Chapter 31: The End is Near

~Third POV~

For the past three days, Tatsumi and his group have been very busy eliminating the Witch Cultist faction in hiding.

Ever since Tatsumi used [Authority of Gluttony: Eclipse] on Lye he managed to learn where the majority of the bases are throughout the Luginca and Kararagi Kingdoms in the process.

The Kingdoms were in shock to learn that a large number of the Witch Cultist bases were being destroyed without remorse or any hesitation.

Large numbers of the Witch Cultists were enraged to listen to that for each base destroyed each spoke the names of the other witches' names clearly angering them easily.

But when they are enraged, they were quickly dealt with by the hands of Tatsumi, Elsa, Geuse, and Beatrice hands dealing with them easily with the Sin Archbishop's knowledge destroying them in the process.

During this period Tatsumi requested Beatrice to create a door in the mansion and connect it to his world when he returns using all her mana reserves.

Beatrice accepted to try it but will ask for Tatsumi for his mana if she runs out to which he agrees.

As the Witch Cultist members tried to rally with the Sin Archbishops, they soon realize that less than the best capable fighters they have are all but gone except for Lust as she is gone away from any contact from the faction.

Less than 3 days a large majority of them have near vanished in that period in the Luginca and Kararagi Kingdoms bring only small attention to similarities that only a black flash comes and then destruction follows after.

To the majority of people, they assumed it was a new Sin Archbishop with power unrelated to the norm.

However, the people soon disproved that theory since a lot of the cultists were left dead signaling that someone else had a vendetta against them but what surprised them was how fast it was done.

But they have managed to gather some clues to this figure that one a man with dragon-like armor appears with his eyes of one with crimson, the second was the dark powers he used on the cultist with magic now identified as a [Yin Magic] castor, and lastly was his a spirit user with Beatrice as his [Contract Spirit].

The news was going to be difficult to find the person in question like the Crusch and Pricsilla camp since when they heard the news about Tatsumi feats they were immediately wanted this person in their group to have a better chance of winning the Royal Selection.

Crusch Camp was more interested in meeting the person that ended the White Whale since originally they were planning on killing the beast for their personal reasons but since the news of the 'Witch Slayer' killed it once the witness saw the death of it they were now left at a lost but were at least wondering on how to proceed their goals now that the White Whale is gone.

Pricsilla Camp was more on the lines with their candidate thinking it was her luck to meet this 'Demon Dragon Knight' and 'Witch Slayer' who happens to be on her territory both times when it occurred and managed to witness the end of the White Whale herself.

Pricsilla with her luck that viewed both of Tatsumi attempts one during the attack on the Sin Archbishops from a member of her camp spying on the Witch Cultist and the other was viewing the end of the White Whale at the beach herself she was believed to think that it was her fate to gain this person in her possession.

But three camps already knew who the person in question was who did all these attacks.

The Anastasia Camp already made the conclusion it was Tatsumi who actually attacked the Witch Cultist faction once they heard the news of the 52 ladies, he saved spread the news of someone going after the damn Witch Cultist without any worry.

Anastasia hearing this could already assume who the culprit was Tatsumi following the description from one of Greed's victims as she sighs to herself as she missed a golden detergent against those Witch Cultist and a person to kill a Sin Archbishop to live to tell the tale.

Julius hearing this was very surprised that Tatsumi set out what he set out to do in shock but then clenches his fist as he smiles that he will want to have a match against him to test himself to see where he stands against him.

The Felt Camp with Felt hearing the news from Reinhard her Knight already knew who the dragon-like armor belongs to as she herself saw the very same person save her from Elsa as well as protected Emilia.

Hearing the news of Tatsumi killing off the vain of the Kingdoms in those short days she couldn't help but be more determined to achieve her goal as she wants Tatsumi to join her but didn't know where he was while Reinhard has an interesting expression on how the person he met for the first time is causing quite the stir but in a good way.

The last camp would be the Emilia Camp that heard the news of Tatsumi's latest update about his plans but was very surprised by what he did.

Emilia was having a difficult time that Tatsumi was the one to have caused all the damage in the last few days to have attacked the Witch Cultist without any hesitation but Rem, Puck, and Ram were secretly happy to hear the news of the current state of the Witch Cultist faction from what was happening.

Rem especially was happy to hear the news that the monsters that harmed her Ram and destroyed her home were finally getting a piece of pain that she felt and was glad that these people were finally being dealt with.

The more news of Tatsumi feats the more she grew to admire him for his work despite him from another world she felt that his doing what no one in this world would do is take out the trash plaguing the world.

Rosswaal on the underhand was very surprised to hear Tatsumi feats of the last 3 days as he was underestimating the young man a few days ago assuming that he will lose to one of them but to not succeed at all that made him worry since it wasn't anywhere in his [Gospel] that was the main reason why he asked him to leave but now it looks like he has to find him again to ask to be Emilia Knight.

