Chapter 64: Overkill

~Tatsumi POV~

As we were getting down from the explosion attack, we arrived at the fourth level of Impel Down and quite frankly the very scary one.

Blazing Hell is the fourth level of Impel Down in which prisoners are kept.

At this level, a pool lies filled with boiling blood heated by a raging fire making it extremely hot.

The heat caused by this is so intense that it also heats the level directly above it.

If one tries to jump down to this level from Level 3 using the large hole used for ventilation above but does not land in a safe place, then they will die.

Prisoners from other levels are regularly tortured here.

The most prevalent form of torture however is being thrown into the gigantic pot of boiling blood in the middle of the level.

Other tortures involve prisoners being hung from ropes around their stomachs on masse and being dangled over the raging flames throughout the level and being put to back-breaking hard labor by supplying giant logs of firewood to keep the flames going.

Guards on this level must don protective gear to avoid being hurt by the intense heat, as it is strong enough to sear bared flesh.

Seeing all of this happening to the prisoners being quite literally boiled alive was something I don't intend to see again.

Glancing over to Ruby and Toga aren't taking it that well but then again they have modern ways to deal with bad guys just never to this extent.

The rest however seem to have a better mind against this but I can see they are disgusted on how they treat their prisoners.

I for one don't care much more rather focus on the mission at hand because currently Luffy and his group should be busy dealing with one of the Jailers the minotaur at this moment.

Seeing Ruby and Toga is shaken up by the situation I heard Erza comfort the young huntress and hero in making, "Ruby and Toga don't worry and for whatever we see please be headstrong ok can you do that for me?"

The both of them calmed down as they managed to keep themselves together as they nodded then Ryuko commented on the place, "Damn reading it is one thing but to see it is another? I'm really glad that we don't have something like this back home right sis?"

Satsuki then responded to Ryuko as they both started to transform into their Kamui because of the heat, "Yes I think we should be glad we don't have to worry about any threats but this heat on the other hand is rather suffocating isn't?"

The members nodded except for me and Erza why?

I'm literally an adaptive monster that is to be expected.

Erza is still wearing her [Bear Set] and its built heat resistance armor.

Of course, the others are feeling the heat but not bad enough to get actually damaged thank god for the RWBY universe of [Aura] protecting our clothes and bodies from the environment.

As we were observing the area and no way to know where we go next Echidna then asks us to follow to the left, "Everyone! From what I got by my gospel if we go to the left side of here, we can reach the stairs of Fifth Level but…"

Oh right, the guards…

If I remember correctly if we head to the entrance of the area, we will meet up with Sadi and her three Jailer Beasts if were following canon.

Before we could react, we see that we were spotted by the prison guards coming toward us as I open up my bubble shield, "There they are! The intruders are here going towards the stairs to the fifth level stop them!"

Well, there goes for being nice.

As they came to attack us our range fighters in our group started to fire their attacks while I helped as well roaring scream sending in a [Sonic Scream] coming out from my mouth!


Ruby using her [Crescent Rose] to snipe down concentrated spirit energy shots on non-lethal towards the group!


Echidna and Beatrice using their magic to attack them!

"[El Minya]!"

Then Toga using her devil fruit ability to launch out boulder size fireballs towards the guards as her tails launched them out!

"[Nine Tails: Fire Balls]!"


These attacks alone was overkill for the guards but not kill them since they are doing their jobs.

That caused some smokescreen to appear as we see that guards were out cold and we all began to rush towards the direction where Echidna pointed earlier.

We all got over to the location as instructed but damn these guards didn't stand a chance with us having these range and the firepower to match.

There was no competition as Ryuko notices something as she speaks to the group, "Hey guys not to tempt fate or anything but haven't these guards been you know weak?"

Then it was Erza turn to respond to Ryuko question with her answer, "Maybe because we're stronger than them with our bonus from the rewards or our odd equipment I mean everyone is wearing a uniform made out of 40% life fiber which by the way Tatsumi thank you very much."

Responding to Erza response I nodded my head to her.

During my spare time, I made everyone wear the 40% lifeform uniform for everyone to wear to get the physical boost they needed.

Plus, with the healing Gems, I made sure to prepare ahead of time before the mission started.

As we were heading down the direction to the stairs of the fifth level was when we all noticed another one of the guards and her three awakened zoan users.

Sadi smirks at us as she licks her lips as she raises her whip in our direction as she orders them with a playful tone, "Oh! It looks like I get to keep my fun soon as we capture these intruders now then boys… Whip! Catch those intruders so that we can gather information and torture them!"

Everyone narrowed their eyes at her as the three-jailer beast which consisted of a zebra, koala, and Rhino come towards us with maces.

Seeing that they are coming at us we all tried out our strongest attacks first.

I mean we are up against Awakened Zoan users might as well go all in!

Quickly changing into my [Five-Star Goku Uniform: Tyrant Regalia] and using my [Dark Speed] I quickly rushed over to one of the jail beasts the zebra as I caught it surprised as I then use my [Pink State] to enhance my strength again as I was already near it above its head with my fist coated in condensed spirit energy bubble as well as use the momentum from my speed to increase the damage.


The best kind of attack is the one you go all out one!

But I didn't stop there I used my [Authority of Sloth: Unseen Hand] to have 10 hands appeared with a bubble of condensed spirit energy bubble coated on the fist.

After all these devil fruit users have a weakness in spirit energy right?

Best to exploit it to the fullest.

As Sadi noticed me above her beast with other hands having the same spirit coating she pales as she tries to defend herself…











The rest of the chat group members defended themselves from the attack as Echidna and Erza defended against the attack Tatsumi has done to Sadi and her troops.

As I look above the destruction, I see that the beast jailers were knocked out from the noticeable bruises they have and Sadi was still alive wounded with some of her clothes burned off from her revealing some skin but otherwise ok from her heart still beating.

The members were glaring at me as they all yell in unison to me, "Next time warn a girl before god damn launching that explosion!!!"

Next was Ryuko to yell at me for the surprising ending, "Hey dumbass why the hell did you take them out maybe next time leave some fights for us damn it!!"

I simply shrugged at her, but I then reply to her in a blank voice, "Why not just end the fight besides the best way to end one is overkill. Heh heh heh…"

What they have never seen a person deal with a group of people overpowering them.

As I descended down to their level, I then apologized at least for not warning them in advanced.

After we were done dealing with Sadi and her group we all see to the next destination of next floor level of Impel Down.

We all started to head down to the next step of the level.