Another drama please

back on today.

My hatred grew, frowning, staring intently, realizing If he is already at my doorstep, and What are you doing here, right now!

I blocked the door with my body, which means, I don't want him to come into my room today, I want you to realize that I am very annoyed and irritated with you!

"Ailee.. mmm. I'm sorry.. " this man's voice sounded a little trembling.

he did all that to me on purpose! he shouldn't have asked me in the first place, I know he was never really interested in me. You're annoying!

"Ah, on that day--" I seemed to be thinking hard for an excuse "I'm sorry Josep I suddenly remembered my important schedule yesterday, I didn't wait long for you yesterday, you don't have to say sorry to me!" I said quickly, you know, self-respect! My self-respect is more important.

I don't need pity and those bleary eyes from you, who does he think he was! You are sucks