is your brain made by chicken intestines?

"Are you sure you don't want to join?" Mario asked reassuring his wife. Bey shook her head, she seemed jas lost a lot of energy serving her husband since this afternoon. Mario was indeed a healthy man, the long-distance relationship does not seem in vain.

"Honey put your jacket on, I don't want you to be sick," Bey held out her husband's warm jacket, the man smiled happily.

"Your concern so much about me" Seeing his wife's loving face makes it difficult for Mario to let his wife's lips free.

Kiss, kissing, kissed!

"Honey, you will be late!" Bey slightly pushed her husband's chest, who still wanted to kiss her lips.

Mario still landed his lips on his wife's, he was still not satisfied.

"I'll be home soon, dear. "Bey nodded her head, she understood the meaning of her husband's words, Mario's sad eyes could not be away from his wife.

Gw stepping and walked back to their apartment door once again, he was stolen one more kissed before waving his hand.

"I won't be long, I promise you." He whispered, it seemed like his legs were very heavy leaving his wife.

"Yes dear, I understand. Go away, poor Joseph if you wait too long. "Bey shook her head, she chuckled at her husband's ridiculous behavior.

"And remember one thing, you have to call Ailee, remember your promise to me!" Bey reminded her husband.

Mario nodded his head while waving, he got ready to go to the elevator, although his eyes still want to meet his wife's face.

"oh my husband, you're so adorable," Bey whispered to herself.


Ailee has finished her job faster than usual.

It seems that she has been able to compromise with her problems, today her work was completed faster without complaint. But that was a big lie!

Don't think that she has turned into a professional actress, all work was accelerated wasn't because of Ailee's talent development, No, not because her acting skills are getting better and more amazing, not because she's great and professional, but because the girl has lost her focus!

She repeated the scene too many times, she frustrated the staff

Ailee, made the crew felt desperate and asked for breaks. The shooting was even stopped sooner than scheduled, they would hope that the girl could immediately regain her concentration and be focused in front of the camera but the truth is! Today's shooting situation has not improved.

"I told you to focus Ailee" Domi hissed irritably.

"I'm sorry Domi, I can't concentrate, I have to meet him! "With a sullen face, a spoiled tone of voice, instead of regretting, Ailee, she was blunt. She can't focus today because she always imagines the man from yesterday in her head.

Domi glanced sarcastically.

"What!" exclaimed Ailee in return for Domi's cynical gazed.

"Have you never been in love?" Ailee exclaimed firmly with rounded eyes.

"I'm in love, sincerely in love!" Said Ailee "so, you as my best assistant, you have to support me, please!" Ailee tries to convince Domi to fulfill her wishes.

Domi sighed resignedly, This girl! If there is a wish, it must be fulfilled!

"Whatever. Let's go home!" Domi put the equipment into the trunk of the car. The feminine man works swiftly and neatly arranges Ailee's luggage.

Which Ailee never understands, she knows that all the work is done.


Ailee slammed the car door. Why is she pissed off! Domi grumbled to himself.

The staff and Domi should be annoyed.

Ailee was in a really bad mood these days, she made the shooting failed and had to start over again the next day. Ailee made a lot of other people's schedules disrupted, but it didn't seem like she would understand.

Domi can only pat his forehead resignedly, the man immediately turned the car in contact, leaving the shooting location.

For a few minutes, the two of them were just silently exploring the streets, it felt like Domi was very annoyed with Ailee's behavior today, but didn't he know her behavior very well, Domi can only accept it.

"Why are you shaking your head?" Ailee was suspicious.

Domi shook his head once again, Never mind, no matter what, you can't have to argue with Ailee, she never wants to lose.

"Contacting Mario quickly, tell him that I want to meet him!" Asked Ailee to Domi

The man glanced at Ailee sarcastically, Domi accelerated the speed of the car, but the passenger tapped Domi's shoulder lightly as if he understood what the clap meant. Domi slowed the steering wheel. "Domi…" she whispered.

"Hurry up and call Mario!" Asked Ailee one more time.

"Why me? You can call by yourself, he's your brother after all!" replied Domi with one eyebrow raise

"Don't you see, I'm driving!" Domi explained.

"Uh, I'm lazy to talk to him .." said Ailee, folding her arms across her chest, her face glancing sarcastically at Domi's gaze.

Ailee is not lazy but she is prestigious. Domi sighed heavily. He never stops thinking about what Ailee wanted, The woman next to him was indeed weird.

"but this time I'll give in!" Ailee's voice startled Domi who almost parked the car on the side of the road.

The girl immediately reached into her purse pocket, looking for a cell phone. "Remember, all of this is for him!"

I don't care! Domi's mind was irritated.

Ailee seemed to refute her sentence, the girl immediately grabbed the cellphone from her bag and pressed the contact screen. She searched for the name Mario.

"Hello ...." Said Ailee in a voice made as soft as possible, making Domi want to burst his laugh, The voice contrasts with Ailee's frowned forehead.

"iiihhh ... what the hell! I just wanted to ask about my friend, how Bey is" Ailee's face was getting more annoyed.

Domi can assume, surely the answered in the phone from another side over there was not pleasant to hear.

"Where are you?" Ailee investigated with a face full of curiosity. Domi could not hear the answer on the phone from across there.

"What! Are you with Yosep ?! Where?" Her annoyed face suddenly turned surprised, the girl put on a big smile.

Ailee, Ailee, isn't your attitude too obvious! You basic, at least you have to maintain your image. What kind of man that's Joseph, Domi was a little curious.

"At the X cafe!" Ailee's high voice startled Domi.

"Ah, I have a schedule over there too, are you still there? Waiting for me, I need to be there sooner, watch out if Yosep goes first, ah I mean you, Mario!" Now she has started to hone his playing skills.

Since when did she have a schedule in X cafe, Domi shook his head.

"Domi, hurry up to the X cafe!" Ailee firmly ordered.

"Yes," Domi surrendered to obey.

Domi immediately turned the steering wheel following Ailee's orders, the girl immediately slammed her cellphone into the bag, she immediately grabbed her favorite small mirror.

the girl beautifies herself even though she was already very beautiful. Yes, falling in love is dangerous!

"Domi, how about my face?" Domi glanced at the mirror and nodded quickly, everything looked okay.

Domi glanced at Ailee's blushing face, is she really in love? Has she found her soulmate? Domi a little in disbelief.

Of course, he was surprised by Ailee's behavior this time, Ailee is not usually attracted to men, when it comes to handsome men, there are a lot of handsome men around Ailee all this time.

this girl had never discussed love as vulgar as now. Is Ailee really in love?

"Are you sure about this man?" investigated Domi with a suspicious face

"What do you mean?" Ailee answered sarcastically

"You will not choose the wrong person right! Don't tell me he just hitched a ride with your popularity?" Ailee shook her head quickly, not agreeing with Domi's bad opinion.

"That's not possible Domi, he is a man who is perfect, so he does not need social climbing!" Ailee replied confidently.

How could a young, handsome and perfect man in Ailee's eyes, ride fame with her? maybe Yosep did not understand what fame meant. How could he do such a despicable thing!

"I don't know .." Domi hesitated

"He is very handsome, calm, and soothing, he is like an angel with a light on his body. He doesn't need popularity, He only needs me as a complement to his life, do you understand Domi, my dear? "

Domi sighed. "It's very difficult to discuss with you Ailee, is your brain made by chicken intestines?"