Winning It


Zhang Yong smirked at that man laying in front of him with no life left inside him. 

Every one was still looking at her with disbelief and with wide eyes. 

Zhang Yong also glanced at Senior Zhang Yong only to see them standing in front of him now. 

No one was fighting any more, every thing felt halted there. All the demons also just vanished away. 

Zhang Yong was just looking here and there when all of a sudden he realized that those demons just vanished away. With confusion, he took some steps back not knowing exactly what was going on in front of him. 

"Where did every one else go?" 

He still didn't know what to do but then he looked at Senior Zhang Yong through the corner of her eyes. 

He nodded his head reassuring him that what he did was okay and he had won the fight. 

"I won?" Zhang Yong pointed his fore finger towards himself and asked with a glint of happiness in his eyes.