Fixed one problem q

Yosep was still talking on the phone while Ailee had put her clothes on and hugged Yosep's back.

"Who?" Ailee whispered in Yosep's ear, the man turned around and gave Ailee a quick peck on the lips. Ah why every time I want to make out there is always something that interferes. Ailee pouted slightly.

Yosep understood the annoyed look on his face, he kissed Ailee's cheek several times until the girl held back a small laugh.

"I'll be right there Sof" said Yosep changing his voice when on the phone. Sofia asks Yosep to join Zian's house. Even though they were just about to start a hot scene which failed for the second time.

"Sorry dear, I met Sofia for a bit, after that we left" Ailee folded her arms and puffed her cheeks. He was annoyed. Not because of Sofia but all the things that made them unable to make the most of their time, while tomorrow Yosep had to leave her. Why doesn't anyone understand!