Chapter 15: Reach into His Heart

To say Ino was stunned would be an understatement. Of course, she held no disgust towards Hinata for bearing a child for her cousin, since intermarriages and such were still quite common, despite a lot of people's opposing of it. Besides, cousins are not that close genetically than some people claim they are. So often, their children can be very healthy. Ino just never expected it, because until now she always thought Hinata would marry Naruto. Funny how things worked out in the end.

Hinata was still sobbing in Ino's arms, but she was calming down now. A few minutes passed, and then Hinata pulled away, grabbed a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her tears away. Ino gently rubbed her back to soothe her. Hinata smiled a small smile in gratitude.

"I'm sorry," Hinata mumbled, "that was unbecoming of me."

Ino shook her head. "No, I understand. Can I ask one thing though?"

Hinata blinked, then nodded.

"Masahiro is Neji's son, isn't he?" Ino asked. Hinata's eyes fluttered, then she looked down at her hands resting in her lap. Finally she nodded. Hinata looked up at the sky which was covered with a few lone clouds.

"The elderly of the clan were very strict about keeping our clan 'pure'," Hinata began to explain, "so they practically ordered my father to ensure I produce an heir – with another Hyuuga."

"Your father chose Neji?" Ino asked, surprised. Hinata laughed and shook her head.

"No," Hinata giggled, "I chose him."

Ino frowned. Hinata noticed her confusion and laughed again.

"I was sixteen at the time," Hinata admitted, "I couldn't stand the thought of devoting myself to someone in such a way. Especially someone I didn't love. That's when Neji stepped in. He confronted my father and the elders and demanded that I be left alone. It was the most beautiful thing he ever did for me – other than give me my son, of course."

Ino smiled when she realised Hinata was sparkling in radiance now. She enjoyed talking about this. She wanted to talk about this. She wanted to share the beautiful memories she cherished of Neji.

"And then?" Ino asked.

"Well," Hinata sighed, "he was ignored by the elders, my father was impressed though. So, my father approached Neji and begged him to protect me. We were all surprised by this, my father always thought I was a failure!"

"Wow," Ino breathed, "I remember that. Your father doesn't approve of you in my world either."

"Really?" Hinata asked, surprised. Ino nodded. "Interesting."

"So Neji became your protector?" Ino asked.

"Something like that," Hinata laughed, "we took a different approach to what my father had in mind. Instead of Neji guarding me, we decided to have a baby. The elders weren't very happy, of course, Neji is only a branch member, after all."

Ino blinked. Hinata never seemed to be the rebellious type! It was fascinating though, hearing this story. Ino could never imagine something like this happening with the Hinata and Neji she knew. They were close, yes, but not that close!

Silence fell. The music, chattering and laughter could be heard of the party inside, but the garden was peaceful. Masahiro was still standing in the doorway, watching the two women talk. He did not dare move. Ino found this very sweet of him, watching over his mother like a devoted protector, very much like his father.

"How did he die?" Ino finally mustered the courage to ask the dreadful question.

"In the war," Hinata whispered, "my best friend told me he died a hero."

A lump suddenly formed in Ino's throat. She looked into Hinata's eyes, looking for confirmation, and she received it. Ino looked down at her hands and then back up into Hinata's lavender eyes. "I was there?"

Hinata nodded. "I was already far in my pregnancy and was unable to fight. Kurenai was pregnant with Akemi at the time too. A group of enemies were heading to the village to massacre the women and children. Neji stopped them, but lost his life in the process."

Silence fell once more.

"After that, I thought I would never heal," Hinata confessed, "I was alone with a child and in despair. That's when you lifted me up again. You were there when I needed someone the most."

A blush formed on Ino's cheeks. Hinata noticed this and smiled.

"Oh," Hinata suddenly exclaimed excitedly, "and you dragged me off on a double date, and that's how I met the love of my life!"

Ino blinked. "Gaara?"

Hinata nodded vigorously. "I love Neji, but I wasn't in love with him. I realised this a few months after Gaara and I became an item."

