Chapter 41: The Student Council

~Third POV~

After the events of the earlier day shocking the whole school of the Satsuki being kissed in public the students spread rumors like wildfire for gossip.

Currently, Satsuki was enjoying her tea in peace in the student council room but her friends on the other hand…

They were furious for one reason or another except for the blue neat haired boy with an amused look on his face.

The Snake Nonon Jakuzure is petite with pink hair and an angular face unlike most females in the series, she has a small bust and medium hip she is almost always seen with a skull-marked hat, except as a child, where she had a pet monkey that sat on her head.

Nonon Jakuzure is the Non-Athletic Committee Chair in the student council.

The Toad Ira Gamagori is a large, muscular young man who has a darker-toned complexion and short blonde hair his eyebrows are noticeably thick and he wears a pair of small gold earrings in his enlarged earlobes and is often dressed in his Three-Star Goku Uniform and Gamagori's varying size changes according to the size of his emotions.

Ira Gamagori is the Disciplinary Committee Chair of the student council.

The Monkey Uzu Sanageyama is a teenager with mid-length dark green hair and gray eyes he wears a Three-star Goku Uniform, specially made into a long white coat with a high collar and he has a built-in sword sheath at the back and three spikes on each shoulder, the coat is usually open at the front, which shows his cadet-blue colored vest as he also wears matching white pants and shoes, and a belt with three metal spikes on the front.

Uzu Sanageyama is the Athletic Committee Chair of the student council.

The Dog Hoka Inumuta has a tealish hair color and neat hair he has a collar-neck suit, which, at the collar, opens whenever he talks, and He also wears unique eyeglasses that are tinted blue.

Hoka Inumuta is the Information and Strategy Committee Chair of the student council.

Currently, the four of them were discussing the loss of Ryuko escaping off asking who to punish the boxer with Ira starting in a strong tone, "You know what letting that person Satsuki-sama made a fool out of getting away means, right? The responsibility falls on the shoulders of you, the one who supervises the sports club."

Uzu choosing to ignore Ira he quickly raised his voice to him, "SANAGEYAMA!"

Uzu finally taking his chance to respond in an annoyed expression, "Fine I'll forgive the ridicule Satsuki-sama suffered. The mistake of the public morals club committee chairman is your mistake, right, Gamagori?"

Nonon taking her chance to finally say her words to the monkey and toad in her usual poison tone, "Um… putting the responsibility on someone else's shoulders is such a shame! More importantly, that girl's name is Matoi Ryuko correct? What were those scissors that she was holding? Satsuki-sama?"

Satsuki finish drinking a cup of her tea opens her eyes again replying to Nonon her question in a serious voice, "Those are the scissors that can cut the Goku Uniform."

That statement alone caused the members of Toad, Monkey, and Snake to be surprised as they all say in unison yelling in surprise, "Why does an exchange student have something of that power?!"

Satsuki stands up looking at a large screen of maps of Japan showing and pictures of Ryuko, Ruby, Toga, and Tatsumi as she says in a calm voice, "Right now we have much more important matters on our hands, like the control of all schools in the country. Inumuta you know the identity of yesterday's trespasser, correct?"

Hoka then explain who the trespasser was someone from the Kobe's Armed Alliance in Kansai as Satsuki begins to explain the remaining plan for nationwide all school domination is only 10% away.

With that Satsuki goes over to the boxer Fukuroda that was listening in with him kneeling to them while there was a noticeable bandage on his crouch area where he was hit twice in the dick.

Satsuki looks over Fukuroda with a cold expression to him with a cold voice to match, "As for these trifling matters don't you dare allow me to forget them and that uniform as well as that person…"

At the mention of that person, the student council of monkey, toad, and snake all expressed a wave of anger with a frown while the Dog smiles at this.

That person that Satsuki mentioned was Tatsumi and that name and face alone were enough to make the member hate him as Fukuroda took his leave.

As they were all seated around the student council room Ira was the first to complain about Tatsumi's kiss, "How dare he! That student Tatsumi has violated one of the rules of Honnoji Academy of keeping things professional and most of all had the balls to kiss Satsuki-sama in front of the whole school! He needs to be punished with the death sentence! That is unacceptable!!"

Nonon was furious as well for her own reasons as she expresses disgust at Tatsumi, "No way you stupid Toad?! I'll be the one to teach that punk a lesson for even daring to go as far as to kiss my friend Satsuki-sama!"

Uzu was somewhat angry but more curious at the guy since he was able to harm Two-Star Goku Uniform Fukuroda with ease as well as he says to in his usual laid back tone, "Yeah I think that Tatsumi guy is asking for trouble I'll be the one to take care of him after all he harmed someone under me!"

