depressed because of the past

Ailee's long career journey that she had built for a long time finally found a bright spot. the girl was amazed and praised a lot on the set. It seems she is doing much better and more seriously this time. The spoiled and annoying image immediately disappeared when I saw Ailee acting in front of the camera, the character delivery, emotions, and intonation all looked real, the workers behind the scenes were amazed and amazed by Ailee's acting skills, she has the hidden soul of an actor, she just needs time to cultivate an artistic soul that is too great to display. She is amazing!

She acts with all her heart, you will cry when her lips say touching words with a sad look in her eyes. Her role that demands character deepening with bad luck is not just any role. It takes extra depth to be able to appreciate the sad parts that drain tears so that the audience can dissolve in sadness but still understand the storyline.