Chapter 18: One is All, All is One

Ino sat down on the grass, motioning for her daughter to do the same. Kaguya hesitated, then sat down opposite her mother. Ino smiled and closed her eyes. Kaguya did the same and inhaled deeply, allowing the air to travel through her body and carry oxygen to her organs through her blood. She tried to release the tension in her muscles and imagine herself in a place she loved, surrounded by people she loved.

"This is the first step to being able to control yourself," Ino stated, "coming to peace by meditation."

Kaguya nodded, but did not open her eyes. "Grandfather said something similar when he trained me too."

Ino smiled. Of course her father would have said that, she had learned it from him. It was heart warming, knowing her family wasn't very different in this world from her own. At least her older-self also had a warm and open family. The thought was reassuring.

"Thank you for taking the time to train me," Kaguya whispered.

"I am your mother," Ino stated, "it is no problem at all." It was strange saying that, even after all this time Ino has been stuck in this alternate life of hers. But she had come to accept the fact that she might be here for awhile and in order to survive, she must carry on. Besides, she really did love Kaguya and saw her as her own daughter (which she kind of was).

The two blondes sat in silence as the sun baked down on them, waiting for the right moment to move forward.

Naruto was a busy man. Being the Hokage wasn't fun and games, after all. If he wasn't looking cool and heroic, he was cooped up in an office doing paperwork. Naruto hated paperwork, but he could not escape it, no matter what. Luckily he had clones to help him, even if it did use chakra.

Naruto sighed and stretched his arms over his head. He spun around on his chair and looked out the window that gave him a full view of the village he loved and promised to protect. It was a sunny day with only a few clouds. Villagers were moving around, bustling and going on about their daily business. Naruto was happy to see such times of peace.

A knock on the door shook Naruto from his reverie. He spun back around. "Enter."

The door opened, revealing his secretary, a young woman in her late twenties with long golden hair and blue eyes. She was efficient, but a bit clumsy. Never the less, she was a great help that Naruto needed.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, Hokage-sama," she mumbled, "but the Kazekage is here to see you."

Naruto frowned. Gaara didn't usually discuss business often with Naruto when he was here on his time off to spend with his family. This visit could only mean one thing – Gaara had found something in the archives. Naruto's eyes narrowed.

"Let him in," Naruto ordered, "and bring us tea."

The secretary nodded and closed the door behind her. Several minutes later, Gaara stepped into the office. He was dressed in a black shirt and pants, very casual, which was normal when he spent time with his children.

"Find something?" Naruto asked.

Gaara sat down and looked into his best friend's eyes. Naruto swallowed and sat forward. He knew that serious look in Gaara's eyes. He did find something.

"I found an old document," Gaara stated, "Kankuro mailed it. It's a report from a scientist's theories on dimensions and space."

Naruto frowned. "Dimensions and space?"

Gaara nodded. "Yes, something about the fabric of the universe that overlap sometimes and therefore two dimensions come together. I thought that it could perhaps assist with the problem."

Naruto nodded. Gaara pulled out some folded papers from his pocket and handed it over. Naruto unfolded it and studied it silently. It was a very old paper and the dates on the reports dated back over seventy years. The scientist was most likely no longer amongst the living, so speaking with him was not an option.

"It sounds familiar," Naruto stated, his brows knitted together. Where did he hear of this before? The fabrics of the universe overlaps...he was certain that someone had told him about it, explained it in detail. But who? Naruto mentally cursed himself. How could he forget in such a dire moment?

"I will continue the search," Gaara stated, "maybe there is more."

Naruto nodded. "Thank you, please do. Now go home and enjoy your last few days with Hinata!"

Gaara blushed lightly, then excused himself. Naruto sat back in his chair and sighed.

If only he could remember...

"An opponent will never give you the opportunity to transfer to them," Ino stated as she corrected Kaguya's stance. They were practising on a mouse that Ino got at the pet store. Ino wasn't usually fond of using animals, but they couldn't practice this kind of technique on a log.

"Right," Kaguya nodded.

Ino smiled and stepped back, proud of Kaguya's strong posture. "Your team mates are in charge of distracting the enemy and immobilising them, so that you can grab them."

Kaguya nodded. "That's why we are always placed on a team with the Nara and Akimichi clans. They are the best suited to our ability."

"That''s correct," Ino stated, "but none of your team mates are from those clans, are they?"

Kaguya looked down at the ground. Ino frowned at her daughter's sudden look of sadness. "Kaguya?"

