Don't play with me

"Why are you pouting like that?" Asked Azka looking for a moment to Ailee who folded her arms and face. The pink lips looked pouted. Ailee replied with a glance that was ready to kill. Make Azka laugh amused, she's always adorable.

 "Why did you leave me! Why is he in your house! What is the real relationship between you and Yosep! You are annoying! You are just like him! I'm annoyed!" Azka gave Ailee time to grumble. He just nodded a little nod as if to accept Ailee's scolding that was full of emotion.

 "You also keep his necklace! You meet Yosep often! Why didn't you tell me! Which side are you on!" Ailee snorted in annoyance.

 "Stop nodding and answer the questions!"

 Ask a looked away for a moment. "That didn't sound like a question sentence," said Azka. Ailee glanced out the car window.

 "Up to you!" Ailee replied lazily. Azka smiled cutely. He touched Ailee's chin and asked the girl to look at his face again.