Chapter 51: Plot Twist!

~Third POV~

In the morning of Honnoji Academy as everyone was going to their classes Satsuki was on the top of her stage as she announces to Ryuki Matoi above her shining brilliantly, "You finally came, Matoi Ryuko!!"

Ryuko got annoyed, Mako looked confused along with some of the chat group members with her Tatsumi, Ruby, and Toga thinking the same conclusion with blank looks, 'Drama queen.'

Satsuki then begins to go down the steps getting closer to the down level with the students as she begins to speak to Ryuko, "The one who that we'll settle it the next time is you isn't it!!"

Ryuko responds angrily but not as much but the anger was there, "To think that you remembered?"

Satsuki stands proud as she wears her new Kamui to Ryuko with an expressionless expression, "Rejoice you will be my first sacrifice to my Junketsu Matoi."

Ryuko just smirks as she readies her own Kamui in a challenging matter with a hint of arrogance, "Hmph! Purity? Are you sure you have something pure?!"

Satsuki doesn't respond but she and Ryuko activated their Kamui's as the chat members move back away from the destined fight to happen.

After her first clash with Ryuko, Satsuki donned the Kamui Junketsu and was able to force the blood-thirsty uniform to bow to her will.

Her utter lack of shame at her appearance also allowed her to immediately attain Junketsu's Life Fiber Override and true form.

Under Junketsu's power, Satsuki is granted incredible power, and even the smallest of attacks are capable of causing exceptional devastation.

She is also capable of altering Kamui's shape, as seen when she altered one of her shoulder guards into a drill to attack Ryuko.

However, due to her inability to overcome the human race's resistance to the Life Fibers, she is unable to fully synchronize with her Junketsu, thus being shy of its full power and capabilities, while exerting greater pressure and fatigue on her body.

But the two look at each other as Satsuki raised her single sword made out of life fibers [Secret Sword Bakuzan] while Ryuko brings out one of her scissors as they both point their blades as they glare at each other down.

Satsuki holds her blade to Ryuko with a strong will to overthrow the Life Fibers and Ryuko holds her scissor blade to her with a rebellious nature towards her sister to vent out her frustrations at her.



That was when they both dashed towards each other with their blades coming into contact!



Each clash Ryuko and Satsuki have made was enough to create sonic booms in the air enough to blow everyone away from each other as they can't come near them except for the chat group members.

Looking at the battle with the blades coming in contact with each other Ruby was the first to comment about a battle with humans, "WOW! Is this what's it like to fight people from other worlds without Aura or Semblances just baffles me but… to see it in real life is something…"

Tatsumi took this moment to smirk at the scene before him as he comments to Ruby's previous question, "Well this is to be expected as the protagonist plus I did help out Ryuko a bit as well in the process…"

Toga took that chance to comment on Tatsumi's response with a raised eyebrow while getting closer to his arm holding him between her chest, "Really? I didn't think you would help her out that much and the armor seems to be more… finer I suppose?"

Tatsumi just looks over to Toga noticing her advances and does nothing to get rid of it as he replies to her with a smug look, "Well… I may have helped Ryuko become a cheat in this fight with my help a bit he he he."

While the chat members were talking away Ryuko and Satsuki have been fighting nonstop for a long while now as Satsuki noticed something very wrong about the scenario befall her.

But Satsuki began to notice her new strength as she says to herself enough for Ryuko to hear her, "Amazing… this is the power of the Kamui? Even though you possess such power. Is this all you got? Huh, Matoi?"

Satsuki quickly took that moment to hit Ryuko with the but of her katana, as she says to her face to face, "You are just a lump of meat forced into the Kamui… in that case…"


With the hit of her but of her sword, Ryuko was sent flying as she managed to catch herself from the air skiting across the ground slowing down the momentum of Satsuki's throw showing a train of her slowing down…

Satsuki narrows her eyes seeing Ryuko recover this quickly but noticed her but of her sword has cuts but chose to ignore it as she rushes towards her as she says in a disgusted tone, "But I'm unlike you!! I have already mastered wearing Junketsu!!!"


"He he he he…"

That was when Satsuki heard small laughter coming off from Ryuko as she guarded herself against Satsuki Bakuzan with her blade with sparks coming off from it, "He he he he… you say you mastered Junketsu right? Well hate to break it to you big sis but that is nowhere near my strength now… Let me show you how to 'wear' a Kamui to the fullest! Right, Senketsu!!!"

Senketsu hearing this responded with much vigor to Ryuko, "Yes Ryuko! Let's teach your big sis how to wear a Kamui!"

With the clash, they both backed off from the recoil of the attacks as they managed to get some distance from each other, but Satsuki now noticed a troubling issue…

Matoi has gotten strong and her [Secret Sword Bakuzan] has noticeable scratch marks from coming into contact with Ryuko Kamui.

That was when she finally noticed that Matoi is much braver and more powerful than normal something was clearly wrong here…

Satsuki then avoided another attack from Ryuko as she noticed that her attacks were getting faster and faster as she thought in shock, 'Impossible… Matoi wasn't able to be this efficient in battle before and nor was she uncaring for her looks… something must have happened since yesterday…'

To which Satsuki's assumption is correct in her case.

Ryuko notices that Satsuki despite in her Kamui was struggling as a smug look appears on her face as she thought to herself, 'Ha! I'm really glad that Tatsumi has helped me out from the start now. Although I don't really like him using a command on me at least it was to help me and Senketsu form our bond stronger by making him command me to be shameless when I wear Senkentsu and that helped me a lot.'