"Shikamaru's wife can't have children," Kaguya whispered, "and Chouji didn't even live to have children. I will never be on a team with Nara or Akimichi clan members."

Ino's eyes widened. It had never occurred to her that, that was the outcome. And to think it bothered Kaguya so made Ino's heart clench. "But you have adapted, haven't you? That's what every kunoichi must do, adapt to her new environment and social surroundings."

Kaguya looked up and smiled weakly. "You're right. And I don't really have to adapt, I never had such a team to begin with. I've learned to work well with my team mates, now I must just perfect my own technique."

Ino smiled proudly at her daughter. She was so determined. "All right, do it. Capture that mouse, but be careful, they have very sensitive minds. One mistake and you might kill it."

Kaguya nodded, then focused and executed.

Thirty-seven-year-old Ino...

Ino stared at herself in the mirror. She looked so young and elegant in the purple summer dress she had selected to wear for her date with Naruto. She twirled around. It felt great to be a teenager again, because her skin was flawless. Well...mostly, she naturally had some scars from missions, but she hid them perfectly under the fabric of the dress. Even her breasts looked great.

Her mother came in and looked surprised.

"Are you going out?" she asked.

"Yes," Ino confirmed, "how do I look?"

"Beautiful," her mother smiled, "is it a date?"

Ino smirked and winked. Her mother laughed, then narrowed her eyes seriously. "Are you it is safe?"

Ino frowned. "What do you mean?"

Ino's mother glanced to her side nervously. " are my daughter from the future and from another dimension. Is it safe to become attached to the people from his dimension?"

Ino blinked. "I don't know, but I can't lock myself up. I have to continue on like nothing has changed. If I become anti-social just to protect everyone, then people start to notice things, and then real problems could rise up. Like enemies attacking."

Ino's mother nodded. "I guess you're right. I'm just looking out for you. Have a good night. We'll talk in the morning."

"Oh," Ino breathed, "you wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes," her mother confirmed, "but I don't want to spoil your night, so go and have fun. We will talk in the morning."

Ino smiled. "You are a wonderful mother, just like mine."

Her mother laughed. "I am your mother, silly. I just happen to be younger!"

Mrs Yamanaka left the room. Ino's smile faltered. They might be the same woman deep down, but Ino still missed her real mother.

Naruto was waiting outside when Ino came down stairs. She greeted him with a small hug, then pulled her fingers through her long hair while asking him if there was anything specific he wanted to do.

"Not really," Naruto mumbled, "what do you want to do?"

Ino was surprised. "You're not going to beg me to go have Ramen?"

Naruto blushed. "Sakura-chan said I shouldn't bring it up."

Ino chuckled. So he went to Sakura for advice before this? How cute. Naruto was fiddling with his fingers as he tried not to look Ino in the eye. She smiled, but the smile faltered when Naruto gave her a sideways glance. It knocked her breath away. He looked so much like her Naruto when he did that. Ino looked down at her feet.

"Are you alright?" Naruto asked.

"Yes," Ino quickly replaced her frown with a smile, "let's go to a tea house, then I have a place to show you."

Naruto nodded and the two turned around and walked in the direction of the shopping district.

After dinner, Ino led Naruto through the village until they reached the path that led all the way up to the Hokage monument. It was still strange to her, seeing only five faces, but she was slowly getting used to it. She missed seeing her husband's face overlooking the village.

"Why we going up there?" Naruto asked as they walked side-by-side. Ino glanced at him and smiled.

"It is my favourite place," she stated, "someone very dear to me showed it to me."

Naruto furrowed his brows. He was curious about this precious person of hers. He knew that she was bound to have people she loved in her life, but he had a feeling this particular person was different from others.

"Why are you showing me?"

Ino was about to open her big mouth and tell him that he showed it to her, and that she wanted to share something with him again, but she stopped herself in time. She inhaled deeply and looked on ahead of her, the moon acting as her guide.

"Because I want to," she whispered, "because you are my friend."

Naruto blinked, then grinned. "Really? You're my friend too, Ino."

Ino smiled and reached out to lock fingers with Naruto, but she stopped midway, blushed and quickly pulled away. Naruto noticed this and was surprised. He's never had a girl reach out to him like that before. He was oblivious, yes, but he knew enough to know that she wasn't just reaching out for the heck of it.

They finally reach the top and the view blew Naruto's breath away. It was amazing. The entire village was displayed before him, the lights shimmering in the darkness with the stars and the moon watching over. This was home. This was Konoha.