It was for Rosswaal goal to have a better chance for him to have the Dragon blood needed to cure his lover/teacher of her slumber and the attraction that Tatsumi was making was certainly going to be useful for him.

The Tatsumi group currently is now waiting for the place that Capella was appointed to with Elsa and Meili although nervous in the Thorny Woods, the woodland area in the northwest of the forest-covered in ice sheets and teeming with Demon Beasts. This area was heavily affected by the corrosive power of the black water…

~Tatsumi POV~

Ok so far, the past three days have been somewhat great raiding the Witch Cultist bases, and raiding them of their goods already made my wallet pretty deep.

Looking at the distance seeing Elsa and Meili were waiting in place as I, Beatrice, and Geuse are waiting over in a dome of darkness blending into the shadows of the tree.

We were waiting for the Sin Archbishop of Lust to appear so I can be done with this mission and return home.

Next, I heard Echidna speak to me in a sad tone in my head, 'Yeah I suppose after this you would probably need a member to leave is that correct?'


I have been thinking about the few people that I had been with so far and who I experienced the most with would be most suitable for the position.

The person I'm looking for is someone that can get used to the idea of killing since that something that is needed if called and someone also knowledgeable that can fight.

I have considered Guese if for anything another guy in the group, but I don't think he would agree to join.

Reinhard is a solid choice, but I don't think he wants to help us out plus he has his own family issues as well also he is someone that I haven't had much communication with.

There is Rem but I don't think she will support the idea of having Echidna around since her history with Witches is very traumatizing for her.

The next best option would be…

Smiling at this I ask Echidna in a cheerful voice in my head, 'Say Echidna how would you like to be a Group Chat member?'

Echidna hearing my response looks surprised but soon says to me in a defeated tone, 'As much as I like to agree I don't think it's possible since I'm kind of only a soul how would that be possible?'

Smirking at this I glance over to Beatrice as she nods her head as I got my answer to her in my own thoughts, 'How about redoing the soul transplant magic Beatrice has all your knowledge and reread everything to get everything ready, and with Capella Authority I can recreate the body with your assistance of course plus I need your help with your memory manipulation?'

Echidna was surprised but then curious as she read my head as she responds to me, 'Memory manipulation…? Oh! I see you want me to manipulate Elsa and Meili memories once you devour theirs first then using me you want me to search through their memories you gain and give it back to them without the need to see her reason to become a murder thus fooling the whole world since the Authority of Gluttony ensures it erases their existence to the world.'

Clever girl.

Yes, that was what I wanted for them because it was sad for them to be like this at least this way they can restart a new life with the whole world won't bother capturing them.

With that done with we all heard the noise of someone coming over to the opening as I hear an overconfident voice, "Oh my dear children… you two certainly have the guts to meet your punishment, Elsa and Meili?!"

Because of her authority, Capella's actual form is unknown, though she has transformed into a giant black dragon with golden horns, a small girl, a well-endowed woman, an honest-looking village girl, a multitude of field mice, and an innocent-looking young girl with a lewd smile.

In her most common form, Capella has short golden hair with a rose attached at the end of her ponytail she wears revealing clothes, hot pants, leggings, a bikini, and nothing more.

She also has a Yamba that becomes prominent when she laughs, and this current form also has a great resemblance to Felt and Fourier Lugnica.

As she was here, I had no patience with her as I quickly rush over to her as I grab her at her throat completely catching her off guard as she looks at me in rage, "YOU! How dare you harm me your vile creature you should love me!!"

Glancing over to Elsa and Meili I say to them in concern, "Say you two are you ok? This ugly thing didn't harm you right?"

They both just nod with a smile on their face as Capella tries to use her [Authority of Lust: Variation and Change] but doesn't work as she tries another method as she yells at me, "Grr… How dare you disgusting creature avoid my love you insect you will pay! AHHH!!"

The next thing she does to me is she is using the [Black Flames] capable of producing powerful jet-black flames that consume everything and cannot be put out by water.

Unfortunately for her, I was exposed to a literal wave of erasure of my existence that far surpasses this fire.

Although I should add this to my arsenal since it can burn down anything in its way.

Seeing that her [Black Flame] does little to no effect since my adaption and evolution already made a counter to these flames as they were being absorbed into my darkness.

Soon enough I felt that my body absorbed her [Witch Factor] I decided to try out my newest Authority.

Touching myself by closing my fist I was able to revert myself to normal as I use my [Re-equip] magic to get a fresh change of clothes then I breathed out the same [Black Flame] she used on me as I returned the favor.

Once the fire touched her, she was burned alive as it made sure to burn everything into nothing not even ash amazing.

