Chapter 7: The Heiress

Ino was awoken by the sun's rays that hit her face. She groaned and pulled the blankets over her head, trying to shut the sun away. Soon she could no longer breathe properly, so she sat up and cursed silently at the sun. She was tired. So, so tired.

Knowing that she can't stay in bed all day, Ino removed herself from her warm bed and shuffled to the bathroom, where she stripped herself naked and climbed into the shower. She drowned herself in hot water, allowing the droplets to gently caress her skin as she stood there in silence. She could hear Minato laughing outside.

After her shower, Ino dried herself off and pulled on a purple kimono she found in her walk-in closet. For some reason, the kimono reminded her of her mother.

Mother. The word clung to her like a magnet. How was her mother? If she could recall, she clearly spent time with her mother, since Naruto spoke of helping her mother the first time she awoke as her thirty-seven-year-old-self. It had to be her mother, for Uzumaki Kushina was dead.

Ino made a mental note to visit her family as soon as possible. Perhaps her father knew about time-traveling and being stuck in your future-self. Perhaps this wasn't time-traveling. Perhaps this was something like a mind-transfer! Ino perked up. Oh, the possibilities! If her father knew something, perhaps she could then go home!

Excited, Ino dashed down the stairs, grabbed a piece of bread and then left the house. She knew that the children weren't alone, she could sense the presence of someone else, so she believed they were in good hands to be left alone for awhile.

Ino hoped her house was still where it used to be.

Her family home no longer stood on the same spot, but it was close enough. She instantly recognized it when the sign of the shop caught her eye. She smiled as she stared at the building before her.

Ino quickly slipped inside. She was greeted by buckets filled with flowers. The sweet aromas danced around her as she closed her eyes. How she has missed the fresh scent of flowers! It felt like such a long time since she has worked with flowers, even though in reality it has only been a few days. The door opened behind her, the bell ringing loudly throughout the shop. Ino opened her eyes and turned around.

She came face-to-face with a pair of lavender-tinted eyes. Ino felt her blood run cold and a shiver run down her spine as she stared at the person before her. It was a woman. Her dark hair was curled elaborately on top her head into a fancy bun, hair pins and ornaments poked out from the bun. Her lips were shaded a ruby red and she had on a beautiful red and golden kimono. Ino unconsciously tightened her fists.

"Ino?" the woman asked, her eyes shining brightly.

"H-Hinata?" was all Ino could muster.

Hinata smiled warmly. Ino couldn't believe that this mature, beautiful woman before her was Hinata. Hinata, the shy little girl who always withdrew herself looked like...she looked like a queen! A regal queen who knew she had power. What on earth happened to the shy Hinata?

"So lovely to see you," Hinata smiled as she bowed.

"Yeah," Ino trailed off, "you look...amazing."

Hinata merely smiled, a small and feint blush was present on her cheeks but she did not stutter or react like she would have in the past, "Thank you, you look rather amazing yourself."

"So, what brings you here?" Ino asked, her eyes still wide from the shock.

"I have come to pay for the flowers my family ordered," Hinata stated, "I told you I would be come by today, didn't I?"

Ino blinked, "You did?"

"Yes," Hinata continued, confusion apparent on her face, "when you were here the other day, remember?"

The fact was, Ino didn't remember. Her future-self would have remembered, but she of course, being from the past did not. Ino bit her bottom lip. This was something she was going to encounter from now on when she meets with old friends...somehow it saddened her. Everyone she knew here was aware of so many things about herself...things that she was not aware of at all.

"I'm sorry," Ino sighed, "I haven't been very well the past few days, I guess it slipped my mind."

"Trouble in paradise?" Hinata asked. Ino looked taken aback. Hinata was smiling evilly at Ino. It was a creepy smile, not a smile you would expect from a shy girl like Hinata.

Ino gulped, "You can say that."

"Did you have a fight with Naruto?" Hinata asked. Ino was surprised. Hinata was prepared to talk about her 'relationship' with Naruto? Everyone knew that Hinata was in love with Naruto! Wouldn't she have become angry or jealous when Ino 'supposedly' married Naruto?

"Um...not really," Ino stated, "it's complicated."

Hinata merely nodded. She did not press the matter any further. Ino was grateful for that. She relaxed and allowed her eyes to wander down to Hinata's stomach. She blinked, then her eyes widened.

"You're...expecting?" Ino asked as she looked back up. Hinata's eyes brightened and she smiled warmly.

