Chapter 6: The Thick of Danger

~Third POV~

Everyone from the chat group took their time to get things ready to prepare themselves for the inevitable encounter against the Blackbeard or Ace.

Ruby quickly went by to collect her baby [Crescent Rose] with plenty of bullets as well as went out from Patch to get some Water Dust and Gravity Dust crystals thinking it might be enough against Devil Fruit users.

As Ruby was collecting her ammunition she soon thinks to herself in a negative voice, 'I have to be strong to save everyone and save my mom, I just hope I'm doing the right thing, Salem… you better be ready to face me when the time comes'

Toga was busy brandishing her knives and combat gear as she also gears up with pineapples and grapes with her inside the bag as she realizes Tatsumi plan with an eager smile, "Oh, Tatsumi I already figured out what was you plan to do with these fruits although I am interested in how it actually works having the fruit nearby as its host."

Toga herself was curious as to why Tatsumi went about a roundabout way to get them to deliver some fruits but she soon comes again to his world he lives in that she frowns but soon cheers up at the end with a smile, "Sigh… then again you might need it since you live in a very corrupt world at the moment with its own kind of problems just hope you live pal, but there is no way I'll let you go after all you did offer up some blood how could I refuse it from my favorite character!"

Erza was busy gearing herself up with her belongings as she is currently in Magnolia armory shop requesting for any magic weapons relating to sea water as she thinks to herself in a thoughtful tone, 'Hmm… should I teach the other members how to do [Re-equip] magic? It would certainly be handy to use but only if they are able to maybe I should teach them when we meet but what is Tatsumi plans with the fruits is it possible that these powers can reincarnate?'

As Erza was thinking of this she thinks to herself in a tired voice as she can see why Tatsumi wants a Devil Fruit even if he has to kill for it, "Sigh… Tatsumi I may have read your world from a book and show perspective and I can understand you wanting to live in that world but just be sure you are you when you are done."

Tatsumi was busy dealing with his own stuff as he was packing some clothes and fruits in a secure spot in his bag with some gold coins while getting out his short sword sharping it while getting ready as well thinking to himself, 'Ok I have everything ready to go I just hope we can kill the bastard although Ruby won't approve of my actions this for me I will live a happy and fulfilling life.'

With that each member have their own reasons for doing this but they each will do what they must to achieve their own goals in mind as what they want to do.

But as soon as 3 hours have passed, they all started to log back on again as everyone looks at each other with all of their belongings nodding to each other as they pressed the bottom to begin their transport to the One Piece world.

~Tatsumi POV~


Looking around opening my eyes I can see myself on some kind of island considering from the sea.

Viewing around the area I see there was large mountain ranges on this island but soon I was looking at the other members with a smile on my face, "Hey Toga, Erza, and Ruby glad to see you guys made the trip but Erza was it necessary to have all that luggage's?!"

Erza in real life was certainly beautiful as she looks at me and yells back at me, "What do you mean its necessary?! Of course, it is since I don't know how long were staying here for its not like I could put all of it into my Storage Space!"

Next I see Ruby quickly get her head back together as she finally saw us for the first time with a nervous smile on her face, "Guys hello its finally great to finally meet you in person!"

We both stopped our arguing as Toga wraps her arm around Ruby with a smile on her face as she says to us, "Yeah guys it's great to finally meet you all in person as well plus now I have time to mess with all of you cool right! Hey Ruby, can you give me some of your blood?"

Ruby hearing this tries to get away saying to her in a panic voice, "Ahh! Please don't drink me Toga of my blood like I said it taste bad!"

Me and Erza laughed at the scene of this display as we finally settle down of our short encounter.

Now this was fun but as good things come and go, we came here for another reason.

Clapping my hands together I get everyone attention as we begin to devise a plan, "Alright guys as much as we want to talk about our lives, I think we need to discuss the plans of what to do with Blackbeard."

Now everyone stopped what they were doing and now we begin to devise our plan of attack starting with Ruby saying some questions, "Ok so how exactly are we going to deal with this Blackbeard guy anyway?"

Glancing at Toga begins to explain to us the situation were in, "Ok here what you need to know basically Blackbeard ate the Devil Fruit of the Yami Yami no Mi a Darkness Human unlike most Logia users he can absorb anything in his body including damage but he can be caught off guard from attacks as well as double the damage to his body."

Everyone nodding at this I decided to input my thoughts into the conversation, "Yes I plan to kill him to ensure we complete the mission we have and the fruits that you brought here would get us a better chance to get his fruit when he dies."

Seeing Ruby surprised was one thing but it looks like Erza and Toga agrees with my idea but Ruby was first to disagree, "Wait! The mission said it was to stop the most heinous power why do we need to kill him to accomplish it!"

