Chapter 4: Truth

~Third POV~

Tatsumi reading Ruby message was surprised but still smiled at her as he says his reply to her agreeing.

Tatsumi: Ok little red you got yourself a deal, but you're going have to be a bit clearer on what you are asking first.

Ruby seeing his message bit her lips finally wanting the truth of her world, so she first asks about that while Erza and Toga kept watch in silence since this is personal to the young teen.

Ruby: Ok first things first who exactly is Salem.

Tatsumi could only sigh at this question which every member saw but still says to them of his knowledge.

Tatsumi: Very well then be prepared for a character intro then, Salem is an ancient and mysterious figure from Remnant's forgotten past and the primary antagonist of RWBY she is one of the few who possesses the power of Magic, and the master of the Grimm as she is also highly knowledgeable, cunning and manipulative.

Ruby hearing this just gives her chills down on her spine listening to it as does the other members as Erza begins to compare her to Zeref.

Ruby: Alright then what is her goal then Tatsumi what does she plan to do to my world.

Tatsumi: She is the leader of a cabal of people with malicious plans and operates out of Evernight Castle in the Land of Darkness and her goals are to find the Maidens and use their powers to obtain the Relics from the Huntsman Academies to become in a sense the true Dark Queen of Remnant.

Hearing this Ruby could only swallow her spit as she asks for the next question as the other two listen in.

Ruby: Ok… that is seriously bad news, but can you tell me what the relics and maidens are are exactly and why does she need them.

Toga: Yeah that sounds important.

Erza: I agree it sounds like Ruby has a lot on her plate.

Tatsumi: Ok the Maidens are cooperating with the seasons like Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer but main point to them enables them to use all kinds of elements to their disposal as well as control Grimm but temporary, however the Relics are located in the vaults in each Huntsman academy but also need a word of the Djinn inside the relics to activate Jinn from Mistral Relic of Wisdom and Ambrosius Relic of Creation in Atlas the others are also guarding the relics as well.

Ruby hearing this she was clearly surprised hearing all of the news she heard but then ask why where they there to Tatsumi.

Ruby: Hmm… wait you said they were guard right under each academy, right? Then can you tell me who placed them there?

Tatsumi: That would be Ozpin or Ozma like me a reincarnated person but his certainly someone from your world so don't worry if his another one.

Ruby: What!

Erza: What!

Toga: Nani!

Tatsumi: Yeah it was Ozma idea to hide the relics from Salem over a millions of years ago when they were a couple but Salem got greedy asking to the gods to revive Ozma only to be cursed and wipe out humanity so Ruby you are basically the second coming of humans… Ruby?

Ruby was standing there just digesting the information as Toga and Erza looked concerned for the young teen about the truth being shown to her about her world history but just breaths in and out preparing herself for the worst.

Ruby: Sorry about that I just needed time to digest all of that, but I guess that answers my questions for Salem, but now can you tell me what happened to my mother.

Erza and Toga noticed Tatsumi flinches at that indicating them that the worst is yet to come but they saw him breath in and out as he says his answer.

Tatsumi: Ok just promise not to freak out ok?

Ruby: I'll try my best.

Tatsumi seeing this he breaths in as he finally gives Ruby her answer.

Tatsumi: Honestly I'm not sure myself Ruby but I believe that your mother Summer might be alive under the worse of conditions since Salem used to hunt and kill Silver Eyes people but when she met your mother she learned she could do something new then started experimentations on her using her as a catalyst to change Silvered Eyed people into Grimm since they are their natural weakness so she exploited and is making some testing to see if her experiments worked beginning with your mother as patient zero.

However, seeing Ruby screen her eyes soon turned brightly silver as she couldn't hold on to her emotions of protecting everyone, she holds dear as the truth set Ruby free releasing silent tears in her room luckily no one saw.

The reason for her mother disappearance.

The reason for the people suffering.

The reason for people being killed…

Was all of Salem fault.

Finally controlling over herself the innocent girl was no longer there as an avenger took its place as she looks ready to gut a bitch.

