right now--in front of her--is a living example.

But she still believes that she can defeat him.

Ever since earlier, the people are usually overwhelmed by their skills but she is continuously looking down at her opponents just now. She even thought of extorting or bribing their money just to become part of her family's guild.

She may be a member of the [Faragos Guild] but she is still part of the [Jackson Family], the one who created the [Life Guild]

Once Theo or the other kings know that she is looking down or plotting to extort or bribe them--they'll positively kill her with all their might.

It is an absolute choice that they'll decide once it took place.

Lucky for her, she didn't say anything since earlier.

Chase walked as fast as he could towards the frightened Kila who is on her knees and took his physical spear.

Chase lifted it, instantly chopping off Kila's head.