Chapter 15: Demon Dragon Knight

~Tatsumi POV~

Well, that was certainly an interesting entrance with Emilia coming in like that.

Although I am interested in how she did her fire magic-using ice that was something I didn't get how could they categorize ice as fire magic?

Seeing the icicles forming in the air Emilia gives her demand not showing much emotion as is the innocent doesn't show, "I have one demand and that is to return my insignia. It's very important to me."

Viewing the situation is getting a bit out of hand I decided to introduce myself politely to Emilia like I was scolding her, "Now that isn't very nice to do missy have no shame in threating a child shame on you."

Emilia taking this chance to actually look at just looks confused till I pointed out she was threatening someone then comes up with an excuse, "Huh? Sorry but that insignia is important I have to do this mister…"

Glancing at this I decided to speak up an introduction even though it's probably a bad time but hey whatever, "Tatsumi nice to meet you if you wanted your insignia I was already planning to buy it and return it to you miss candidate for the throne no need to harm a kid you know?"

Emilia actually looks surprised at my proclamation but what I say is the truth there were a few things even I don't cross believe it or not and one of those things was never hurt, kids.

Those who do leave a bad taste in my mouth from personal experience since my parents abandoned me in the village, I was very fortunate that the people there were very kind.

The point is threatening a kid while I'm around is not a very wise idea.

And if some villain or protagonist gets in my way, they better be sure to pay.

Anyway, back to the situation at hand it looks like Emilia was confused but still shock at my words but soon Puck appears out of nowhere as he talks to me, "Hello there Tatsumi! I see you're guarding the girl and your intentions… hmm… well you can calm down Emilia I see that the boy here speaks the truth of returning your insignia how nice of him!"

Emilia seeing this took Puck's advice as she begins to speak with him, "Puck if you say if he's telling the truth then it should be fine right?"

As Emilia is distracted by Puck an unknown attacker was getting ready to attack so I did what was best to stop the attacker attack her target I have to warn her, "Whewww… now no need to be violent their missy that was – LOOK OUT!"

Emilia not fast enough to react to the attack of Elsa was blocked by Puck using his spirit arts to block the attack as Elsa starts her act.

As for me, I brought out my [Incursio] at the ready to fight and defend against Elsa.

Elsa soon begins to speak to the spirit with malicious intentions, "A spirit… That is a spirit, yes? How wonderful. I have never dissected a spirit's stomach before."

Next Felt asked in the confusion of what she meant then the next Elsa replies to her, "If the item's original owner is here, we can hardly negotiate. So, I have changed my plans. I shall slaughter everyone here. You failed to see through your job through the end."

Elsa brandishes out her weapons as she begins to insult Felt's skills as a thief since it is true since Felt messed up big time in like any timeline, "You talk a good game, but you do terrible work. You really are another slum dweller."

Ok that was a bit uncalled for so I stepped in with my [Incursio] sword pointed at her as I make my point, "Don't get your kicks out of picking on a little kid that is doing her best to live you just think that something doesn't go your way you go and kill them off that is messed up in the head like seriously have you considered having therapy because you are in a desperate need of one! Like for real this has to be enough time for you isn't that right Puck?"

With that Elsa taking a glance seeing that Puck was now ready to use his magic with rows of icicles at the ready spoke to me in a grateful tone, "A brilliant display of awkwardness, which I hope survives through the ages. I'd better live up to your expectations! We haven't introduced ourselves, have we? My name's Puck better remember it after you die!"

Just like that I, Rom, and Felt were all left on the sidelines in the fight as Puck and Emilia demonstrated their abilities to use their spirit arts on the attacker as she dodges them easily from each icicle thrown at her.

I have to admit that this is pretty cool looking at it from another perspective, but I know for sure I'll be an interference in this fight since they both need room to fire.

They kept on fighting as the attacker kept on the attack by maneuvering around the room at inhumane speeds and dodges at incredible flexibility till they finally reached what I assumed to be the end.

Emilia and Puck soon launched a concentrated ice beam attack at the attacker as she narrowly dodges the attack but only lost her shoe in the process.

The attacker soon comments on how she narrowly avoided her death, "My, how lovely… I thought that I was going to die."

~Third POV~

With that, she took a piece of the ice and placed it on one of her feet that was bleeding as soon stuck to her as she began to fight against Emilia.

When the sun began to set at 5:00 p.m. was a time when Puck had to leave making Emilia beginning to fight against Elsa by herself.

Rom says his words of the scene before them as he suggests the next course of action, "We can't just keep sitting around and watchin', Felt."

Felt replies to Rom in a worried voice but soon glances at Tatsumi as she says to him, "Yeah I know that. If we're going to run, we should get moving now. Also, Tatsumi we have this chance to leave I'm not a kid I'm fifteen you know!"

As the fighting was going on Tatsumi began to walk into the fight direction while he began to use [Incursio] in this fight as he told them, "To be clear I'm also fifteen as well but you and Rom should leave and get help soon me and Emilia can provide a distraction for you to escape and besides leaving when someone saves my life away to fight brings a bad taste in my mouth so get going!"

