His Bite

Senior Zhang Yong was running behind him but while running he was finding a place to hide and then his eyes fell on a big long log. 

"Zhang!" He immediately called out for Zhang Yong who turned a little to see why he called for him. 

"Let's go there." 

He didn't yell out loud nor point at it openly. Just he pointed towards the log with his face. 

Zhang Yong immediately understood what Senior Zhang Yong was saying and nodded his head. The next moment they turned their directions and started to run towards the log. 

Both of them ran as fast as they could fearing that those eagles would come down any minute. This thought was enough to frighten them more and they ran towards the log more fastly. 

Before those eagles could even come near them they were inside the log. Just as they went inside they realized that Fuzzy wouldn't be able to come inside the log as the log was way shorted than that big lion.