Chapter 38: What Pride Had Wrought

The tea stood forgotten on the table, and the clock on the wall ticked slowly – it was the only noise in the room except for its three occupants' breathing.

Haruno Mebuki was the first to break the silence. "I am not certain what to say."

Naruto did not dare look up from where his gaze was focused on his lap. So many years, and he still could not look the woman in the eye.

"This is an opportunity, mother," Haruno Renge interrupted. At thirty, Renge was a woman of elegant beauty, a trait common to all three Haruno women Naruto knew. However, unlike her sister, Renge was a rigid individual and had no interest in the way of a ninja. Her interest and expertise lay with the law, a trait she shared with her mother.

"Indeed," Mebuki hummed. She turned to face Naruto, her brows knitted together. "However, I can not help but wonder. Naruto, what brought this on?"

Naruto looked up, confused. "Pardon?"

"This request," Mebuki explained. "Why have you come to me? Is this your attempt to seek forgiveness?"

"What?" Naruto asked, flabbergasted. "No, of course not!"

Mebuki did not seem convinced. "Are you certain? You know, I never once blamed you or Kakashi for what happened to Sakura."

"I know," Naruto muttered.

"How is Kakashi, by the way?" Mebuki asked before she took a sip of her tea.

"Still not wearing his mask," Naruto replied.

Mebuki smiled weakly. "That man, he will never forgive himself, will he?"

Naruto shook his head. Kakashi was going to the grave, face exposed and with his guilt deeply etched into his heart.

"And what of Sasuke?" Mebuki asked.

"He is well," Naruto stated. "Karin is expecting their fourth child."

"Already?" Renge asked, amused. "Can't Sasuke keep it in his pants? What did Sakura see in that idiot?"

Naruto shrugged. "Trust me, I've been asking myself the same question for years."

The mood in the room seemed to lighten a bit, which was a relief to Naruto. The tension was starting to get to him. He had never been the type to get nervous in the presence of Sakura's family, but having cut himself off from them for so long, things had gotten somewhat awkward.

The door slamming open interrupted the conversation. A young brunette stomped into the room, her posture agitated.

"I hate boys!" the girl exclaimed before throwing her bag on the floor and sagging into one of the dining chairs.

"Welcome home, Shiragiku," Mebuki greeted. "Greet the Hokage properly, would you?"

Hanajima Shiragiku looked her maternal grandmother in the eye, grumbled, and then turned to Naruto.

"Hi," she muttered.

"Hello," Naruto returned the greeting.

"And now your mother," Mebuki continued calmly.

Shiragiku turned to Renge. "Mom."

Renge just shook her head. Naruto took the the return of thick tension to the room as his cue to leave. He could feel a family feud brewing and he had no intention of witnessing it. So without hesitation, he stood and excused himself.

"I'll see you out," Renge offered. Naruto wanted to argue, but she gave him that typical 'Haruno look' – the very one that had scared him as a kid whenever it was thrown his way by Sakura, so he kept his mouth shut and let the younger woman walk him out.

Just before Naruto moved to close the door to the hallway, Mebuki called his name. He stopped, but did not turn around.

"I meant what I said," Mebuki said. "I do not blame you. As for your request, I will do it. But I expect a retirement package included with my pay."

Naruto nodded. "Thank you."

Ino was washing the dishes when she heard the front door open and close. It was too early for the children to be home, so that left only one person who had access to the house. With a smile, Ino quickly finished the plate she was washing. She turned, drying her hands, just as Naruto walked into the kitchen.

"How did it go?" Ino asked.

"All three agreed," Naruto replied. "Even Mebuki."

"You doubted her?" Ino asked, confused. "Back in my dimension, she's not the type to run away from something if she feels it is important, regardless of her personal feelings."

"I know," Naruto mumbled. "But your Mebuki has not lost her oldest daughter."

Ino blinked. "Oldest?"

Naruto quirked an eyebrow. "Um, yes? Sakura has a little sister named Renge."

Ino gaped. "She most definitely does not have one in my dimension! Renge, you say? What is she like?"

Naruto chuckled and sat down at the dining table. Ino moved to turn on the kettle.

