Keep smiling

Nothing has changed even though Azka ventured to kiss Ailee that night. In the end, Ailee still believed in her relationship with Joseph. It's just that everything is not so easy anymore, over time many things change unexpectedly, even though all relationships run like flowing water, but some parts are difficult to manage, sometimes the heart has its way without the will of the owner of the heart.

 Rahel who got her dream, got an eye donor, and gave a bright future ahead, Zian and Ailee who are increasingly shining in their work, Zian as a boyband singer with a name that soared even he and his band could compete with Ailee's popularity, while Ailee continued to hone her acting talent, and effort never betray the results, she is in the process of becoming an adult and her acting skills are getting better, she is one of the female art artists who are reckoned with in the film world.

 All of that has its consequences.

 Six months went by.