Chapter 24: Under the Stars

There was exactly a week left before The Annual Kage Summit commenced. While Naruto was preparing the village for his absence, Ino took the time to spend time with her children and preparing for the journey.

She was in desperate need of a dress for the evening gala that took place after the meeting. Naruto had told her the details of the evening and that the women liked to dress up to show off their social standing as the Kage's wife. At least, that's how Naruto saw it. He thought it was funny.

The thought of having to get a dress was exciting, but going back to Astra's shop was not. However, Ino knew she was not going to find anything else worthy anywhere else. If there was one thing Astra was skilled at, it was making divine dresses and kimonos.

After dropping Minato off at school, Ino swallowed her uneasiness and headed down the main street towards Astra's home, which also happens to be her shop. By the time she arrived, she wasn't the only one about to knock on the door.


"Hello, Ino," Hinata smiled warmly, "also getting a dress for the evening gala?"

"Yes," Ino replied. Hinata's smile widened. The door opened, revealing Astra in her fully groomed, kimono-clad glory. Ino expected her to be hostile, as she always was, but instead the woman smiled widely and welcomed Hinata into her home with open arms. She turned her smile to Ino, but the smile vanished from her eyes. Ino felt her blood run cold. Clearly Astra didn't dislike people in general, she just disliked Ino. Ino could not determine why.

"Come in, ladies," Astra gushed as she led Hinata into the main room, filled with racks of finely designed dresses, "something special for the evening gala, I presume?"

"Yes," Hinata said, "I'd like something to suit my figure...and accommodate my belly, of course."

Astra instantly jumped into showing a variety of dresses to the young leader of the Hyuuga family. Ino could do nothing but watch on in envy. Astra was giving her full attention to Hinata, leaving Ino completely forgotten. Ino tried to pay no mind to the fact, she could find a dress herself.

Ino finally found a golden kimono, it was beautifully woven with flowers embroidered on it. The colour was perfect, and it oddly reminded Ino of Naruto's hair. Hinata was still being overwhelmed by Astra's suggestions, so Ino took it as her cue to leave the money on the table and leave. She wasn't going to be the 'third wheel' in this situation.

As she walked away, though, she couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving Hinata behind all alone with the insane Astra.

Thirty-seven-year-old Ino...

Time was passing, albeit slowly, and Ino was becoming restless. There was a constant nagging in the back of her mind that the more time passed, the worse the situation would become. It was just past noon, the air was hot and dry and Ino was bored.

However, despite her state of mind, Konoha continued to move around her. It amazed her, how similar the two Konoha's were, yet also so very different. Her mind snapped back to the knowledge of Sasuke. She missed him, strangely enough. He and Karin were two people she knew she would have been able to trust. Now neither of them are here...

"Uh...Ino?" a timid voice shook her from her reverie. Ino turned around, not sure what to expect. Her nerves calmed when she saw the familiar smile that belonged to her closest friend, Hinata. Hinata looked different, that could not be denied, but she was still Hinata.

"Hello Hinata," Ino greeted with a grin. Hinata smiled shyly. Strangely, Ino suddenly noticed that Hinata was not alone. She was so used to seeing Hinata move around the village by herself, that having a companion was so strange, she missed it. Her breath hitched in her throat, followed by tears threatening to build up in the corner of her eyes. "Hello Neji."

The young branch family member was studying her carefully, but he did respond to her greeting. It was strange to see him, Ino had forgotten how much Masahiro resembled his father. It was uncanny. She couldn't wait to go back to her dimension and share the encounter with Hinata. She could already imagine her best friend in tears over the news.

Hinata noticed the strange looks her cousin and friend was exchanging and decided to break the awkward silence. "Are you going somewhere particular?"

Ino turned her attention back to Hinata. "No, I was just...wandering. I'm bored."

"No missions?" Neji cut in. Ino shook her head and smiled nervously. Tsunade still refused to give her missions.