"They are seven years apart, which means Renge is now thirty. I suppose Renge is in some ways, Sakura's opposite, while in others, they are exactly alike."

"How so?"

"Hmm," Naruto hummed. "I don't know. Renge has always been the type to keep to herself. She observes and rarely gets involved unless an injustice has occurred. She's kind of like Sasuke in that regard."

"So, unlike Sakura, she doesn't jump into situations without analysing every aspect?"

"Yeah, but not even Sakura ever jumped into anything without at least analysing some of the situation. The one who went in blindly was always me."

Ino laughed. "I don't know, you don't give yourself enough credit. You wouldn't have come this far if you didn't notice things others don't."

Naruto shrugged. "I guess."

The kettle whistled. Ino quickly removed it from the stove and proceeded to pour the water into two cups. Naruto watched her silently, his gaze affectionate.

Ino handed Naruto his cup. "So, I've been meaning to ask this for a long time, but what exactly happened to Sakura?"

Naruto sighed. "Granny Tsunade and the other four Kage were severely injured in the war, so for a short period command fell to Kakashi and myself as Katsuyu healed them. The enemy had split in order to distract us and one of their platoons were heading for a populated area."

Naruto trailed off for a few seconds, then inhaled to continue. "We couldn't allow civilians to die in our battle, so Kakashi and I agreed to send a platoon of skilled ninja and a few medics after the enemy. Kakashi and Sakura went with them."

Ino wasn't sure where this was going, but she knew it wasn't going to be pretty. She reached out to Naruto and laced their fingers. He smiled weakly at her.

"It was an explosion. Kakashi was at the centre of it, but Sakura pushed him out of the way and got caught in the blast instead. We never found a body, just some red fabric from her shirt. We knew the chances of finding any remains were slim – the explosion was very powerful."

Ino squeezed her eyes tightly to fight back tears.

"Kakashi blames himself. They were very close, and in Kakashi's eyes her sacrifice should have been his own. It's why he doesn't wear his mask anymore – he wants the world to see his guilt and pain. He wants to appear human, rather than a ninja who shows no emotion."

"It seems all our friends died heroes," Ino whispered.

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, they did."

Hyuuga Hinata was nervous as she approached Konoha Hospital. Her morning had been a whirlwind. She had woken up late, the pregnancy really starting to get to her. She had gotten ready in a rush and practically ran to the meeting that was to take place.

When she had arrived, it had already started with her father leading. But what had surprised her, was Naruto's presence. And the fact that the elders were allowing him to stay. By the end of their discussion, Naruto seemed to be on the edge of his seat. Her father had then called him up.

"I'm going to be frank," he began, his voice stern, "I have reason to believe that a number of individuals in the village have committed treason."

Whispers broke out in the room, some even gasped.

Naruto cleared his throat. "I'm afraid that I have evidence that Hyuuga Moritsugu is one of these individuals."

More whispers and gasps. Hiashi stood, which silenced everyone in the room.

"Moritsugu is our elected member for the High Council," Hiashi said. "Does this mean others in the council-"

Naruto cut him off. "Yes."

Hiashi looked down at the ground, disappointment obvious on his face. Then, he slowly sank to the ground and bowed lowly. The whispers began again.

"Lord Hokage, as one of the people who nominated him for the position, I humbly-"

Naruto cut him off again. "Please, stop, Hiashi. It is not your fault. Nor is it Moritsugu's fault."

Hiashi looked up, surprised. "What? I do not understand."

"Please elaborate, Naruto," Hinata requested. She already knew, but the rest of the clan did not.

"We have reason to believe the council is being manipulated. There is a high possibility Moritsugu is not aware of what he has been doing," Naruto explained.

"Mind Manipulation," one of the elders muttered. Naruto nodded solemnly.

Hinata tried to gauge the reactions of the elders, but they all seemed pretty stone-faced. She then turned back to Naruto. "What is your plan?"

Naruto sighed. "I am hoping to expose the source. Make the Council see what they have done. But for that, the manipulation must be stopped."

"And how do we do that?" Hinata questioned further.