"I'm glad you're happy now, Hinata," Ino whispered.

"I wish I could say the the same for you," Hinata stated, pointing at one of the windows looking out into the garden, "looks like your husband is looking for you."

And surely enough, Naruto was standing in the window and motioning for Ino to come inside.

The minute Ino stepped inside, she was swept up and dragged to the dance floor by a very enthusiastic blonde Hokage. Ino couldn't help but giggle at his childish excitement as they started to sway to the music. The song sounded familiar, but Ino could not quite place the name. Well, Naruto certainly seemed to enjoy the song.

Ino was nervous dancing with Naruto, which she didn't quite expect. Being held by his strong arms was a lot different from having his hand resting on the small of her back. It was warm, touching and surprisingly familiar. She felt at home in his arms, like she actually never got dragged into a completely different world from the one she knew.

"Thank you," Ino whispered, causing Naruto to frown down at her. Ino smiled. "Thank you for telling Hinata the truth."

Naruto grinned. "You are her best friend, after all. And Gaara threatened me that if I didn't tell her, he would. And then she would be hurt, since you couldn't confide in her."

Ino nodded. They swayed to the music in silence for awhile, merely enjoying each other's company. Ino could feel several of the other guests' eyes on them, but it didn't bother her. After all, to them it was normal for the Hokage to dance with his wife.

"Naruto," Ino called out his name in a whisper. He looked down into her blue eyes, waiting for her to speak. Ino was surprised at his height. How did she never realise how tall he had gotten? "Can I ask you a favour?"

Naruto closed his eyes, tightened his grip on Ino's waist and pulled her closer. She inhaled deeply, surprised by the sudden affection, her heart started to beat wildly in her chest. "Anything," Naruto whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her skin. A blush crept to her cheeks as she tried to muster the will to speak again.

Finally Ino calmed down. Why was she acting like such a child? She was supposed to appear as a thirty-seven-year-old married woman for god's sake! "I'm tired of not knowing everything," Ino stated, "I want you tell me everything about everyone. If I continue to be oblivious, I won't ever be able to keep my identity a secret!"

Naruto pondered on this for awhile, but finally agreed. "Alright, I will tell you as much as I can. There are certain things I can't tell you, some stories you have to hear from others. And I can't tell you everything at once – you might collapse."

Ino nodded and smiled. It felt like a weight was suddenly lifted off of her chest. "What about one fact a day?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Naruto agreed, "alright, here is the first fact: Kiba is blind in his left eye."

"I knew it!" Ino exclaimed. Naruto blinked, then laughed. "How did he go blind?"

"Just a tragic accident with a kunai on a mission a few years ago. He doesn't need his eyes though, his nose covers everything."

Ino chuckled. Indeed. The two swayed in silence again, but the silence was comfortable. Both blondes were smiling. To the onlookers, they looked like the perfect couple madly in love. Their children, Kaguya and Minato were watching from the garden, content that their parents seemed to be acting normal again for a change.

"Ino, I just had a brilliant idea," Naruto suddenly spoke up. Ino looked up, confused. "Why don't we exchange stories? I tell you a fact a day about this world, and you tell me a story of yours!"

Ino pondered on this. Should she? Would it be safe to do so? Well, she was already deep into everything here, so it shouldn't hurt, right? Ino nodded. "Alright. Here is fact number one: you love Ramen!"

Naruto pulled a very disappointed face and groaned, "Not fair, I know that already!"

Ino threw her head back and laughed, causing several people to glance at her, surprised. Naruto pouted. Ino's laughs died down, but she continued to shake in laughter as she gently rested her head on Naruto's chest, completely unaware of what she was doing. Her body just seemed to move by itself. Naruto was surprised, but didn't mind at all.

"Kidding," Ino finally stated when her laughter stopped, "here is the real fact number one: Asuma is dead." Naruto stiffened at this. Ino felt his grip on her waist tighten again.

"I'm sorry," Naruto whispered. Ino closed her eyes and hummed. Naruto didn't have to be sorry. Death comes to everybody eventually.

