Goal relationship



 Sofia had heard a loud bang before she whined at Mario and asked to be carried, the teenage girl never thought that the accident was due to her selfish actions, she didn't expect that since that day the happiness and joy of a girl were gone, family happiness was taken away.

 "You want some ice cream?" Sofia nodded behind Mario's back.

 "You're getting heavier, it seems I can no longer carry you!" Sofia protested by pulling Mario's hair. The young man dropped Sofia's body until the girl was annoyed again.

 I'm sorry Rachel.

 Josep turned the steering wheel, looking for a comfortable parking space to drop Ailee off, luckily the atmosphere was still quiet. Exactly one o'clock in the afternoon. Maybe people are back busy with their respective activities.


 "Where are they?" Ailee asked, looking for the whereabouts of Bey and Mario.