Felt looking surprised at my age couldn't begin to reply as Rom took her and left the building to find help but that was when Felt saw Tatsumi used his Teigu [Demon Armor: Incursio] as his sword changed!

Felt saw chains appearing as Tatsumi began to rush in while seeing some kind of armor in its place of the face breaks to reveal a draconian beat emerged as the chains were wrapping around Tatsumi!

But Felt could've sworn that she saw one of his eyes changed to match the monster she saw around Tatsumi started to appear more of a knight in shining armor with a cape appeared as he yells at Elsa, "Get away from her!"

Felt saw Tatsumi blur out of the way and managed to connect a hit to Elsa before she was flung through the Loot house wall.

Felt then remembered earlier that when Tatsumi spoke to her that he was the same as her and the slum dwellers in the area she couldn't help but ideal at her knight that comes from fairy tales appear into the world!

Emilia was also surprised at the sudden assistance, but she also noticed that Tatsumi was wearing a knight armor that she hasn't seen before but couldn't help but ask, "Tatsumi was your name was it… are you a knight?"

Tatsumi hearing Emilia's voice turned around for a glance as Elsa took her chance to attack him when his guard is down, "You know for a knight you shouldn't have let your guard down like that."

As Elsa proceeded to attack Tatsumi she didn't show her expression but was worried if she killed him since she was putting an act against Emilia up till now.

But what came next shocked them…

Elsa's weapon that was sharp enough to cut clean through steel and metal swords only made a small ping noise as it made contact with the armor.

Elsa looking at her weapon as a dent has formed at the tip of the blade dent flat soon realized that she can't harm Tatsumi by the normal weapons as for the [Demon Armor: Incursio] had a near-indestructible defense with the only thing able to pierce it being other Teigu.

Unfortunately for Elsa, she doesn't have anything sharp enough to penetrate the defenses of Incursio armor as Tatsumi says to Emilia, "A knight? No, I'm just a simple guy trying to live in this crazy world of life while doing the right thing at times, but if you want to call me a Knight then I'm the Demon Dragon Knight Incursio."

Before anyone could notice Tatsumi punched Elsa in the face without looking back as he managed to break her nose but soon cracks his fists together as he says to Emilia keeping his attention to Elsa, "Now then Elsa the Bowel Hunter it's time for you to face the fist of justice that knows true gender equality!"




With that, they both began to fight at high enough speeds as Emilia looked surprised at the scene while each clash of the two evenly matched in Emilia eyes.

Once she heard Tatsumi heard the name Bowel Hunter she immediately knew that the situation they are in is dire as she is a wanted person that even Emilia knows from Puck.

However, even though Tatsumi has ordered Elsa to go all out physically he thought to himself, 'Damn… I guess with Incursio equipped I manage to have an equal strength level to Elsa without me using my [Aura] or my Devil Fruit Yami Yami no Mi darkness ability to increase my speed I have to say I'm impressed with my growth.'

The two continued to keep matching blows to blows as Elsa was forced to use her hands in this case since her blade weapons were useless in a fight against the Tatsumi fighting style of CQC unarmed.

They both dodged each other attacks and got in a few blows to each other unaware that Tatsumi was using his Lion's Heart to nullify the damage his taken.

As the time passed it was enough acting for him as he finally decides to finish the fight as he quickly took charge through Elsa as he says to her, "This is your end Elsa be prepared to be defeated and pay for the sins you have caused."

With that Tatsumi manages to take Elsa by the waist as they both went through the wall leading towards the outside as he secretly tells her only enough for her to hear as she was consumed by the darkness hiding her from sight, "Thank you for the act you provided to ensure to help my plan Elsa there will be food in my [Dark Space] just heal till I call you soon."

Elsa secretly tells Tatsumi in a happy voice say to him as she hands him the 20 Holy Coins and the insignia, she managed to get from Felt, "Thank you very much master I'm glad to have helped out."

With that Elsa was gone as Emilia soon comes out after a few seconds have passed as she asks me what happened, "Sir Tatsumi! What happened and where is the Bowel Hunter?!"

Switching myself back to normal as Tatsumi puts his sword into its sheathe as he responds to her in a disappointed expression, "She left she had no choice for me. The Bowel Hunter gave me a choice I let her go or else she will destroy the insignia and knowing that you can't get this replaced I choose what you wanted to get your insignia back."

Emilia looked shocked but soon Tatsumi sees that Reinhard, Felt, and Rom soon coming running to us as I sheepishly smile at this.

As they were coming Emilia comes over to me with a brilliant smile as she responds to me in a grateful tone, "Thank you very much Demon Dragon Knight Incursio for returning my insignia to me."

Tatsumi was feeling joy wondering if this what Subaru felt when he gets praised as he can see why now being praised by a cute girl makes him feel nice.

As the others were coming near it was time for Tatsumi to now pull shit out of my ass for what's coming next in a form of a lie!