Chapter 71: New Visit Pt.2

~Echidna POV~


This place is truly filled with magic and brilliant history.

I have to admit coming to this place is certainly more different than I expected it to be.

Currently, I'm inside Erza private home as we both enjoyed each other company as we both enjoyed some tea and strawberry cake.

When I heard Tatsumi was busy going to Toga world to hang out with Ruby I had to get the first chance I can get into Erza world.

Sure, staying in my library would help me discover more about these devil fruits would be more fruitful but there was no way I'm missing out on the chance to learn the different laws of Erza homeland of magic.

And frankly, for me, Erza happened to need my help with her mother's problem so as a bonus I help a friend out and she can show me around her town.

It's a win and wins for me.

As we enjoyed each other company Erza was the first to speak in a normal dress as she says to me in a happy tone, "Thank you for coming here Echidna I know you would be rather doing experiments on those devil fruits but once again thank you for coming."

I nodded my head as I replied to Erza with a happy expression as I brought out my gospel of this world knowledge, "Of course dear I was intending to visit your world for a while now but never had the chance till today that is."

And why wouldn't I?

Getting to learn the magic of this world as well as help a friend out is a nice time away from Tatsumi and helping the staff.

You know something normal for a change of pace.

Erza laughed at my response as she took a bite of her strawberry cake as she spoke, "Ah yes. I forget you live in Tatsumi world from now is that right? Have you always wondered if you returned home Echidna?"


Oh, dear gods no never in a million years I would let that happen.

They will all have me gunning for my head in a witch trial and that blasted dragon as well.

Fuck that shit I'm out!

Shaking my head, no towards Erza I replied to her with disdain about my world as politely as possible with an innocent grin, "In all honesty no and never. Those barbarians are far too demanding to be helped when I tried it a whole clan of fanatics of Envy was named overwriting our name."

Erza blinks at me as she sighs out loud of my apparent hate about my world, "Well I suppose that makes fair sense in your world you guys have been persecuted by the people before your breakdown yes?"

I simply nodded my head now I won't say I'm completely innocent but I was forced driven to help these people in my world and what do I get in return.

Nothing but fucking trouble good grief they are annoying.

I for one am glad that I'm free from all of that trash of trouble good riddance honestly.

Erza just shakes her head as she began to ask me a few questions about my living conditions with Tatsumi, "Alright how about we go to a different topic then how are your living conditions with Tatsumi anyway?"

My living conditions with that young man?

Pondering over my thoughts I replied to Erza with a sheepish smile, "Well I would say it's been entirely pleased with that young man around quite honestly he treats me with respect and like an equal. Even though I lounge around his home wearing my underwear he always respects my stay there so pretty good I have to say."

I see Erza going red with her face creating smoke?

Is that woman alright?

Did I say something wrong here?

Next, I heard Erza say to me after calming down from what I said as she spoke in an embarrassed tone, "Say Echidna does Tatsumi always see you in your underwear at times?"

Shaking my head Erza sighs out a breath of relief before I said to her in clear confusion that shocked her, "Not all the time sometimes when I'm busy with my researching or creating new equipment I sometimes go in the nude is that something wrong here?"

Just like that Erza was now blushing at me with the color bright red what?

Was it something I said it wasn't weird for me to do that is it?

I tilted my head towards Erza as she sighs out a breath then glare at me saying to me in a strict tone, "Sigh… Echidna you and I will be having talking about being dressed all the time except not wearing underwear or going in the nude in public. You got that!!"


Tilting my head in clear confusion I then asked the original topic that I came here for with Erza on my trip to her world, "Ok…? But how about we start with finding help for your mother's condition first ok?"

That got her out of her funk as we began to discuss the magic, I have gotten from my gospel to help her, "Right sorry will discuss for another time. Anyway, now to the topic at hand is there any magic that can help my mother Irene get her sanity again or any knowledge that can help me out."

Ah yes, Erza does need help with her mother.

Nodding my head, I began to look through this world's magic and I have to say all of these are simply awe-inspiring and ingenious at the same time.

Even with my intellect, I could take some literal years to master these spells and magic circles as it describes but that is because I simply don't have the origins of these wizards but a gate instead.

But the principle should be the same for me to use so it's possible.

I should take a look at that for another time let's see a magic spell to help the insane alike or in this case a crazy driven mother.


Well, it looks like I may have found a few but if it is bringing her mother back to normal then these two will do the trick if possible.

Erza seeing my expression soon ask me with some hope in her voice, "Echidna did you found the magic to help me out here?"

I nodded to her as I gave her two versions of how it should be possible, "I have two that come to mind that would be the [Maguilty Sense] that will force you to have the same senses as your mother to have an understanding or [Memory Magic] to help delete some old ones of sorts or repair her memories of insanity by remembering your birth that should be enough to snap some senses into your crazy mother."

Erza blinks at me with some confusion but then bows to me with some gratitude in her voice as she spoke to me, "Echidna can you please teach me those magic spells, please! I know someone smart as you can teach me if you were given time yes I will do what I can to learn."


What the hell Erza calm yourself down woman!

Clearly, this is getting out of hand too fast I told Erza in a quick but calm tone, "Relax there woman. These spells are only a few I found there are bound to be more to search for considering your world rich history of magic castors it may take a while to find the right one?"

And I'm not kidding as well these will certainly take some time to find out.

I just need a few months to get some of the notes and some of the understanding of magic then I can get a better grasp of a better solution.

I need time to make it work I'm no instant miracle worker damn it!

Erza looked at me with some shame as she says to me in a sad tone, "I see… sorry about that I thought I was going to get my answer soon…"

I quickly bow down to her level as I place my finger from stopping her as I said to Erza with a happy voice, "Don't worry so much young lass. We have plenty of time to research your answer all I asked are possible answers to help your mother not guarantee ones. And you forget young Erza Scarlet…"

Erza seems confused as I brought myself up straight waving my arms to the sides in the air as I dramatically say to her, "You have the Witch of Greed on your side a knowledge seeker and the super genius of magic. All I need is time to get your answer my young padawan!"

Erza just looks at me with a deadpan expression as she says to me in a bored tone, "You Echidna are spending too much time with Toga and Ryuko right?"

Slumping down I simply replied to her in a defeated tone, "Yeah… wanna help learn magic with me…"

Erza smiled as she got back up getting some papers and books for the search, "Yeah just let me get some books and paper along with a quill and ink."


I guess we should start cracking the magic then.

Time to do some magic research.