His Pet

"Did I do something bad? I shouldn't have killed the poor little rabbit?"

Zhang Yong was just in his thoughts when Fuzzy came near him. 

"Oh here! This is for you." 

With a heavy heart, he put the rabbit in front of Fuzzy. This time too he bent down and brought his face closer to the rabbit. He kept on looking at the rabbit for some time. 

"You don't even like this?" Zhang Yong asked Fuzzy. 

He was still waiting to see whether Fuzzy would like it or not. There was some hope in his eyes. 

Fuzzy didn't reply to him and stared at the rabbit for one more minute. Zhang Yong was now sure that Fuzzy didn't like to eat that rabbit too. He sighed, "I got excited over nothing." 

Just as he was about to turn away and move away from there he saw Fuzzy sitting down there on the ground. 

"What are you doing?" 

Fuzzy made himself comfortable there on the ground and just as he did he pushed the rabbit towards himself. 

His sharp claws grapple the rabbit's hinds. Then by sinking his long, sharp, and curved canines into the rabbit's neck, strangling it, he started to eat it. 

"Yay! You like to eat this." 

Zhang Yong also squatted down on the ground, "Then... if you like to eat meat. Why didn't you eat me?" 


As usual, no reply came from Fuzzy's side. He only kept on eating the rabbit quietly. 

"What? You don't even wanna reply to me?.... Who am I even kidding?" 

He rolled his eyes and sat down on the ground beside Fuzzy. 

'Maybe because I was good with you so you didn't decide to eat me. Hehe. Right? " Zhang Yong smiled widely, showing his teeth to Fuzzy who ignored him completely. 

Zhang Yong pushed himself back on the ground and sat down while holding his knees tightly to his chest. He started to stare at Fuzzy eating as he was the most interesting thing to see in this world. 

It's not like he was hungry, he wasn't hungry as he already had those big grapes but seeing a lion eating like this never in his life he thought that one day he would be able to see a lion this closely and that too as his pet. 

'I still feel like this is all a dream. Like how can this be a reality?" He chuckled a little," Who would believe me if I were to go back and tell people that all this happened to me?"

Soon realization hit him and his face again fell as he thought, 'Will I even be able to go back home?' 

'What home actually?' 

'Do I even have a home?' 

'Do I even have someone who would be waiting for me?' 

'Why am I even alive? What's the purpose of my life?' 

He started to pity himself. 

'Why am I even that afraid? What's the worst thing that could happen to me now? I could die? That would be better than this life.' 

'I have nothing more to lose in my life than what am I even scared of? I..... I should. I should stop getting this scared.' 

His mind was wandering around thinking about his current condition. What would he have to do to get out of that situation and how would he find that soul of his? 

He was in a fight with himself to push away his fears and not get scared but then a part of him was scared. Scared of what might happen next? What type of future would be waiting for him? 

The thing that he saw two Oni's as soon as he came here had him more worried and scared, "What more would I get to see here?" Fear was evident on his face, "I should hurry up and try to get out of here as soon as possible. I am not going to be this lucky every time." 

Fuzzy was just resting after feeding himself. His eyes were closed and it felt like he was sleeping but he wasn't. Zhang Yong also knew that he was still awake and was just getting a rest.

"We will... 

We would have to find that soul. You can take a rest and after some time we will start finding it." 

Fuzzy still didn't open his eyes and kept on laying there. 

Zhang Yong sighed and laid down on the ground. His head was resting on his both hands and his face was up, looking at the sky. 

He again started to think where he should go now. From where he should start his journey. From where he would be able to find his soul. These thoughts were making him reckless. "What should I do?" 

"God! Please help me. I don't know where I should go now. What should I do? Who can answer my questions now?" 

He was just in his thoughts when all of a sudden he saw a big bird flying in the air. The bird was so big that when he flew over Zhang Yong his shadow fell on him. 

Zhang Yong's eyes widened when he realized how big that thing flying over him was. 

He was three times bigger than Zhang Yong and seeing him he couldn't help but get scared. Within one second he was up from the ground and was looking at the big bird with horror and terror in his eyes but just then two more birds came flying from the back and all of them were now flying over Zhang Yong and Fuzzy in circles. 

They were  ...