Nonon was the first to call Uzu lie about fighting for Fukuroda but was more interested in fighting Tatsumi in an angry voice, "I call bullshit Monkey! You just want the chance to fight this guy!"

Before anyone could speak Satsuki slams down her sheath blade as she glances over to Hoka for a report, "Inumuta status report about Tatsumi and his crew! I want to know who exactly they are from since you notified me earlier about an anomaly occurring in our security system so?"

Hoka just keeps on tapping on his laptop as he replies in a defeated tone as he answers Satsuki's question, "What I found was absolutely nothing on those three just nothing."

That statement catches off guard the other members with a raised eyebrow as Satsuki asks again in a calm voice with her eyes narrowed, "Inumuta what exactly do you mean by nothing?"

Hoka raises his two arms in the air in defeat as he replies to her in the same defeated but intriguing tone, "As I said before Satsuki-sama nothing. I didn't find anything about them anywhere in the Revocs Corporation and Japan databases these three so far have only just been found. Like they suddenly pop up into existence is the best way to describe Tatsumi, Toga, and Ruby."

Now that got their attention and more surprised than anything, especially since Hoka used the Revocs Corporation database only to find no info on them.

The Revocs Corporation is currently a heavily influential textile company owned by the Kiryuin conglomerate.

Revocs Corporation was arguably found not long after Ragyo Kiryuin discovers the [Primordial Life Fiber] as the company accounts for currently 99% of global apparel industry sales.

Behind the façade of a regular textile company, however, the company's goal is to assist [COVERS] in disseminating Life Fibers throughout the world.

Every piece of clothing issued by the company contains a small number of dormant Fibers, waiting to awaken and feed on their human wearers.

But as such a large conglomerate also has a large database about the majority of the human world even the japan system is in their database even knowing and tracking the people with its large political power however…

The existence of anyone not being found by the company power is unheard of and thus something, as these three people weren't even registered, was a surprise to the group.

When they heard that Tatsumi, Ruby, and Toga weren't even mentioned or recorded into the legal system until just today that surprised them.

But that made Satsuki curious about the Tatsumi group as she still held the club form Tatsumi have given her as she threw it over to Nonon as she addresses Nonon and Uzu, "Uzu and Nonon please be sure to authorize the anime and training club from our trouble maker himself Tatsumi as this club will be under the both of your control!"

Hearing this Uzu and Nonon grin at this.

This gave them the chance to meet Tatsumi in person to see what he can do, and they can ask to 'train' with him to get even by 'accident' occurring.

They both nodded at this to get their chance at him.

Satsuki then gives Ira confirmation papers and key apartment homes to one of the richer districts in Honnon City and confirmation papers as she says to him, "Gamagori you are to give these keys to the new student Tatsumi since he needs to be addressed on how this Club Meeting works and also ensure he knows all the rules better go now while classes are still in session."

Ira holding the keys and papers could only nod in determination as he agrees and leaves but not before saying to Satsuki, "It shall be done Satsuki-sama! But tell me can I be able to punish him for kissing you on the cheek! That is still unacceptable as someone like you Satsuki-sama!!"

Satsuki only shakes her head no as she explains to him the reason gripping her blade tightly as she expresses a cold expression on her face, "Gamagori I see no need for it because the next time he does so it will by my blade he will be kissing next if he tries that stunt again!"

Ira could only nod as he begins to rush towards the classroom where Tatsumi was to see it was over as he finally sees him, he acts accordingly to his profession.

By suddenly turning himself big in a comedic way he managed to surprise the chat members off guard as Ira already threw a key and papers to Ruby's direction to which she caught.

Ira was yelling at Tatsumi who was caught off guard and actually managed to jump scare Tatsumi says to him in a harsh and challenging voice, "Tatsumi! You are hereby punished by the Disciplinary Committee Chairman Ira Gamagori prepare yourself for punishment [Three-Star Goku Uniform: Shackle Reg–"

Unfortunately for Ira, he managed to surprise Tatsumi enough to scare him seeing a human turn big the next second that he punched his face with enough force to knock him out cold!

Seeing this turn of events Toga asks what Tatsumi did in shock, "Tatsumi what the hell was that reaction for!"

Tatsumi raising his arms up in defense explains to Toga in the same state of shock, "What the hell was I expecting from that! That guy literally got me by surprise by turning big I punched him out of jump scare instincts?!!"

With that the two of them arguing Ruby points out the key and confirmation papers she got and that got Toga and Tatsumi to cool down and see what happened.

Eventually they figured out what happen and left a note saying what was written 'Thank you for the keys and papers also sorry about punching you in the face you have a really punch able face I couldn't resist from yours truly Tatsumi… P.S. I'm not apologizing…'

With that the school day ends for Tatsumi and his group for the next day to happen…