"Yes!" Hinata exclaimed excitedly, "No one seems to notice. It's this stupid kimono's fault. They hide all my curves! They just mistake the small bump for fat!"

Ino laughed, "Congratulations. How far along are you?"

"Twenty-eight weeks."

The two women were interrupted when someone appeared from the back of the store. An elderly woman with faded red hair and blue eyes entered the room, carrying a basket with purple flowers. She was dressed in a traditional purple kimono with a green apron over it. Ino's eyes lit up when she saw her.

"Mama!" Ino exclaimed. Even though her mother was much older than she remembered, she recognized her instantly. The woman seemed surprised to see Ino, but she smiled none the less.

"Hello dear, what brings you here?" Mrs Yamanaka asked.

Ino leaped into her mother's arms, causing the elderly woman to drop the basket with flowers in surprise. Ino buried her face in her mother's shoulder and silently cried. Mrs Yamanaka noticed her daughter's trembling and locked her arms around her daughter's waist.

"There, there," Mrs Yamanaka whispered, "I'm here."

"I'm sorry, Mama," Ino sobbed, "I just feel so...alone."

Mrs Yamanaka was confused, but she decided not to push Ino. Instead she patted her daughter's back until she calmed down. Hinata watched the scene silently, a smile on her face, but her eyes solemn.

Ino pulled away from her mother and wiped her eyes, then smiled. Ino quickly got down on her knees and gathered the flowers her mother dropped. Meanwhile, Mrs Yamanaka greeted Hinata and welcomed her. Ino placed the now refilled basket back on the counter and glanced at how formally her mother addressed Hinata.

"When will you require the order to be delivered?" Mrs Yamanaka asked as she opened her notebook.

"Saturday afternoon," Hinata replied, "preferably at four. I don't want the delivery and arrival happening at the same time. It will make the place a madhouse."

Mrs Yamanaka laughed, "Of course, of course! How long will he be staying this time?"

Hinata blushed a deep crimson at Mrs Yamanaka's words. Ino found herself extremely curious as to what her mother was referring to.

"I-I don't know," Hinata answered. Ino smirked. Here returns the Hinata stutter!

Mrs Yamanaka chuckled, "I'm just playing with you, Hyuga-sama! No need to get nervous!"

Hinata's blush darkened, but she quickly regained her composure and straightened herself. They continued to discuss delivery options and instructions, Ino found herself wandering around the shop, occasionally stopping to sniff flowers.

"Oi, Hinata-sama, how long are you going to take?" a male voice asked, annoyed as the door opened and bell chimed. Ino looked up from where she was kneeling. In the doorway stood a young, tall man with long dark hair and lavender-tinted eyes.

"Neji?" Ino found herself asking, but when the man turned to look at her, she realized that he might have looked like Neji, but he wasn't Neji at all. Hinata turned around to face the young man and shook her head.

"Masahiro," Hinata tutted, "what have I told you about calling me 'Hinata-sama'?"

Masahiro sighed, "But mother, we're in public!"

Ino gawked wide-eyes at the man. Did he just call her mother? Of course, Ino expected Hinata to have other children other than the one she was currently carrying, but she did not expect the other child to be so...old. He looked at least seventeen, maybe even older. Ino could just not piece together the possibility of Hinata having a child so early.

"Good day, Masahiro," Mrs Yamanaka smiled, "In the market for some flowers today?"

Masahiro blushed, "Stop it, old woman! You know I don't have feelings for Akemi! Jeez!"

Mrs Yamanaka laughed, "I'm just teasing you. Don't you think it's sexy though? The tale of a romance between the daughter of a teacher and the son of the teacher's student?"

Hinata chuckled, "I must agree, it does have a nice ring to it."

"See?" Mrs Yamanaka asked, "Even your mother agrees."

Masahiro's eyebrow twitched, "Whatever." And just like that, the young man was out of the shop. Ino stood up, her eyes still wide from the shock of having met Hinata's son.

"Well, he is clearly annoyed," Mrs Yamanaka chuckled, "I think you should go, Hyuga-sama."

Hinata nodded in agreement, "Yes, thank you for your assistance. I shall see you at the banquet."

"That you shall," Mrs Yamanaka nodded. Hinata bowed and then left, looking just as regal from behind. Ino was amazed just how much Hinata has changed.

Mrs Yamanaka turned to face Ino, "So what brings you here?"


A/N:what happened to Hinata?, well now you know she's still around! She actually has a rather important role in this story, she's one of the few people who have and will influence Ino immensly throughout the plot. So you will see plenty more of her in the future!