This is where Naruto's expression turned serious. "I will only reveal it if you promise me something."

The elders seemed perplexed at this.

"Are you really in a position to bargain like this?" one asked.

Naruto scoffed. "Says the very elders who sent the corpse of one of their own to Kumogakure."

That had been a low blow. Hiashi, especially, flinched. Hinata, although annoyed that Naruto mentioned something they had all wanted long buried, understood why he had said it. Even though the memory of Hizashi did nothing but bring forth memories of Neji.

That was painful to bear.

"Very well," Hiashi sighed. "What do you require of us?"

Naruto shuffled, then stood straight. "I am sick and tired of the people who are appointed as advisors acting as if they are the ones in charge. That includes all of you, and not just the High Council."

"How dare you-" one elder started to yell, but Hiashi raised his arm to silence him.

"Please continue, Lord Hokage," Hiashi insisted.

Naruto nodded in thanks. "Like I said, I am done with this power play. Hinata is your head of house. She is your leader. And she decides what is best for this clan. If that means stepping down, moving to Sunagakure to be with her husband, and reinstating Masahiro as heir, then that shall be done."

The elders looked like they wanted to object, but Hiashi simply shook his head. Meanwhile, Hinata was staring wide-eyed at her friend.

"I know that interfering with clan politics has always been outside of the Hokage's jurisdiction, but I say poo to that! How is Hinata supposed to lead your clan properly, if she is miserable?"

The elders all looked dejected.

"A clan prospers when its members are happy and content. Alienating Masahiro, separating Gaara and Hinata, will do nothing but bring hatred, anger and discontentment to your clan. And who knows, in a few years, your wonderful Hyuuga clan may fall apart."

Hinata, fighting back tears, stood. But before she could say anything, Hiashi stepped forward and bowed again. "Thank you, Naruto. I will see my grandson reinstated."

A few elders nodded, while the others looked angry. But none of them dared to say anything.

"So," Hiashi changed the subject after he straightened. "What do you require of us to stop the manipulation?"

Naruto sagged, probably in relief.

"Oh, I just need Hinata to visit the hospital."

And here she was.

The receptionist had been expecting her, and had immediately led her to the psychiatric ward. After introducing her to one of the staff there, the receptionist left and Hinata followed the nurse down the sterile hallway to a room near the end.

"She's a bit unstable," the nurse stated. "The doctor has had little success in getting anything out of her. But he has high hopes."

Hinata simply nodded. She did not know what else to say. The nurse smiled weakly, then slid the door open.

The room was bare. Nothing but a bed. The other furniture must have been removed to prevent any accidents. A desperate, mentally ill kunoichi could very easily fashion a weapon out of a chair.

Said kunoichi was curled on the floor, in the corner of the room, far from the small window which let in a little sun.

"You have a visitor, dear," the nurse said.

Two eyes peeked from behind folded arms.

"Hey, come say hello," the nurse urged.

The eyes moved from the nurse to Hinata, and widened.

"Why must it be me?" Hinata had asked Naruto after the meeting with her clan elders adjourned. "You are far better at convincing people."

"She doesn't appreciate me as much, I think."

Hinata raised en eyebrow. "I do not understand."

Naruto shuffled nervously, and pulled a small piece of glossy paper from his pocket. He shoved it in Hinata's hands. She looked at it, confused.

It was a photograph. Of them. Together. With a baby.

Hinata's eyes widened. "Is this.."

"She is from another dimension. Like Ino. She's...ours."

Hinata shook the memory from her head and smiled tensely. "Hello, Hoshiko."

With thirty-seven-year-old Ino...

"What are you doing here?" was the first thing that came out of Temari's mouth when Gaara and Ino entered the Kazekage residence. Ino knew the older kunoichi did not mean to sound rude, and that her unexpected arrival had probably just thrown the poor woman for the loop.

"Gaara and I are now best buds and are planning our world domination plan together," Ino joked. "Oh, and we have decided cookies is the new staple."

Gaara snorted. "She's a crazy old bat from another dimension who contacted me through the Kyuubi."

