Chapter 34 master bedroom It Is

He suddenly took her into his arms and stood up as she exclaimed by this action didn't expect at least for now

hassini: what are you doing?

su qin: taking you to our master bedroom.

she talked as she was carried by someone and she continued saying someone was just reluctant to take but now that someone is carrying me in his arms without my permission.

he replied I am your other half so I'm carrying what's mine and you just attached with her. It's not my fault.

hassini: stop staring at me and keep your eyes on the path you lead.

su qin: I'm not staring at you.

hassini: you are and now stop denying it.

su qin: If you're not looking at me s how do you know I am staring at you?

hassini: because I'm starting what belongs to me.

he chuckled at this point.

he asked her so I belong to you now?

she replied without any hesitation yep any doubt.

he was again happy seeing her answer without any hesitation.


At another end of the world, I mean the side


The sand was moving from one place to another. It was night so even if you get lost It's hard to find each other.

But she was waiting and she kept waiting, hoping that he would return.

even she doesn't believe she can forget about this place and their memories as he was her first love.

she is tired as she keep on waiting but she was sure he will remember the promise.





A woman walked into the room and saw it was a huge mess she couldn't help but say

Are you still gonna miss her?

someone replied to her in a hoarse voice

Aren't you missing her too?

women replied

she was our jewel how we can't miss her?

man replied again

you have my answer to your question.

....................................................Memories are three types

1) Happy memories (most of our life we search for them)

2) Sad or Painful memories (memories that we try to forget)

3)short-lived memories


Question 1

who is she and she is waiting for whom?

Question 2

the women and Man relationship with the female lead?


Author: the content I'm writing can't be in the same chapter but I gonna upload another chapter today and tomorrow.

Quote of the day

Fire represents truth as both have done some damage to anyone's life at any point, both will hurt us at the same time we wanna escape but we all are trapped in the cage once it started it will end completely no halfway.

At any point, every one of us wants to escape the truth as it gives us pain which makes us stronger in the future if we accept that truth.