I miss you, mom.

"Introducing this Mr. Azka, our executive producer!" The director introduced Azka to everyone sitting around the round table, Azka stood up and bowed, he was smiling and handsome.

 Ailee widened a smile welcoming Azka's introduction, the man smiled and looked around, until his eyes met Ailee's. The man pulled away from a crooked smile, he blinked faintly. What was that, Ailee muttered to herself, what if someone noticed Azka's blinking eyes, it would be another new story in the media.

 They have to keep their behavior in front of the camera because no one knows the personal relationship between her and Azka here except Domi and Zian.

 "Are producers going to act in movies too?" Zian asked, whispering to Ailee. They sat next to each other, The girl answered without turning her head, she pretended to read the script in her hand.

 "Not sure yet, he can be whatever he likes, he has a lot of money, he's an investor," Ailee said.