The two were so engrossed in their conversation, that they didn't realise they had been dancing for seven songs already. Despite this, neither made a move to stop. They were very comfortable in each others' arms, even with a whole crowd watching them.



"You can sleep in our bedroom again, if you want," Ino whispered, a blush slowly creeping to her face as she said every word. Naruto frowned.

"No, no," Naruto protested, "you can stay there, I'm fine in the guest room."

Ino sighed. "That's not what I meant. I mean, move in back with me."

Naruto stopped moving to the music, causing Ino to look up into his eyes, worried. Did she overstep a boundary? Should she not have suggested that? No, she was happy with her choice. She loved being in his arms, she wanted to stay in his arms, she wanted to wake up in his arms. Besides, he deserved to sleep in his bed next to his wife.

"Are you sure?" Naruto asked sternly. Ino nodded, and rested her head against his chest once more. Naruto remained frozen, so Ino took the initiative to start swaying to the music again. Naruto soon joined her, but this time he moved his arm from her shoulder and wrapped both arms around her waist. It surprised her, but she did not pull away. Her face was on fire, but she was not going to act like a teenager here. No, it's time she acted like a grown, mature, married woman.

Because that is exactly what she is. Mostly.

After dancing with Naruto what seemed like hours, Ino excused herself and escaped outside. She was hoping to find her children and give them each a tight embrace, but no child was to be seen. They must have moved to play somewhere else. Ino sighed and sat down on a bench, enjoying the cool air that hit her hot skin.

"Enjoying yourself, Lady Ino?" a female voice asked. Ino looked up, already not feeling comfortable with her guest because of their tone of voice, and inwardly cringed when she realised it was Hyuuga Astra, the seamstress.

"Yes, thank you," Ino replied as politely as possible, "what about yourself, Astra?"

Astra smirked and looked up at the stars. "I only attend because it is my duty."

"I see," Ino trailed off. She wasn't really in the mood to talk to Astra. She didn't like the woman. Her dresses and kimonos were beautiful and elegant, but her personality didn't seem to be of the same esteem. Everything about Astra's demeanour sent warning signals throughout every part of Ino's body.

Minato poked his head up from a bush and waved. Ino smiled widely and waved back. Minato giggled. "Mama, come play with us!"

Ino stood up, excused herself and started heading towards Minato's direction. A sudden chilly breeze swept through the garden. Ino shivered, she made a mental note to check all the children were warm, she didn't want any of them to get sick.

"Lady Ino," Astra called out her name. Ino looked over her shoulder, annoyed that the woman was still going to disturb her, despite the fact that she had excused herself.

"Yes?" Ino asked, trying to hide her annoyance.

Astra's smirk widened. "I would be very careful if I were you, we don't want your world to come crushing down, now do we?"

Ino frowned, completely confused. What was Astra trying to say? "What are you talking about? Who do you think you are?" Ino was starting to feel anger boil within her. Astra's smirk continued to grow wider, which sent a shiver down Ino's spine.

"Just be careful," Astra whispered as she disappeared inside, "or you might lose something dear to you."


A/N: Yes, I am aware of the possible genetic problems that can arise when offspring comes from parents with similar DNA. Note that this statement is ambiguous - incest raises the chances of genetic disorders and other problems. Doesn't mean every child will come out deformed or sick, but the chances of a normal, completely healthy child in such a relationship is considerably more rare.

Yes, I am aware that because Neji and Hinata's fathers were identical twins, they are genetically considered half-siblings. But that's just it. They are genetically considered half-siblings, but are not seen that way in the eyes of the law. Legally, they are cousins and in many cultures marrying your first cousin is not frowned upon nor considered taboo. Now, I am not saying incest should be accepted and become the norm, but this is fiction, set in a world based on medieval and feudal Japan where things such as under age marriage and cousins marrying were not uncommon, nor considered taboo. So, all I ask, is that we respond maturely and in context to this and not start a fight over it.