That is one last Sin Archbishop I killed for today now that is over with, I glance over to Geuse as I did as I promised him as I turned him into his young current self in the past 100 years ago he looks at me thankful for helping him.

Next, I say to him in a curious voice, "Say Geuse now that you are free what do you intend to do now with your life?"

Geuse looks at me and says to me in a happy voice with his eyes expressing true joy, "Thank you very much Tatsumi what I plan to do now… I think I'll keep on doing what I have been doing in the past and help out the elf people here and support Emilia in my own way and help her in Fortuna's stead that is what I'll do."

Good man.

Placing my hand over to him I patted him on the shoulder as I tell him in a happy tone, "In that case friend I wish you the best of help but first can I ask to take care of two girls before you leave I feel like I can place these two under your care."

Geuse looks confused but nodded his head as I quickly go over to the both of them and activated my [Authority of Gluttony: Eclipse] making them lose their memories.

Next, I went to the crystal black pendant on the two of them with Beatrice on my side giving me the play-by-play of what is happening, but she gives me the go with a thumbs up as I got the pendant again.

Seeing this Geuse comes to me as he asks me confused looking at Elsa and Meili with confusion in his voice, "Tatsumi you said that I have to take care of these two girls, but I don't seem to recall them?"

Responding to him I ask him a favor to take care of these girls, "Yes but right now these two will be oblivious to the world and I want you to help them out they are strong they can help you in your path the older one is Elsa and the younger one is Meili they are sisters."

Geuse could only nod as he took the two of them away to the nearby elf village as I grab the pendent as I speak to Echidna as I ready my [Authority of Lust: Variation and Change], "Ok Echidna are you ready to meet again to the real world with a body again?"

Hearing Echidna voice in my head with a very happy tone she responds to me as I get out some clothes for her, 'Yes I want to see the world again but with the other girls in my domain it would be fine plus my Betty told me the means to use the soul transplant magic so better make a good body ok!'

I swear she acts like Beatrice at times but here goes nothing with that I used my Authority of Lust to change the crystal into Echidna's body with all her [Gates] to use all kinds of the magic of this world while giving her pieces of each Authority I had.

At least this way she can fight back with the Authorities I have on me it should give her a piece of each other's power but not all the max but it's something.

Seeing the crystal change into a naked woman.

Bring out the clothes from my subspace I quickly covered up Echidna as Beatrice looks on a bit weary in her eyes hoping for the best.

But we got our answer as Echidna opens her eyes as hugs herself as she says to the both of us with a shivering expression, "Burr… I know that the Sin Archbishop of Lust wanted to meet here but why in the god damn cold!"

Beatrice seeing this rush over to Echidna with tears in her eyes as she says in joy, "Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother, you're really here now in fact! Wahhh!!!"

Echidna looking at Beatrice in surprise as she smiles as she plays with her hair calming her down as she glances at me as says to me in a happy voice, "There, there, my Beatrice don't worry for this time I will stay with you around… Tatsumi you say you were asking me to join your little Chat Group yes? In that case, I will happily join."

With that, I see that Echidna saw a pop-up screen to surprise her as I saw mine with a smile on my face.

[Congratulations for completing the quest!]

[Your reward shall be opened at the screen with the present icon.]

[Do you wish to go back?]


Seeing this I was glad that this was over for the time being but I look over to Beatrice as I ask her was she done with what I requested, "Say Beatrice are you done connecting the doors needed to return to the Re: Zero worlds again using all the mana you had for 400 years?"

Beatrice looks at me as she responds to me with a tired expression, "Yes although I had to use up all my mana for it to work now with [Al Shamak] and [Door Crossing] I made a door that I can use once placed that will lead us to your world to the library mansion that has a door that will lead us back at Rosswaal home I had some help with Mother for it to work."


Now with this, we have a way to return here in the Re: Zero worlds again if we wanted since the Chat Group hasn't provided me with the members with one just yet but it is a good alternative to have.

Since with the assurance of returning to this world is done I open up the [Dark Space] as I asked them to prepare, "Alright then everyone as soon as you enter my [Dark Space] I will soon return home and I will open up to another world are you ready?"

Beatrice already nodded her head in agreement as Echidna chuckles at me as she says to me with a joyful response, "Certainly I no doubt once words get out that I'm alive again that dragon will try to seal or destroy me again so I have no regrets leaving this world for a better one plus I'm interested in these Teigu's you have?"

Yup the greed in her is strong but with Beatrice around it will be manageable to have Echidna around.

With that, they got inside my [Dark Space] as I go towards my pop-up screen and open up my present before I leave as I was curious as to what I got after all.

When I got my reward, I wasn't sure how to respond to it?

It's not bad but I didn't think I would get it honestly seeing the palm of my hand got a tattoo.

[Congratulations! You got have gained the triggerless tattoo [Void Maker].]