Chapter 46: Skullgirls Pt.3

~Third POV~

After the events with Eliza and Cerebella Nadia showed Echidna and Erza the way around Little Innsmouth to a restaurant owned by Yu-Wan.

Yu-Wan is a Dragonian chief from the Dragon Empire as he owns a restaurant in Little Innsmouth as well as a friend with Nadia as well as Minette.

Nadia introduced the two to her friends as she explains to Yu-Wan how Erza and Echidna saved her from Medici goons hurting her and kidnapped her.

Surprise by this the two Dragonians offered their thanks for saving Nadia and treated them to a free meal and place to stay much to Echidna and Erza joy.

They both ate the food and were certainly surprised by the large amounts, but Echidna had the most fun since she ate all these new foods experiencing new things again.

Erza was the same as she is glad that they can eat for free before hunting down their enemy.

As they finish eating Erza gives her thanks to the safe, "Thank you very much Yu-Wan for the gracious meal."

Yu-Wan grins widely at this as he laughs at the compliments, "Ha ha ha! Your damn right young lady this place here is a great place to have your meals! Now then young ladies the next time you come here is free for any food since you have helped out Nadia. Nadia here is like family to us you see."

Echidna nods her head in agreement as she asks Nadia what was she doing, "True but Nadia what were you doing before you got captured anyway?"

Nadia looks at the both of them and tells her story of her reason, "I, uh… I was planning to get the Skull Heart to wish my friends back to the dead."

Like that Erza turns silent at this since she knew the consequences of using the skull heart can and will corrupt its user.

But she can't exactly deny that since if her members of Fairy Tail were killed or murdered she will do anything in her power to revive her friends but to revive Rob the person who taught her magic and protected her.

Erza understood what Nadia wanted but Echidna bluntly says her goals to Nadia, "Well that is certainly odd Ms. Fortune? I and Erza are actually on the search to find the Skullgirl to get the heart. We also happen to know where the location of those two areas well do you wish to join us?"

Nadia and Erza were certainly surprised about the offer as the two Dragonians were also surprised by the offer as Nadia asks Echidna with some hope in her voice, "What! You know where that skullgirl is!! In that case, can I tag along for the ride I really need that wish granted."

But that was until Echidna gave her a hard truth of the heart as she finishes off her meal, "But you do know that if you bring your friends back they will come back as abominations of nature are you positive of getting this wish of yours?"

Nadia was clearly angry but cooled herself off since they did save her so she lets go for now but then looks at Echidna in the eyes as she tells her off, "Yeah the Fishbone gang helped me out of a jam but I want to at least try to revive them."

Echidna merely smiles at this as she tells Nadia and shakes her hands confusing her, "Very well then Nadia welcome to the team searching for the Skullgirl. Erza are you ready to head out now?"

Erza nods her head as they both begin to leave as Nadia follows them in the search of the Skullgirl as they now begin to travel around the New Meridian City as the sun begins to set in the city.

Passing through the streets of New Meridian the three groups of women are viewing the large building surprising the wizard and witch.

Memorized by the events the two of them kept on going the way around the streets but they were surprised to see a large number of corpses are hunting down Medici punks and gangs with clear hate in their voices!

They see people running away from the corpses is when they see two people fighting off against a woman with red hair.

Echidna realizing what is happening at the scene she recognizes from the book the description of the three girls while the teenager and corpse are losing against the princess of this Kingdom, 'Ah! To meet these three this soon is certainly a good thing. Those three from my Gospel are Filia, Parasoul, and Squigly! I wonder how the both of them teamed up?'

Sienna Contiello, more commonly known as Squigly, is an undead girl, kept sentient thanks to her family's Parasite, [Leviathan].

Filia was once a normal schoolgirl, until one night, her hair was possessed by the Parasite named [Samson], resulting in amnesia.

Parasoul is the princess of the Renoir family, the rulers of the Canopy Kingdom, and the older sister of Umbrella. She is the daughter of King Franz and Queen Nancy, the previous Skullgirl, and wields the Living Weapon, [Krieg], in battle. Under her command are the Black Egrets.

Viewing the battle taking place it looks like Parasoul and her Black Egrets are dealing with the corpses as Parasoul commanded the two of them to surrender, "Corpse and school girl you are under arrest for the possession of Parasites in my Kingdom as such you either have the choice to leave them behind the parasite. As for you undead, you don't get the chance."