Temari stared at the two ninja before her, eyes wide. Then she burst out laughing. "Okay, okay, I get it. Top secret Kazekage and Konoha business you can't share. No need to make up outlandish stories. Tea?"

"I would love some," Ino grinned, not bothering to point out that her story had been the only outlandish one. Gaara, in all his seriousness, had been telling the truth.

Still, old bat? Really? Rude!

Gaara did not say anything, but Temari prepared a third cup anyway.

"So, do you have a place to stay?" Temari asked as she handed her brother and the blonde kunoichi their tea.

"No," Ino stated, not having considered it. Upon her arrival, Gaara had taken her to his office, and they had spent over a day there. Sleeping arrangements had not even crossed their minds. In fact, sleep had not crossed their minds at all.

Temari rolled her eyes. "Gaara, you should have offered."

The Kazekage took a sip of his tea. "Ino, there is a guest room upstairs."

"Thank you, how considerate," Ino replied, then took a sip of her tea. Temari looked like she wanted to continue speaking, but they were interrupted when the front door slammed open and Kankuro practically stormed inside, scroll in his hand.

"Gaara!" he exclaimed, out of breath. His gaze fell on Ino and he looked taken aback by her presence. "Er, hello."

Ino waved. "Hello, Kankuro."

"What is it, Kankuro?" Temari asked, knowing that her brother would not have stormed into the room if it wasn't serious.

Before he could respond, Gaara's eyes widened. Ino knew what that meant – he had heard his brother's thoughts.

But Kankuro managed to catch his breath before Gaara had the chance to say anything. "Konoha has been attacked! And completely destroyed!"

The buzz that echoed through Ino was uncomfortable, even though she was not entirely surprised. She had expected that Konoha would be attacked by the Akatsuki eventually, but so soon? This meant that Tsunade was...

...a sudden jolt of pain in her stomach snapped Ino from her thoughts. She gasped and doubled over.

"Are you alright, Ino?" Temari asked, alarmed. The older kunoichi had abandoned her tea and was now kneeling next to the younger kunoichi.

"Yes," Ino breathed. "I'm fine. Just shocked, I think."

"Maybe you need some fresh air?" Temari suggested.

Ino nodded. "Yes, that sounds good."

She allowed Temari to help her up and outside. Once she settled on a bench outside the house, Ino allowed her mind to wander again.

If this attack was anything like the one that had happened in her dimension, then Tsunade was unconscious. Soon, Danzo would be elected as a Sixth Hokage candidate. And he would travel to the Land of Iron for the Kage Summit.

Ino groaned as another jolt of pain shot through her stomach. It was like the cramps she had during her menses, only ten times worse.

Oh, shit.

Ino looked down at her stomach, horrified. Oh no, no, no.

'Please don't let it be a miscarriage,' Ino silently prayed. In her current situation, she was surprised the baby had managed to hold on for so long.

Fighting back tears, Ino knew in that moment, that she had to stop running. With Tsunade out of the picture, her presence, if Danzo learned of it, could become a problem. She was not of this world, no matter how much she wanted to run back to Konoha to help rebuild, it was not her place. Naruto was there. It would be fine.

The sooner she reversed the Five Dimensions to Heaven, the sooner she could try and save her baby. Maybe it wasn't a miscarriage yet. Maybe, if she could somehow make the baby whole again, it could still be saved.

It was time she undid that seal on her memories.

With sixteen-year-old Ino...

Naruto opened the door and walked in, his head held high. He noticed that everyone had already arrived. One of the ANBU stationed at the door nodded at him when he passed.

Naruto smirked. Nobody other than he knew that the ANBU wearing the weasel mask was actually Sasuke. And that despite no longer being ANBU, he was there in case something went wrong. They had both agreed it would be best if Sasuke was practically invisible, just so that no suspicions would be raised.

"Good afternoon," Naruto greeted when he reached his seat. "Thank you, all, for coming."

The High Council was now in session. And Naruto was going to start the meeting with a bang.

"I would like to start this meeting with a very simple order," Naruto stated as he sat down. He glanced at Sasuke, who nodded curtly.

He then turned back to the Council. "You are all fired."