The rest of the group chat members looked at Ruby with concern in their eyes seeing her in a different light.

Erza: Ruby… please calm down and think things through.

Toga: Yeah little red… your expression is starting to scare me a bit.

Tatsumi: Ruby calm down will ya! There might be a way to heal her.

Ruby stopping her silver eyes she calms down as she read Tatsumi message as she replies to him.

Ruby: Sorry… about that I was thinking of a dark place…. And do you mean there is a way to heal my mom Tatsumi?

Tatsumi: Maybe but with this group chat it will be possible to search for a cure for her and heal her up if we look at each other's world, right? There is bound to be an answer but Ruby currently you are too weak to help.

Ruby flinches at that but has to agree that she was weak but she thinks to herself, 'Tatsumi is right now I'm too weak to do anything and I just awaken my silver eyes what I need is some training or an item to give me a power boost like the group chat…'

Erza: Tatsumi don't you think it's too much for her to say!

Toga: I'm kind of with Erza here Tatsumi isn't that a bit much?

Tatsumi: Not like I said anything wrong it's just a fact plus it's to keep her from doing anything rash I don't want her to die for what I say. What I say is true there are a few ways to heal Ruby mom we just haven't found it yet plus we have Erza world to see if there is any healing magic to help out.

Erza: What you say is true but even so we don't know what condition she is in also isn't it a bit early anyway to save her since we can't do anything for the time being?

Toga: Yeah as much as Erza is strong she isn't exactly going to last against an immortal now isn't she but luckily for us we have time to get stronger right?

Tatsumi: That is true and besides Ruby is our friend I kind of like to have our fellow weapon nerd around she has good people to help her out.

Erza: I agree she has us to support her I just hope she isn't clouded by vengeance.

Toga: Well this certainly a revelation but at the very least I don't want our friend sad at least on the second day I want to be the one to mess with her!

Tatsumi: God damn it Toga at least try to be nice!

Toga: Yeah, I was the 'key' word here is 'try' Tatsumi.

Ruby was reading about the logs seeing that these strangers from another world going that far in to help her out just made her smile wondering if that was the feeling of having friends is like since she has been an outcast for her quirks.

Most people don't bother with her and only use her as a means to get to talk to her sister Yang or are weirded out from her weapon obsession but right now these strangers from another world cared more for her than anyone else at that moment.

Ruby thinking to herself at that moment was smiling at the scene, 'These guys… they truly are caring towards me and willing to come here to stop Salem… I'm really glad to have joined the chat group.'

With that Ruby sent everyone a set of her aura to awaken their auras from within and sent them to each of them clearly surprised.

[Ding! Chat Group member 'Ruby' sent out 'awakening aura' to the members!]

Erza: Ruby you didn't have too.

Toga: Yeah little red you didn't have to gift us your world power.

Tatsumi: I know I was expecting these so thanks, but I have to say Ruby are you feeling fine now?

Ruby: Yeah, I think I got the most answers that I can from you Tatsumi and everyone thank you for your support for even willing to go as far as to help me I just never received this much support before so I wanted to thank you by giving you the chance to unlock your aura.

Toga: Thanks Ruby but what exactly is an Aura anyway?

Tatsumi: Allow me basically in RWBY world aura acts as a defensive shield of sorts plus a healing factor as well as other advanced techniques used for it, but it also unlocks everyone a chance for their Semblances a superpower of sorts to that individuals.

Erza: Now that sounds pretty cool.

Toga: Aw gezz Rubes thanks for the gift! I promise to make it up to you!

Ruby: Aw, stop it guys your embarrassing me!

Tatsumi: Exactly the plan your very cute when embarrassed.

Erza: Yes +1

Toga: Yes +1

Ruby seeing everyone agree to what Tatsumi say immediately blushed a deeper shade of red from his complements and shirtless body as she quickly responds to them giving her a smirk.

Ruby: OK I take it back you jerk!

With that everyone laughed at that day discussing their plans to do for the next few weeks till they finally received a mission…