"Wow," Naruto breathed.

"Yeah," Ino agreed, "wow."

"Why didn't I come here before?" Naruto asked. Ino shrugged. Naruto laughed warmly. "This is the village I will protect when I become Hokage! And it is beautiful!"

Ino chuckled. So energetic, just like she remembered. Naruto inhaled deeply and turned around to face Ino. He leaned against the railings that were in place for safety reasons for anybody who planned to do some sightseeing. His blue eyes locked on Ino and he watched her intently. She looked different, he didn't notice it before. Yes, she still had long hair, she still had the same figure and the same face. Nothing really changed, but at the same time something did. Was it her eyes? Or was it her posture? Or was it the entire way she carried herself? Whatever it was, Yamanaka Ino has changed and it intrigued him.

"You look different," Naruto stated.

"I feel different," Ino admitted.

"I don't mind the change," Naruto whispered, surprising Ino, "you look...nice." Naruto blushed as he said this and quickly looked away. Ino smiled as her heart leaped in her chest.

"Thank you, Naruto,."

Silence enveloped them, but it was comfortable. A warm breeze swept over them and Naruto watched in awe as Ino's hair gently whipped around her face. She really was beautiful, he never really noticed it before, since he was always so caught up with Sakura. But he knew Sakura loved Sasuke and nothing was going to change that, even if Sasuke doesn't return as the same man. Naruto knew Sasuke wouldn't look at Sakura ever, and he would be there when she realised that. But now as he looked at Ino, he wondered if it would be a romantic gesture. No, he would support her as a friend. At least, that's what he felt now as he watched the blonde before him.

"What are you looking at?" Ino asked, her hands on her hips. Naruto laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head. Ino rolled her eyes, then looked Naruto in the eye. They froze, blinked and then both unconsciously took a step closer. Another breeze swept through and Ino had to pull her hair out of her face this time, but it did not stop her from moving closer to Naruto even further. He also moved forward and when they were both standing so close to each other, their chests were touching, Naruto leaned down and Ino raised her chin and their lips met.

It was a short kiss, but when Ino pulled away, she felt giddy. Naruto felt the same. He had just kissed Ino. It was his first kiss with a girl, and it definitely was no accident. A blush crept to his cheeks and he quickly turned around to look at the village again. What was he going to do now?

Ino felt a pang of pain when Naruto turned his back to her, but she pushed it aside and joined him. They watched the village in silence, until their hands slowly creped closer together and their fingers entwined.

They were content.

Sixteen-year-old Ino...

Kaguya sat down on a rock and sighed. She was tired and worn from a full day of training, but she was improving. Ino smiled and sat down next to her daughter.

"We'll stop for something to eat on the way home," Ino said.

Kaguya's eyes lit up. "Good! I'm starving!" Ino laughed and patted her daughter's shoulder. The two blondes sat in silence, catching their breaths and calming down. They had a full-on training session, but the end results were going to be spectacular. Ino was very proud of her daughter.

"You haven't been on missions lately," Kaguya stated.

Ino bit her lip. "I haven't been feeling well."

"Are you pregnant?" Kaguya asked, a sudden excitement to her voice.

Ino laughed. "No, I'm not, sorry."

Kaguya's face fell. "Oh, that would have been cool. I want a little sister."

Ino smiled. How she wished she could grant that wish, but she really was not in a position to do such a thing. Besides, sex with Naruto...not something she wanted to picture at this very moment, especially considering the fact she was technically a virgin. Her body might not be, but her soul sure was. The thought made Ino shudder.

"Thanks for training me," Kaguya thanked her mother, "I've always enjoyed training with you. You're the best!"

"I wouldn't say that," Ino laughed, "your grandfather is much more dependable when it comes to the Mind Transfer technique."

Kaguya pulled an annoyed face. "That's not true, and we both know it! You surpassed grandfather a long time ago! Dad even said you were developing a new powerful technique that could go beyond normal Mind Transfer!"

Ino smiled at her daughter's compliments. She wasn't so sure she was that much stronger than her father, and she certainly did not remember any new techniques she was developing...

A new technique that would take Mind Transfer even further? Ino's eyes widened. Mind Transfer, body swapping...isn't that what practically happened to her and her alternative self? Wasn't her mind now in the body of another version of herself? Could it be that she and her alternative self swapped bodies with a Mind Transfer technique? And if they did, how did it get into another dimension? Was that even possible?

It was time she hit the books.