The Weird Visitor

Sofia widened her eyes in disbelief at her early morning visitor, the woman immediately stood up with wide eyes. Sofia's shocked face made the previously crowded dining table suddenly startled and focused on the one person who had startled them this morning.

 Sofia and Mario stood in unison, in disbelief. Yes, it seems like Yosep likes to surprise other people in the morning, this incident is like de java.

 "Yeah!!" The two said even in unison

 Mario and Sofia looked at each other, they couldn't believe they found who was now joining their family breakfast time with a tired face, a man who felt great and dared to take all the heavy risks on his back, Ria who didn't want to listen to anyone's input and insisted on standing up straight. his legs but he looked very tired and it was evident on his face and the dim look in his eyes.

 Mario pulled a chair and invited Joseph to sit down. Bey looked at her guest in surprise, she knew the man was Ailee's lover.