"Neji and I were going to get something to eat," Hinata stated, "you can join us, if you like."

Ino grinned. "Sure, I'd love to."

After a satisfying lunch with Hinata and Neji, Ino excused herself and returned to her wandering. She had enjoyed her time with Hinata, but it wasn't quite the same. It was even stranger with Neji being so distant. He was nothing like the Neji she knew. Although that was to be expected.

"There you are," a voice cut in her thoughts. Ino rolled her eyes. Was she going to keep running in to people today?

It was Shikamaru.

"Hey, Shikamaru," Ino greeted. Shikamaru was also studying her closely, much like Neji did. "What?"

"I've noticed lately that you're...different," Shikamaru pointed out. Ino swallowed nervously. She had had a feeling that Shikamaru would pick up on it quickly. He always did.

"And you only approach me about it now?" Ino asked.

"I figured it was none of my business," Shikamaru pointed out, "not to mention troublesome."

Ino snorted. Shikamaru hasn't changed in this dimension at all. The door behind Shikamaru opened, and Ino noticed it was the famous barbecue restaurant Asuma always took them to to eat.

"Next time you're paying, Shikamaru," Chouji grumbled as he opened a bag of chips. For the second time that day Ino's blood ran cold, but this time the tears didn't just threaten to fall. They were freely flowing down her cheeks, and before she knew it she had thrown herself at her team mate. Chouji dropped his bag of chips when her arms wrapped around his neck. He froze and glanced at Shikamaru. "What's going on?"

Shikamaru was watching the scene with a calculating eye. "I'm going to assume this version of Ino hasn't seen you in a long time."

"Huh?" was the only response Chouji could come up with. Ino was sobbing uncontrollably into his shoulder and he wasn't sure what to make of the situation. He was nervous, and a blush had already formed on his cheeks.

Ino finally pulled away and looked Chouji in the eyes. She had had a feeling that perhaps he would also be alive, after meeting Sakura and Neji had risen that hope, but she hadn't clutched onto it. And yet, now here he was, young and as chubby as ever. She had missed him, all of him. Chubbiness included.

"Sorry," Ino muttered as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "Shikamaru is right. I haven't seen you in over two decades."

"Huh?" was Chouji reply, once again.

Shikamaru smirked. And so the cat was out of the bag.

Shikamaru, Chouji and Ino had decided to situate themselves in the park, in a part which was usually isolated from the norm. Ino had told them her entire story, including how she had travelled from another dimension. They both listened without interrupting.

"I wasn't supposed to tell anyone," Ino finally said after ending her story, "but I guess I can't really hide it that well."

"So," Chouji began, "our Ino your dimension in your body?"

"I have reasons to believe so," Ino replied.

"It explains your odd behaviour," Shikamaru put in, "but it doesn't explain the pregnancy."

"Pregnancy?" Chouji echoed.

Ino sighed and rubbed her forehead with the palm of her hand. "It's complicated. I once again have reasons to believe that the child is mine, not your Ino's."

"What makes you say that?" Shikamaru asked, intrigued.

"This Ino is a virgin," Ino stated, "you told me so yourself. And the pregnancy is rather peculiar – there is no physical signs of the foetus growing. I think something went wrong with the technique, and somehow tissue got transferred as well."

"I still don't get it," Chouji muttered.

Ino sighed again. "So the foetus was transferred with the technique with me to this body. However, it was not able to do it properly. I have physical signs of pregnancy, but not the foetus growing. My stomach is still flat. So the baby is here with me, but at the same time, not."

"Which poses a danger to you both," Shikamaru piped in. Ino nodded. "So basically, it can be deduced that the baby is caught between the two dimensions." Ino nodded again.

"You're pregnant?" Chouji finally clicked. Ino rolled her eyes.

"Do you think your body would be showing signs of a growing foetus?" Shikamaru asked.

"Possibly," Ino replied, "but I wouldn't know. I am yet to find a way to communicate with your Ino."