True before Ryuko went to bed Tatsumi surprised her by entering inside to help her out to get stronger against the fight with Satsuki so he used a command to her to be shameless about her Senketsu.

The command that Tatsumi used his [Final Command] on her was to fully trust Senketsu as a result made her not be shameful wearing Senketsu.

With that command it made her be shameless wearing it as Ryuko hugged Tatsumi for helping her out but that wasn't all…


As the fight kept on progressing forward Satsuki noticed that she was the one getting tired as she asks Ryuko how she got this strong just yesterday, "Huff… Matoi… you weren't this strong nor were you this brave to wear your Senketsu before what changed?"

Ryuko and Tatsumi just smirk at this as she begins to show off a bit and an early technique is soon shown, "Let's just say I joined a group and helped me get stronger but let's takes this to the next level shall we Satsuki? Senketsu are you ready?"

Senketsu hearing this and their bond growing stronger the second of their [Life Fiber Synchronize] he says to Ryuko, "Alright Ryuko even though Tatsumi created for me Life Fibers for me to eat with his Authority this well be a new experience for me as well but let's do it!"

With that as the clashing between Kamui users kept on going blowing away any students nearby as Ryuko moves away from Satsuki as she began to word out her new form, "Alright Satsuki how about you take this on! [Senketsu Shippu]!"

Then a bright flash of light formed around Ryuko and Senketsu started to change and heard a sound…


A sound that only belongs to…



Flying up in the sky was Ryuko in her alternate form using Senketsu [Senketsu Shippu].

[Senketsu Shippu]: Senketsu's flying form. The bottom part of the uniform becomes jet propulsion, and the crest (Senketsu's "eyes") becomes wings.

However, in this far of the story Ryuko never had enough Life Fibers to use this form early on that was when Tatsumi helped her out…

Using his [Authority of Lust: Change and Variation] using any materials nearby or food turning into Life Fibers was enough fresh exp for Senketsu to absorb to get her forms earlier in the series.

But that wasn't all Tatsumi made sure to change the Life Fibers to have another perk of having them have the World Severing Strings from his world making sure Senketsu is fully prepared for Nui a nasty surprise trying to cut his life fibers would make her cut her finger.

Tatsumi will use any means to get stronger so he helped Ryuko to supply her with an endless supply of Life Fibers created with his Authority of Lust for her Senketsu to absorb it for him and Ryuko to get stronger.

So in short they cheated their way to power and strength.

Back to the fight, Satsuki looked for the first time in a while shocked to see Ryuko flying in the sky something she has never seen her do before as Ryuko mocks her, "Sorry Satsuki but I have the high ground now!"

With that Ryuko procced to go towards Satsuki as she avoided the attack of a crash bomb towards her only for Ryuko to notice that she crashed to the ground as Satsuki examines what her words meant.

Everyone in the chat group could only slam their hand to their faces as Tatsumi laughs awkwardly at Ryuko, "Sure I did help her get stronger by giving her an endless supply of Life Fibers to Senketsu to eat to grow strong but she still needs to train her forms to be effective ha ha ha ha…"

But her eyes grew wide as her gazes were now towards the Tatsumi group as he gave her a kiss in the air and a smug look and read his lips saying, 'Yes I did help her out a little bit.'

Satsuki could only grit her teeth in clear dissatisfaction knowing a single day was enough for Ryuko to jump this much and overpower her was insane.

Unreal to her but…

Satsuki smirks at this and thinks to herself of the results of one-day training with Tatsumi club would provide to her as it did to Ryuko her little sister, 'Ryuko has grown too powerful in just a single day… and she says she joined a club which means under a day Tatsumi has trained her to use a Kamui in such a quick pace its unfair for me to even win if I fought on now…"

Ryuko manages to get off the ground and back to the air as she looked embarrassed at herself for the first time use of [Senketsu Shippu] as she scratches the back of her head, "Eh… not what I expected for a first time use of my new form but at least it works right Senketsu?"

Senketsu took that moment to scold Ryuko in a harsh tone, "Yup. I knew we were not ready for it yet the [Senketsu Shippu] in such a drastic and unnecessary way but at least we know it works then that means the other forms as well."

Ryuko nods her head in agreement as she heard the sound of Satsuki surprising everyone, "Very well Matoi I surrender."


That was what held the entire Honnoji Academy has befallen the students and even the chat members…

They all said the next words that made sense even Ryuko, "WHHAAATTT!!!!!"

But what happens next was Ryuko goes towards Satsuki both powered down as Ryuko says to Satsuki with a raised eyebrow but expressing a smirk, "Ok I won't ask since if the fight kept going on you would've lost right?"

Satsuki places her hand on her forehead as she admits it to Matoi, "Sigh… yes if I continued to fight you I would've lost since Tatsumi has helped you this much I would lose even if I had mastered my Junketsu but appears that won't be enough…"

Ryuko smirks at this as she asks Satsuki with a smirk across her face, "Hell yeah it was! But since you lost you will tell me everything alright Satsuki and can you fulfill one request of mine?"

Now everyone heard that was curious to hear what was the request as Satsuki asked in a curious voice, "Very well what would you like to request from me then?"

Ryuko goes over her ear as this was private for her to hear as Satsuki was surprised that out of all people it was Matoi to begin this, "I want in. I want to kill our mother as well so I request to join your Student Council to have more time with my family and form an alliance with the Tatsumi group."