Filia just looks nervous as Samson argues to Filia, "Listen, Filia, we don't have much of a choice here it's either we fight or flee from here but the corpses won't let us…"

Squigly just tries to be ready to flee as well as Leviathan says to her, "My lady, I'm sorry for not defending you correctly from this."

Squigly replies to Leviathan using her telepathic ability with a smile, 'Don't worry Leviathan it's just I didn't expect these corpses to suddenly be here but we can't stop unless we get the Skullgirl first…'

Nadia, Erza, and Echidna viewing the scene before then Echidna answers for Erza and Nadia as she goes forward, "Say Erza can I take care of this at the moment? I see that these two are in trouble and that undead can lead us directly to the Skullgirl."

Nadia looks at Echidna as if she was crazy to head straight into a battlefield with corpses and military in the was crazy, "Wait!! You can't believe that you alone would take care of those guys that easily that is crazy kat talk here!"

Nadia looks over to Erza as she was expecting her to stop her but Erza holds her ground as she speaks to Echidna in a hurried voice, "Alright Echidna just make it quick alright we don't exactly have all day."

Nadia was clearly shocked to see that Erza had that much faith in her friend.

But what Erza wanted to see how strong exactly Echidna was since she only ever seen her in the anime or books of her world, she wants to see what she is capable of.

Echidna nodded her head as she began to move towards the area of she began to use her spell of [El Shamak] black smoke all in the streets of New Meridian City as the soldiers, corpses, and even the characters were all caught in the attack losing control of their bodies.

Next Echidna uses her [Shamak] to make everyone loses their senses of everything except their feet.

Being paralyzed and losing their senses everyone was stopped in place as Echidna waves her hand up in the air as she uses another spell, "Ahhh… here I thought it would be enjoyable but I certainly need these two girls with me princess since they could be helpful as for you corpses, [El Fura]."

Casting the spell [El Fura] the user unleashes a blade of wind, traveling at maximum velocity. It was noted that the attack couldn't be physically countered.

These wind blades quickly got ridden the large amounts of corpses into nothing more to flesh broken and unrepairable beyond compare now that was done with.

With that Echidna uses her [Authority of Sloth: Unseen Hand] to get Filia and Squigly as she was holding them in place in the air as Erza was impressed how effective Echidna was dealing with the corpses and the military.

Nadia has frozen in shock that one person was able to defeat a large number of enemies so easily without much with three moves only was shocking to her.

Echidna begins walking away from the scene as she used her magic to mess with the memories of the soldiers and Parasoul to forget what happened.

After that Echidna reaches with the group as they begin to walk towards the Skullgirl location as she says to both of them, "Come on ladies the day is still fading we have a skull girl to find and complete so let's get going already."

Nadia and Erza both shrug their shoulders as the people in the streets are no longer there anymore since the corpses overrun the streets.

As they begin to walk forward to their destination Echidna looks over to Filia and Squigly regaining their senses and look at Echidna, Nadia, and Erza group with them captured.

Before they could do anything Echidna says to the both of them cheerfully, "Well hello there Squigly and Filia it's a pleasure to meet you were on our way to defeat the Skullgirls would you like to join with us?"

Filia was first to disagree since she wanted to use the wish as Nadia also voices her opinion of using the wish herself.

However, Squigly nodded to agree to destroy the Skull Heart since it needed to be destroyed.

Erza seeing this sighs as she asks Nadia and Filia a serious question, "Tell me are you dead set of using the Skull Heart to use it for your own wishes?"

Filia then begins to explain to her that she needs to use the wish to regain her memories as Nadia stated she needed to do this to revive her friends.

Echidna smiles at this as she looks over to Filia as she offers her a deal, "Say Filia how about this if you help us out I will tell you everything about your past no lies."

Filia looks surprised as Samson tried to lie about it only for Echidna to use [Shamak] on him much to Leviathan's joy of silence as Filia thought it over but she asks her in a serious voice, "… Tell me are you honest about keeping your promise?"

Echidna nods her head as Erza further support her.

Echidna even tells her about the past using key words like Carol that triggered a flashback for Filia as she sweated a bit and held her head in pain as she remembers bits of her past.

Now that what Echidna says was the truth, she nodded her head in agreement as Echidna was now done holding them hostage as she places them to the ground.

After that they done their introductions to each other as they are now done, they are now in front of the church now heading inside to finish the quest with either Filia, Squigly, or Nadia as possible members for the chat group.