Next to speak was Erza surprisingly explaining to Ruby of their situation, "Ruby I know that you are against killing but so am I but I don't think there is no other way here since this Blackbeard person even if he lives the power will still be alive so what happens if we fail in the mission because we couldn't kill him would we be stuck in this world or return home are you willing to take that chance."

Hearing this Ruby was stumped with no answer that was why I requested them to get the fruits since I do want that Devil Fruit it will also mean we completed the mission if one of us eats it ensuring that we stop the heinous power of the Yami Yami no Mi transferring somewhere else.

Ruby getting the clear idea that leaving it to chance won't work here got the idea of what we fight for.

Erza is fighting for her friends.

Ruby is fighting to save her world and revive her mother.

Toga is here because she wants to be with her friends.

As for me?

I do this to get stronger and enjoy my life to the fullest.

With that Ruby gets over it as she nods her head in agreement understanding the situation were in with a frown shown on her face, "Ok… fine I can live with that… plus he is a bad guy right?"

I nod my head towards her as I explain the most likely scenario that were to happen if he was caught alive, "Yeah in the case if we did capture him alive it would mean he will be holed up in Impel Down this world prison as he is locked away with other dangerous people that could pose a problem in this world making it impossible for us to get through if we fail the mission."

Everyone nodded their heads as we begin to explain on what to do for each part.

We discussed that we should simply drown Blackbeard using the water or sniper fire him on the head with Ruby [Crescent Rose] with her water dust shells.

Or that I go in hiding for a perfect chance to attack and end him while his being distracted from Ace.

There was many cases as we discussed many things on what to do but before we could go any sooner we all heard a gunshot rounds at the distance!



I guess we aren't here for time now isn't since the gunshot could only mean the fight already started!

With that signal we all left with all our belongings ahead as I told Ruby to use her Semblance, "Ruby can you use your Semblance [Petal Burst] to let us all travel to our location faster!"

Ruby looks at me as if I grew a second head replies back, "No I haven't tried using with other people before I don't think my Semblance could so that."

Well that is because no one told you your true ability might as well help her out on this.

Quickly saying to her that made Ruby surprised of what she could do, "Ruby your semblance can do it, your [Petal Burst] isn't just an increase of speed no it allows you to disassemble yourself at a molecular level and reassemble at a chosen location, negating your mass as well as negate gravity so we could be there in a flash!"

Glancing over to Ruby she looks surprised but nods her head in agreement that she could at least try good girl.

Soon enough Ruby turns into petals as she grabs me, Erza, and Toga with all our stuff intsnatly transporting us into our needed location as I now see where now at the somewhere in the old wild western looking town.

As we were done, we finally made it to our destination as Ruby looks exhausted as Toga looks at her with concern as Ruby says in a tried voice, "Hey guys did I do it right?"

Everyone smiling at her we all nodded her heads as she smiles then goes to sleep damn, I guess Ruby won't help the fight, but this might be for the best.

Toga looking at Ruby with concern soon replies to as she drags her away from town, "Erza and Tatsumi I'll take care of Ruby just quickly deal with Blackbeard I'll be fine."

Erza reaffirms herself as she brings out something from her storage space with a blue short sword clearly looks good but soon surprised as she says to me, "Tatsumi what you're holding the magic item [Water Sword] it has the magic ability to use sea water as its main weapon I assume that will be enough for you?"

Smiling at this I quickly get a good field of the blade the balance is nice the weight is good and its incredibly sharp.

Smirking at this I nodded to Erza for the blade as she changes into something more fitting.

Next I see Erza says her magic with gusto with her shining brightly into a different set of armor for her, "Ok Tatsumi leave Blackbeard to me and you handle his crewmates, [Re-equip: Sea Empress Armor]!"

This armor is green in color with bluish parts and the breastplate, which barely covers Erza's breast, leaving her belly and her back visible, somewhat resembles seaweed, and has some thin chains hanging from it over Erza's exposed parts, with a pair siding her breasts and another the belly; a fifth chain is visible around her neck, which is guarded by the large collar.

The armor is completed by a headgear, with a large metal part covering her forehead, bearing a whirl-shaped wave on it, and large fin-shaped protrusions siding her head.

The armor comes equipped with a long sword which seems to be made of crystal, with many small crystals jutting out in every direction from the hand-guard.

Seeing this I already have a good feeling that this mission would be easy if Erza isn't careless as Toga says to us before she left with Ruby over her shoulder, "Alright guys take care and give Blackbeard one for Ruby and stay safe!"

With that done with me and Erza look at the scene happening before us as we both glanced at each other and nodded to each other to get ready to attack leaving all our stuff in the building were in.

Time to see how I handle against Blackbeard crew while Erza handles the captain himself best be prepared to fight with my life on the line!