"You can do that?" Chouji asked.

"I should be able to," Ino said, "something similar has happened before..."

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes. Ino was fidgeting nervously. And then it clicked. " were the one who created the technique."

Ino bit her lip and nodded slowly.

"Well," Shikamaru sighed, "guess we're in for a challenge."

It was as the sun started to lower over the horizon that Ino decided enough was enough. Keeping things in the dark wasn't getting her anywhere, in fact it put a damper on things. She needed to fix the problem, and the only way to do it if is she had help and support. It was time she approached Tsunade.

Tsunade was seated at her desk, reading over a collection of documents that needed to be signed and returned to Sunagakure. When Ino entered her office without knocking, she looked up, alarmed.

"You know," Tsunade began, "usually people knock."

"I'm not people," Ino replied coldly. Tsunade narrowed her eyes.

"What do you want?" Tsunade asked.

"I've had enough of keeping secrets," Ino explained, "I'm not going to tell the whole world, but only those who deserve to know the truth."

Tsunade's eyes widened. Knowing that this was serious, Tsunade put the document she was reading down and leaned forward in her chair, her elbows resting on the desk.

"We had an agreement," Tsunade stated, "and you were the one that didn't want anyone to know."

"Originally, yes," Ino agreed, "but things have changed."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow as she studied Ino's face. There was determination on the young woman's face, determination Tsunade had never seen on the woman before. Perhaps that was the difference between the two Ino's, or maybe younger Ino has been holding back all these years. Tsunade sat back in her chair and sighed.

"You love him, don't you?" Tsunade asked. Ino frowned. "Even though Naruto in this dimension is probably nothing like yours, you love him."

"Always," was the curt reply.

A small smile formed on Tsunade's lips. "Fine, you win. Tell them, I don't care. Just remember, if they go running in fear, don't blame me."

Ino smirked. "Oh, I know."

Naruto was surprised when there was a knock on his door. Not many people usually came to visit him. It was probably Sakura with a batch of disgusting soldier pills. Again.

So when he opened the door, he was surprised to see Ino.

"Oh," he mumbled, "hi Ino."

Ino smiled, but her erratic heart beat was preventing her from playing it completely cool. She was nervous. She knew Naruto, but she didn't know this one that well. What if he really did go running after she told him the truth? Ino bit her lip, but then Naruto grinned at her as he invited her inside. Just that grin was enough to melt the doubt away.

No, Naruto would never run. He was far too loyal and brave.

She told him everything. She did not leave out any details, she even told him small things she didn't bother telling Shikamaru and Chouji. And he listened. Sure, he gave her the occasional strange looks, and he did freak out at the beginning, but she had managed to calm him down. Now he was just listening. When she finished, she exhaled deeply and sat back, her legs tucked under her arms. Naruto sat opposite her, and he had not spoken a word for awhile.

Finally, he exhaled loudly, "Wow. Uh...I don't know what to say."

A smile tugged at Ino's lips. "Rendered you speechless? I tend to do that."

"Really?" Naruto asked, intrigued.

"Oh, yes," Ino smirked, "all the time. Though not normally by words."

Naruto furrowed his brows in confusion, then he realised what she meant. A blush crept onto his cheeks. "Oh."

Ino chuckled.

"So," Naruto started awkwardly, "we're...uh, married..."

"Hm," Ino hummed, "in a different dimension, at least."

"That's really weird," Naruto exhaled. Ino chuckled again.

"Naruto," Ino whispered, "I didn't tell you to make things awkward, nor do I expect anything from you. I just...I couldn't keep it a secret any more. I need to go back, and I can't do it alone."

Naruto shook his head. "I know, and I'd love to help, not that I know how..."

Ino smiled in relief. "Thank you, Naruto."

Naruto returned the smile. "How about we go to our favourite place?"


"It might spark inspiration."

