I have fallen in love with you

It was all because of the talkative Domi, I got injured right now! Ouch, my ankle ache

"What happened to you this time, Ailee. Oh my God!" Domi even grumbled again, it was all because of you! "You got ache on your busy schedule, u made my day girl .." Domi keeps nagging knowing his boss got injured because of the new high heels.

Ah, my heels!

"It was because you know!" scolded Ailee with a grimaced on Domi's face

She was wrenched seeing Domi's annoyed face, the man was busy answering phone calls, he seemed to be begging at every phone call he received.

Domi apologized to those who were involved in the work with Ailee.

sometimes Ailee was a careless and troublesome woman, (not sometimes but often)

"Ailee please said sorry," begged Domi, handing his cellphone to Ailee. "Hurry up, the producer will understand if it's you who apologized."

"But this is not entirely my fault, right! why do I have to apologize like that anyway? "Domi's orders made Ailee didn't want to be blamed.

In the end, Ailee grabbed the cellphone in Domi's hand, and she apologized with an unwilling face.

She did Domi's orders with a forced face.

Domi listens attentively to Ailee's words on the phone, while his hands are busy checking Ailee's sprained ankle.

Ailee's ankle was bruised, it looks like the new high heel had injured his smooth leg very well.

"We have to see a doctor." Said Domi then.

"Am I going to be given an injection? I don't want to leave the house, just call the doctor. I can't walk Domi, my leg hurts so much, it hurts my heartburn." She complained smoothly while pointing at her ankle.

luckily she had finished talking on the phone and threw Domi's cellphone carelessly.

"Tch, I'm telling you, who you are to wear that weird high heel such a weird model, I told you not buying it, this style of high heel is only worn by daredevils, don't trust fashion magazines, they only wear it for photoshoots, then edited the photos to make it look perfect. "

Ailee raised her palm. "Stop babbling to me! I'm in pain and trouble. You are a cruel human being if you can still babble on me."

"There is a small clinic nearby, I heard good reviews, I'll take you to check your feet there." Said Domi.

"I don't want Domi, I can't walk, I have trouble walking, you just call the doctor and tell him to come here." Ailee whimpered in a spoiled tone.

"You suck!" Domi grabbed Ailee's body and carried her boss who continued to rebel. "If you don't stay still, I'll throw your body on the floor!" Domi threatened.

Hearing Domi's threat, Ailee immediately fell silent. "Wow, it turns out that your male power is still intact!" She teased while squeezing Domi's arm muscle.

"Stop teasing me, or I'll throw you in the streets!" Ailee immediately pulled her lips, she promised to close her mouth properly.


At the chiropractor's clinic.

Ailee sat in the patient's chair in the empty room, still peaceful maybe because it was too early.

"But why do you go to a small clinic like this!" Ailee grumbled in Domi's ear, she glanced at her assistant sarcastically.

"I'm looking for the closest!" Domi replied curtly with a fierce face.

Ailee can only be silent and resigned.

"Ah, it's all not purely my fault!" She snorted in annoyance seeing Domi's face judging on her.

"Anyway, I emphasize once again that this is not my fault! "Said Ailee looked away.

Domi rolled her eyes. It felt like he wanted to scratch Ailee's beautiful face.

Not long after,

Someone in casual clothes came into the room. He steps entirely fast because his legs looked long.

Ailee was shocked in disbelief.

That man! He was the man I know! Her heart whispered.

"Joseph?" Ailee confirmed that the man who had just landed in front of her was him.

Ah, seriously! her eyebrows twitched. Her smile looked different.

finding his first patient was a beautiful girl like me, he must be very happy! Ailee thought.

Ailee smiled kindly, It must be your very lucky day to get a patient like me.

"Ah, I'll check on you," he said dryly.

Joseph prepared medical equipment and several forms that Ailee had to fill out.

Joseph's calm demeanor and flat face bothered Ailee's head.

Hello! He didn't even ask me how I was, he was amnesic! Doesn't he know me! Oh, maybe my bare face makes him forget me.

I should have put on the full make-up earlier, I'm a little doubtful But isn't my bare face not bad either? Why can you be this cool and calm anyway!

Ailee's hope seemed wiped out soon. She steals the gazed once again at Yosep.

"I'll give this to you, you can fill in information about her right?" Yosep to Domi, he handed several sheets of paper to Domi while glancing at Ailee for a moment.

Domi nodded his head, he received the paper from the doctor's hand.

"I'll examine the patient and you can help provide and fill this sheet information." Domi nodded understandingly, listening to Yosep's words.

Joseph turned to Ailee who looked wrenched.

"Can you stretch out your leg!" Hee asked with a calm face.

Doesn't he remember me? Hearing his flat voice made me feel sad, doesn't he know me? Why did he forget me anyway!

Okay, maybe you forgot, but let me remind you!

"Hi Joseph, it's me, Ailee .. we've met several times .." She tried to remind him with the most charming smile.

Josep lifted his face, only briefly, then crouched at Ailee's feet, he began to notice the slight injury in the long legs in front of his face.

Ailee could only hold back the feeling of disappointment.

It turns out that he doesn't remember me! Ailee, this was very concerning!

"Ah, this is okay, I'll give you some pain medication, and don't move your leg too much first .." he said casually.

Ailee nodded slowly with a disappointed face.

Even her voice sounded so calm and gentle, What's wrong with my heart? Are you guys partying in my chest?

"Okay .." Ailee replied briefly, she was very disappointed with Joseph's attitude, she tried to stand up and leave Yosep's room.

"Aaaah .... !!"

The excruciating pain rushed over Ailee's leg, making the aches and pains intolerable, she grimaced holding back her tears.

Joseph immediately grabbed Ailee's shoulder, he supported her body with his hands.

Ailee could see Joseph's face as closely as the day before, even closer now, making her heart lose control.

aah ... you always make my chest tremble violently, make me feel dubious, make my blood flowing and warm, Joseph, did you know that I've fallen in love with you? I fell in love from the day we met.