Still the same man

Joseph's pOV

After Zian and Rahel left the small hospital owned by Joseph's family, it was still too early to even think about heavy things for Josep but Zian and Rahel made his brain work extra.

"My little sister likes you!!" Zian's fists were clenched and his teeth clenched in annoyance, his face harboring a lot of emotion. Zian hates the fact that Rahel falls in love with Josep, it makes no sense but that's what happened.

What's wrong with me? I tried to digest Zian's sentence that was ringing in my mind, the sentence kept sticking and I couldn't understand why Zian looked at me with angry eyes.

Did I do something wrong to make all this complicated for me? But what have I done? I tried to think hard and search for an answer, confused.

When Zian said a sentence that didn't make sense, I was shocked, actually shocked, now I can understand why Zian's face is full of anger and his behavior is uncontrollable, they are... ah, annoyed!