Adorable couple

As usual, if she is vacant like this, Ailee will visit her boyfriend at the end of work, the girl lightly stepped onto the fourth floor of the hospital, she was already quite familiar and very familiar with Yosep's activities here.

 "Hello lovely .." said Ailee, popping out from behind the door of Yosep's office. The man turned and shook his head with a broad smile. He had memorized his lover's new habit, which he would only eat every afternoon.

 The man immediately changed his suit, he smiled sweetly to find Ailee taking the time to visit him today, they planned a date today. Yes, a nice date.

 "Honey, I will put this first, you wait a moment, okay?" Joseph asked, holding up some documents in his hand. There was still one more task for him to do.

 Ailee nodded quickly, her hand pointing to the floor below.

 "I'm going to Claudia's room for a moment, I want to say hello to her" Ailee said

 "Are you sure?" Ailee nodded.