Standing on the Hokage monument, overlooking the village is bound to spark inspiration in almost anybody. But neither Naruto, nor Ino felt like standing and watching the buzzing night-life of Konoha. So, both of them had collapsed on the grass and were focused on the bright stars above. It was beautiful, and bought back so many memories for Ino. She always watched the stars back at home with Naruto. And although the Naruto next to her wasn't hers, the feeling of being complete was still there.

Naruto had accepted her and the truth. It was a fact that pleased her to no end.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah," Ino agreed, "there's one thing that hasn't changed in either dimension."

"What's that?"

"The stars," Ino whispered, "they are still as beautiful."

Silence fell over them. However, it was a comfortable silence they both relished. Ino closed her eyes as a warm breeze swept over them. This wasn't her dimension, or her Konoha, but it still felt like home. Yes, she was home. If everything failed, if she could never go back, she could live here. Start again, live a new life. It didn't sound so bad.

With a smile tugging on her lips, Ino rolled over to face Naruto. She opened her eyes to watch him. His gaze was still locked on the stars, the light of the moon reflecting in his blue eyes.

"What's it like?" Naruto asked.

"What?" Ino queried.

"Having Sasuke in Konoha," Naruto whispered, "what's it like?"

Something tugged at Ino at those words. She knew that jealousy was unbecoming, and being jealous of Naruto's best friend was silly, but she had hoped that he would be more interested in her and their family than his friend that has betrayed him in this dimension. Ino shook her head. No, she can't be jealous. That was unfair towards him.

"Annoying," Ino finally replied, "the two of them argue constantly and usually wake me up at the most ungodly hour."

Naruto smiled sadly. "That sounds like us."

Sensing that Naruto was upset, Ino moved closer to him and laced her fingers with his. He was surprised by the action, but did not stop or move his gaze from the stars. Ino closed her eyes again and rested her head on Naruto's shoulder.

Neither one of them said another word.

Sixteen-year-old Ino...

Hyuuga Astra took Hinata's money with a warm smile and thanked her for shopping for such a lovely dress again. Hinata merely brushed her thanks off and told her she deserved it. With her smile not fading. Astra led Hinata outside.

"Do come by again, Lady Hinata," Astra gushed, "I always have new arrivals perfect for your complexion."

"Thank you," Hinata replied, "I'll take you up on that."

"Lady Ino seems to have left us early," Astra mused, "such...manners."

Hinata could sense the tone of dislike in the other's woman's voice, but she decided to ignore it. Ino must have left for a reason, and Hinata was not going to let this small event put a strain on her relationship with her friend.

"She's a busy woman, Astra," Hinata explained, "she is, after all, The First Lady."

"Indeed," Astra grimaced, her smile still on her face, but her eyes dark. Hinata excused herself and made her way back home. Astra watched her retreating form for several minutes, then she turned around and closed the door behind her.

Slowly and silently, Astra moved to the back of her home, where her bedroom was situated. It was the most isolated and private room in the house, and no one except for herself had entered it. Once she entered what she liked to call her 'den', she closed the door behind her and turned her attention to the large painting that rested above the fireplace. It was her most prized possession, one of the few things she had left of her previous life. It was also the most taken care of item in the room, all the other furniture was old and withered and her bed wasn't made. The wallpaper on the walls was also crumbling, and the fading flowers was obscured by strange scribbles Astra had made over time in black ink. To an outsider, it would appear as gibberish, but she knew exactly what it was.

With a heavy sigh, Astra collapsed on the chair opposite the fireplace, her gaze remaining on the painting. It was a family portrait, the only one she had. There were only three people in it, two beautiful people, happily married and their young daughter.

With another heavy sigh, Astra closed her eyes and willed the tears to go away. She hasn't cried in decades, she was surely not going to cry now. Her eyes opened again, her gaze still on the painting.

"Father," she whispered, "Mother...I don't know what to do any more."

The only response she received was deathly silence.